Rusty Scissors(Craigxsuicidal reader)

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Okay Craig at the side anime style. Dedicated to pewdiesmosher for requesting suicidal readerxcraig. Song is Die for you by RED


I woke up as usual. Took three hours to persuade myself to crawl out of bed and walk into the restroom. I sighed as I flipped the switch on. Time for another misfortunate day of teasing, bad grades, and the stupidity of my quiet mountain town. "South Park." I hissed.

All these thoughts ran through my head as I presed the metal scissors against my soft skin. I smiled at the thought of my blood running down my arms. That way all the thoughts would just disappear. Fade back into what I knew was to be my real life. I pressed a gauze against the nice clean cut I forced. It felt better than I imagined.

As the bleeding came to a stop I carefully placed the seven bracelets I wore on both arms tenderly on the cuts. I hissed at the burning sensation that eased into a sweet pleasant sensation. I combed over my (h/c) hair once and ran out the door saying bye to no one because mom and dad had kicked me out last week, and I'd be damned if I was going to a home. I rather be squatting in abandoned houses than be in a home.

As I walked into the school I heard the clear daily comments. "Hey, ___ did you just walk through a tornado ya little whore!" Red screamed. I rolled my eyes running into school hoping for the safety of the classroom.

"How 'bout combing your hair for once slut!" Bebe greeted me at the door. I rolled my eyes sitting next to Craig. If you thought the girls were bad, here's Craig the dickiest dick int he universe. He tugged on my hair to get my attention.

I faced him with gritted teeth. "Craig." I hissed. He smirked at my anger.

"What little miss bitchy is talking to me today?" He chuckled. I buried my face into my desk as he continued tormenting me with the girls.

He flicked me in the back. "Little bitch, no one likes your silent treatment. This is why nobody likes you, just jump off a bridge or something." He chuckled. Instead of thinking of a comeback I kept my face in my desk.

I had dozed into a dream. I could still hear their tauntings. I phased them out  but one stood out. "Why do even wear like a thousand bracelets?" Criag's voice echoed.  My head snapped the the left as Craig's hand approached my wrists.

Too late. He smirked as he lifted it but it fell off his face as he looked down on it. He let go and the bracelet snapped back making me scream for mercy. Tears swelled up in my eyes. "Wow..." He said empty. I retracted my arm running out of the classroom.

"Thanks Christophe." I said as he placed the pills into my hand. He looked at me dully. 

"When they find you I won't be responsible. Sheet, I don't even know." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

"How do you know what I'm doing with these?" I asked. He smiled bigger.

"Whoever buys these pills never come back for more, they don't need to anymore." With those simple words he vanished into the shadows. I sighed knowing he was right. I walked back to my little abandoned shack that I called home. 

Craig P.O.V

I ran through the corridors trying to find her. I was speechless when my mockings became reality. I didn't think she'd break so easily. I'd known her since pre-k. Maybe she wasn't as tough as I had once thought. I gulped hard as I turned the corner. Why did I mock her in the first place? I mean I knew why the girls did it, but why me? Why did I get such a kick out of bugging her? Why did my heart drop when she ignored me. I sighed as I realized it. "I love her." 

It had been about four hours since she disappeared. I had given up two hours in. Jimmy, Token, Clyde, and Tweek came with me to find a secret hideout. This way we could do whatever the hell we wanted whenever the hell we wanted to. Without anyone watching of course. I smiled at the thought.

Maybe drinking would get my mind off the horrors and posibilities of what she would do. Was she really that far off the rails? What if she went over? I couldn't live without her. "Craig let's try this one." Clyde said. I snapped back into reality knocking on the wall. When I heard no response I jumped through the window. 

Reader P.O.V

I dropped the bottle of pills as Craig stared at me with a swear. "Fuck." He gasped. I  was only able to step back as he wrestled me.

"Leave me alone to die!" I screamed. He bit his lip as he grabbed my hand trying to grab the pills. I bit down on his arm.

"Why do you care!" I screamed. He glared at me as he pinned me down. His knees on my stomach. His breathing was rapid and his eyes were red, but not because he was drunk, was he crying? I shook my head. "W-why?" I stuttered. A tear landed on my nose as Craig stared into my (e/c) eyes. I gulped hard as his nose touched mine.

"Because I can't live without you." He whispered kissing me on the lips. I turned plush red my hand releasing the pills I had been gripping so tightly. I eased into the kiss and when we seperated I realized something.

"I love you Craig." This way I didn't need to use them anymore. I didn't need those scissors. One day they'd just be a bad memory and like my past they will rust. 

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