The Card(TweekxReader)

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So this wasn't requested but  I like this concept so... Yeah. Valentine's day one shot dedicated to ItzScarlet. Song is Autumn leaves by Ed Sheeran.

It's less of a haggle when I see your beautiful face. Getting through the day's hardly a problem. If I ever thought that I could fall this hard I would have put on a helmet. You're a missing piece to a puzzle I call life and I don't know what to do to make you mine. I love you more and more. Please be mine.

-That one Guy

Bebe squealed as she read the letter aloud. "Oh my God ___! Who is this poet?" She yelled. ____ rolled her eyes. She really didn't want to show any of her anonymous letters to the girls but Bebe had startled her and pried the letter out of her hands. 

"I've been getting an anonymous letter like this for about two weeks now... I don't know who's writing them..." Bebe scrunched up her face not believing a word she was saying.

"Oh well. I mean it's not even that cute anyway! Besides it's not like you'd date this chump right? I mean you know Craig totally has a thing for you right?" ____'s eyes dulled.

"You mean the guy who smells like dandruff and never takes off his hat? No thanks..." Bebe smiled bigger.

"Oh poor ____, you're just saying that now but when he confesses his undying love for you tomorrow you'll just turn into jelly won't you!" Again ___ rolled her eyes. Her blond friend patted her on the back laughing. "Okay fine. Let's pretend Craig isn't writing these. What if this guy confesses he likes you tomorrow? Huh, you gonna just date him???" Bebe saw _____' (e/c) eyes flare and swallowed hard. "It's an honest question..."

"Bebe... I don't expect you to understand. I mean you have a guy falling for you every other day. I only get the slimy weird guys. This guy... He pours out his soul on paper... He's different." Bebe tried holding in her laughter but failed.  "I'm serious Bebe!" She shouted. The blond tried to stop her laughter.

"Pft, okay whatever... I'm just saying Craig's pretty popular he could make your high school life a little easier and... He's hawt!" ___  facepalmed.

"You say that about every guy. I don't want a hawt guy. I want a deep guy who will love me no matter what." Now it was Bebe's turn to roll her eyes.

"____ no guy like that exists!" She scolded. "Just date Craig until you get bored and then move on... It's what I'd do."

"Yeah. But I'm NOT you. I care about other people's feelings before my own... And I can't force myself to like some random guy cuz he's popular or whatever..." Bebe shook her head, she didn't know why ____ and she were even related she was so weird.

Tweek fumbled with his pen. He was drawing a blank. A complete useless blank... Like himself. Like everything he knew. Why the hell was he freaking out about this now more than ever? Oh... That's right... Tomorrow, tomorrow was Valentine's day. Tomorrow he promised himself he'd tell her. Tell ___ it was him. Tell her he was the one writing those letters. He had to do it before anyone else told her they liked her. That thought made him tug at his hair even more fiercely. Now that he was writing the letter trying to confess his feelings for tomorrow he was stressing even more. His mannerisms caught someone else's attention though.

"Hey what are you doing?" Tweek looked up to see Craig hovering over him. 

"GAH!" He screamed. Craig smiled a little and looked at the paper on Tweek's desk. It was blank so far except for the bottom that was signed 'that one guy'. Craig gave a sneaky grin.

"What's this Tweek?" He teased. Tweek stiffened. 

"GAH NOTHING!" He screamed. Craig grabbed the paper and stuffed it in his pocket.

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