Actions Speak Louder Than Words(KylexTomboy reader)

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Ok  I feel like this one kinda sucks and I feel like it's rushed but whatever.... sorry. dedicated to AleHyumaki for requesting this Kylextomboy reader

_____ opened her locker to find yet another batch of about a dozen valentine's cards. It made her irritated how often she was getting them. She always knew that guys had a thing for her but she had always avoided it because guys had made her feel so awkward, she always just wanted to be one of the guys not a girl you oogled at. Still she took time to read every card because she knew how hard the guys must've worked on it.Still she wanted to toss them out they were all the same cheesy crap just an awkward friend professing their undying love for her. It made her roll her eyes what did high schoolers know about love. She couldn't toss them out now though... She'd hurt their feelings. When she was done she could go home and throw these away where no one would know.

It took her about twenty minutes to finish reading the valentines cards. After reading every agonizing letter she opened her locker to stuff them back in, when she was about to hide her valentines card in the back of her locker she noticed a slight shadow at the back. She sighed dropping the cards, what was it now? A box of chocolates? She almost squealed outloud when she saw the giant stuffed teddy bear. It had been crammed into the far back of her locker behind all her other junk. ___ eyes glowed and she searched for the attached card. It didn't take her long to find it.

Hey ____ I know you're going to get a lot of these, so I knew I had to be the first one to give you mine and the girst to be a locker stalker... Sorry about that by the way.... It just took me a couple thousand tries and watching you open your locker to figure out the combo.... (fuck I didn't mean to write that...)I also knew I had to go beyond what the other guys would do so I got you this little guy, I call him Kupo but you can call him whatever you want... If you ever wanna thank me.... er meet me I'll be in the gym during lunch...(goddamnit did I actually write that?) Uh, anyway happy Valentine's day!

-Kyle (btw if you haven't realized it by now I'm making Kenny write this for me... Wait Kenny nevermind don't write that down! Damn it I'm serious stop writing!)

____ kinda frowned realizing Kyle unlike the others didn't really confess his love to her he only wished her a happy valentine's day. What an amateur.... Who was Kyle anyway? She thought back to the countless guy friends she had. An immediate blush overwhelmed her when she remembered that she knew Kyle but she didn't really know Kyle... ____ babysat Kyle's little brother all the time but barely ever spoke to him and his friends she mostly hung around Craig and his friends.

Kyle took a deep breath as he finally sat on the gym bleachers. He didn't know what he was thinking when he gave that letter to _____. And he definitely should've reread it before stuffing it in her locker especially knowing Kenny...___ was the most popular girl at school and of course he knew she wouldn't notice him. He had been waiting about 30 minutes in the lonesome gym when the door finally crept open. His heart fluttered at the thought of _____ coming in. The candles lit the path towards Kyle and he fell into a daydream of what could happen but then heard an annoying laughter that could only belong to one person. "God dammit Cartman get the hell out here!" More laughter followed and the vein in Kyle's forehead throbbed.

" sorry Kahl I just forgot my PE shirt not my fault I walked in on the Jew trying to confess his love to little miss _____. Hahahahaha fucking hilarious!"

"It's not funny asshole!I really like ___!" A sigh escaped his lips. Cartman smiled.

"You don't even know her. I mean she hangs our with Craig!CRAIG!" He broke into a fit of laughter again.

"I've seen ___ hang out with Ike a couple of times... I know her enough. Besides she's a pretty damn saint to stand Craig's bull shit. She's sweet, kind, easy to talk to, and just drop dead gorgeous." Cartman patted him on the back roughly and began to laugh again.
"If she's so easy to talk to then why didn't you just ask her out instead of being a pussy and giving her a stupid card!" His laughter wasn't dying anytime soon and Kyle wanted to spend less time with fat ass and more time with ____ if she ever showed up. With all his strength Kyle pushed Cartman out the door with a swear. He was nervous enough without stupid fat ass making him more worried.

_____ didn't even know why she was going to the gym she barely knew him still she needed to know why. Why was he teasing her?

_____ entered the gym and was shocked when she saw lit up candles and the scent of roses. "Uh... Kyle?" She wondered out loud.

There was an awkward silence but after a while he appeared in front of her with burning red cheeks. " hey I didn't think you'd show up." She kind of blushed seeing the red in his cheeks it made her feel uncomfortable.

"Why wouldn't I?" That made Kyle shrug.

"You got so many other cards I just thought...." Kyle looked away biting his lip. That made ___ smile. She thought it was cute how awkward he was. All the other guys she knew were so cocky and flirty , but Kyle was different. "I...I uh..." Kyle kept stammering and ___ couldn't help it anymore. She stepped forward wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Kyle...."She whispered. Saying his name made him blush even more which almost made her laugh but she knew she wanted to do this first then laugh all she wanted later. "I'd love to be your valentines."

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