O.S Conformist Ways(Firkle O.S)

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OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS ONE SHOT IT'S SO CUTE XD. OK. song is perfect by simple plan go follow kaadianSmear on Devianart her art inspires my one shots XD. 

Age 6(one year after current south park)

Have you ever looked around you and realized how much life just utterly sucks. I mean... Seriously, have you? You're surrounded by people that you don't like and there's no choice but to tolerate them... I rather stick razor blades in my eye sockets than be at the park with these conformist kids, I don't even know anyone of them. Of course, the other goths don't give a shit, Henri and Michael are all kissing. Yeah, pretty conformist, Pete's doing graffiti on the bathroom roof but wouldn't take me with him because it's too dangerous, suck my balls asshole! Dangerous??? Just admit it, you don't want to babysit the kid. Yeah, I've heard you conformists call me that before. Screw you. Whatever I guess I could try to enjoy the park, I mean it's not like Henrietta and Michael do this all the time. 

I drag my sorry butt off the floor from under the slide and go to the see-saw. Of course, there are already two kids there. I muster up all the courage inside me I hide the hatred in me. I hide the knife that is in my front pocket in my jacket. "Can I play next," I mutter beneath gritted teeth. The two kids look at me for a second then laugh. 

"No way!"

"Get lost kid, you don't belong here!" They laugh some more and I can't help but sigh. I step forward and their laughter stops.

I get the knife in my hands and roll up my pants. "Uh, can you stand up conformist?" His eyes never leave the switchblade in my hands, he gets up and I sit on the floor with my rolled up pants and make a really tiny but nasty looking cut on my knee. 

"What are you-" I don't let the conformist finish his question, I scream.

"OWWWW! MICHAEL!" I scream to the top of my lungs, hide the knife, and give the two kids who are now on their feet stepping away from the see-saw a dull look. "MICHAEL IT HURTS!" I keep screaming and in the time intervals where I take a break to breathe, I give my 'friends' a little smirk. "THEY PUSHED ME! MICHAEL!" I howl.

"No... We didn't do any-" He can't process what's happening fast enough, Michael's here in seconds along with Pete and Henri. Forced tears are streaming down my cheeks, I hate that my mascara's running but oh well.

"What? What happen?" He looks at the two shocked kids in front of me then to my badly 'scraped' knee. His face is so distorted with anger and worry it even makes me shiver. Henrietta kneels over to take a closer look Pete looks away, pussy.  She roughens up my hair cleans the cut and slips a band-aid over my knee. "Get in the car." Michael hisses. I nod reluctantly sniffling as Henrietta wraps her arm around my shoulder. We walk away but before I get into Henrietta's mom's car I look back at the two kids with my biggest smile and mouth 'fuck you.'

age 9

The teacher in my class is fucking weird, no I don't say that because he's gay. He's just a crude dumb conformist. Yesterday he called the whole class a bunch of dumbasses because we didn't know how to divide. Only one kid knew, his name's Ike and damn does that conformist piss me off. I mean, he's 8! Seriously how can life get anymore suckier? Conformists like them make life as black as my soul. When I went to Michael's place today I saw him alone which is weird since Henrietta and he are like pretzels, you know tied together or whatever. He seemed a little depressed, I guess she dumped him. Oh well, who the fuck cares, I really didn't I sure as hell didn't ask. He's 13 he can take care of himself. The weird thing is though, his room is a lot more different than I remember the last time. There aren't that many things up on the walls. My eyes stopped at a crude crayon drawing hanging just above his bed. While Michael was busy looking at his phone, probably expecting a text or call, I walked over to look at the drawing. Why the hell was it so familiar?

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