Satan's Son(Damienxreader)

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Dedicated this to creepy_rianneMID for requesting Damien. Song by The Wanted it's called Found You. Damien at side anime style.


Being the son of God's worst enemy is a lot of pressure. I'm always reeking havoc on the world never allowed to truly belong anywhere. The only friend I've managed to make is a British boy named Pip. We're both tortured by the other boys that's the only thing we have in common. It takes everything in me not to kill him. He's a pussy and unlike me takes the tauntings sitting down.

I was sitting in class not really doing anything. I wasn't the type of guy to grow up to be a lawyer. I was the son of Satan. No one would hire me! I chuckled at the thought. That was the least of my problems. I strolled in the class avoiding all the glares. I was only admired by the goth kids, and only one person didn't entirely glare besides Pip. Everyone chatted away and I was left with my work. The boys were throwing spit balls, crumbled paper and paper planes at me but I didn't care. I knew soon father would pass judgment on them. I knew if I was left with my thoughts for too long though I'd feel a faint pain in the pit of my stomach. I began to search for something to keep my mind busy so not to be left alone with my thoughts. Pip had his head down as they threw things at him. I could see gum stuck in his hair and spit balls. I looked away knowing I didn't want to get attached to the poor kid.

My eyes locked onto some delicate (e/c) ones. I steadied my gaze on her as she stared at me with a smile. Something that was foreign to me. "I'm ___. Who are you?" She mouthed and I mouthed back a response.

"I'm Damien son of Satan!" I put my arms up about to laugh maniacally when she giggled. I stared at her confused. "What?" I asked. She blushed, mouthing to me.

"You're cute when you try and be evil." She said. With that I looked back to the board. Try? I was evil I was in fact pure evil, I wasn't trying I was... This girl was crazy and I wanted nothing more to do with her. 

I sat down at the bench with Pip. We didn't speak but as long as he didn't glare, I was alright. I began to eat my lunch when a meatball was thrown at my head. I turned around trying to find the culprete. Everyone avoided my eyes except for a girl at a back table all by herself. I had seen her there several times but barely paid her any thought. I found myself staring at her but another meatball broke my trance. I faced Eric Cartman as he snickered. He grew silent as I threw my tray at him and began to make lunch tables fly. Everyone ducked trying to avoid my rage. It was my job though. Only one person didn't bother and that was ___.

She walked straight in the line of fire towards me. Food splattering her face and clothes. It didn't phase her as she approached me. I was confused but decided to continue my rage. I was so fixated on trying to smash Cartman with a table I hadn't realized how close she was to me. She wrapped her arms around me pulling me close. I was confused and everything fell flat on the floor. "I know how it feels to be alone.." She whispered in my ear. A single tear rolled down her cheek soaking mine. "Don't do this, it hurts more than being alone." She said gripping me tighter. Everyone watched in awe as she hugged me.

"Please Damien don't try and be evil..." I stepped back. I looked away.

"I am evil!" She grabbed my hand before I could walk away.

"I love you." She said pulling me into another hug. This time when I broke away she kissed me, and my eyes shut. We continued to kiss and after I accepted it my eyes pried open. I pinched her in the stomach which made her squeal and gasp. I took the chance to slip her the tongue. I wasn't ever alone like ___ had been but it was pretty close and in her eyes I was her savior.

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