Monster Inside Me(Kylexreader)

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Dedicated to South_Ruby for requesting Kyle. The song is Monster by Skillet. Picture of Kyle and Jersey Kyle I don't own it. I suck at drawing XD just a side note I dont condone tge actions in this chapter I wrote it a loooong time ago


Reader P.O.V

Stan Cartman Kenny and I were bored doing nothing. Kyle was out of town and we were terribly bored. I sighed blowing my (h/c) locks out of my eyes. "I'm BORED!" Cartman wailed. We all stared at him. 

"We all are Cartman." I sighed. He crossed his arms. "Why don't we just wait for Kahl at the bus stop. He said he'd be coming back today." I suggested. Smiles appeared on all their faces. I smirked running. Everyone chased after me. 

"Whoever gets there last is a stupid Jew!" Cartman yelled. In response we laughed. Mostly because we knew if Kyle was here they'd argue for hours. I looked back at them seeing I was still in first place.

I looked forward trying to turn my direction. There was no stopping my feet. I rammed into a boy who looked oddly familiar. My face planted first in the cement. 

"MUFF CABBAGE!" He yelled. I rubbed my forehead. I looked up to see something similar to Kyle. His hair was jelled up, he wore a black shirt with a white crown and torn jeans. I backed away. 

"Kyle?" I asked shocked. The rest of the boys finally caught up to me. Kyle was angry now.

"You've got fucking cabbage in your muff! What, you don't zees! Come on! I nevers wanna zee you again!" He shouted flipping me off. My mouth hung open as we all stared at Kyle as he left.

"What's happened to Kyle?" I asked. Stan put his arm on my shoulder. The boys all said the exact same words.

"Jersey Kyle." They hissed. 


I promised myself when Kyle came back I'd tell him. I'd tell him how I really felt. Nothing ever goes as I plan does it? I sighed walking into the cafeteria. All the girls were drooling over the new Kyle. It was disgusting. I still clutched onto hope that he wouldn't go for any of them and my Kyle was in there somewhere. I sat with the guys staring at my lunch. Then Kyle stepped out of the line.

"Hey! Jew boy come eat lunch with us!" Cartman hollered. Kyle faced him calm and collective. He flipped Cartman off.

"Shut up, muff cabage!" He screamed. "hey where's my babe?" He said to himself. I looked at him odd. He was staring right at me. I almost blushed but before he could Bebe tackled him kissing him.

"Finally, you took forever!" She shouted. I was red in the face with anger. How could he do this to me? Sweet Kyle was nothing but a monster. Maybe he was a monster all along and the Kyle I liked was just a fake. I walked out of the cafeteria, knowing if I stayed any longer I'd burst out crying or fighting Bebe Stevens.

I slid down on the floor. I cried my eyes out wishing for my Kyle back. He'd just gone to meet some of his family members on his mom's side. How did he end up like this? I stopped my tears deciding to stop feeling sorry for myself. I got up wiping my tears. I was gonna confront Kyle about this. I trudged along inside the cafeteria but when I arrived he was gone. I looked around not seeing him. I bent down towards Stan.

"Where'd Kyle go." He stopped drinking his milk and bit his lip. 

"Uh, he went with Bebe to the back of the school to make out...." He said feeling extremely awkward. I looked away swallowing my emotions. I was gonna hunt Kyle down. He couldn't run from me, no not for long.

I couldn't fucking believe it. Kyle ditched school. I was sure he had company because Bebe wasn't in class either. I stormed out of the room, running home. It's not as dramatic as it seems because it was after school ended. I slammed the door burying my head in my pillow when I heard screaming from next door. I popped my head out.

"No, you're muff cabbage!" The mother screamed. The boy went on his tippy toes pointing at her face. 

"You're grandmother muff!" He yelled. The mother slapped him across the face and the boy did the same. I gasped. I wasn't too surprised though I just forgot that Kyle lived right next door to me.

"Why weren't you in class you worthless cabbage!" She screamed.  Kyle didn't answer he stormed out of the room then I heard a slam. This was my chance. I scurried over and knocked.

"What do you want!" Kyle's mother shouted. I frowned giving a puppy dog face.

"Can I see Kyle?" I asked. She looked at me death in her eyes.

"Oi, fine, but there's nothing getting through to him." She opened the door and I ran up the stairs before she could change her mind.

I knocked on Kyle's bedroom door three times. He flung it open, before I could knock a fourth time. "What do you want cabbage?" He asked smoking a cigarette. He dropped it to the floor crushing it.

I brushed off the comment sitting on his bed. He rolled his eyes sitting next to me. That was enough, enough to set me off. I started sobbing. Kyle crossed his arms looking forward. After a few moments he bit his lip then looked towards me. "What?" He hissed.

"It's just so frustrating!" I screamed. He blew some air out of his mouth, tired. 

"Why?" He muttered barely caring. I looked away, blushing. I continued to look down. "I asked you a damn question ____, damn cabbage." He screamed. I continued to cry. "Tell me!" He shouted shaking me now. Having had enough I blurted it out.

"Because I loved you okay!" I screamed. He gave me an odd look. 

"Loved as in past tense?" He asked sounding a little like his normal self.  I nodded.

"I don't like the new Kyle, the one who makes out with girls he doesn't like or know well, the one who skips classes and fights with his mom, the one who calls me muff cabbage..." He got up from the bed.

He walked over to a mirror in his room. "Holy fuck." He gasped. "what happen to me! My hair, my clothes, my... Self." He looked over to my tear dried face. His eyes widened.

"New Jersey..." He gasped. "now I remember, I went there to visit and I couldn't break the trance... But ___, you, you fixed it." He smirked at me wrapping his hands around me, gripping me tightly. "thank you." He whispered. After two seconds he let go, running to the bathroom. I kinda chuckled at his behavior. Yup, this was Kyle. Seconds later he returned. His hair hidden by his green hat, his hands in those green mittens and wearing the same orange coat. "I love you Kyle." I  whispered, tearing up again. He smirked hugging me. He pecked me on the lips.

"I love you too, __. No matter what I say." He whispered kissing me again. I had to admit it though whether it was Jersey Kyle or this Kyle he was still the Kyle I loved. Forever and always.

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