O.C Rich Boys Finish Last(Token)

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OK Paris Starr is wish4awish's O.C. Paris at the side. The song is Face Down by The red jumpsuit apparatus. This is kinda a songfic so play the song yay nay?


Token P.O.V

She walked into the school obvious make up over her eye. When Nicole and I had been dating she would gossip all the time about how Paris's boyfriend beat her. It upset me I thought it was because she was my friend but after things with Nicole went sour I realized it was because I liked her.  She sat alone now, I heard it was because her boyfriend suspected her of cheating even though he did it all the time. I didn't want to be nosey but I liked her.


It was Paris's first day at school. I think she had just transferred from France, or at least that's what it looked like. She was walking with a brunette next to her. She had her head slightly down but I could see her face clearly. I had just said hi to her and her boyfriend immediately pulled her away. She gave me a small smile before being forced away. "Let's go Paris." He comanded. I later found out the brunette was her overprotective and abusive boyfriend. I knew she was the one for me, her delicate smile and radiant red hair made me sure of it. Paris Starr, the girl I couldn't have.

***End of Flashback***

Today I decided I was gonna sit next to her during lunch. I hadn't done it before because I feared someone would tell her asshole of a boyfriend, Kane about it. Being seen with me would make her look suspicious. In class I could see her fiddle with her make up. It was probably bugging her.

"Are you okay Paris?" Wendy asked. She smiled brightly at her. 

"Of course I just think I'm growing a pimple, it kinda hurts, but I'm alright." I bit my lip, Wendy was smart I knew she'd figure it out but instead she gave her a bright smile.

"Alright." I headbutted my desk letting myself fall asleep.

"Hey guys look a black guy sleeping on the job, how typical." I looked up drowsily at Cartman who gave me a smug looked. He walked away before I could punch him. I looked to my watch, lunch time.

Paris was walking I smiled knowing a nice melody filled my head whenever I saw her especially with that walk of hers. She sat down alone slamming her tray on the table. She burried her face into her hands.

"It's never gonna happen again." She whispered sobbing into her arms. I sat down next to her tapping her on the shoulders. She looked up wiping her tears. Her makeup now smeared, I could see the clear black eye and scratches with dried blood. I repressed a scream. She was driving me crazy and there was nothing that I could do. Why did she stay with him. I wanted to comfort her but she was too broken, there was  only one thing that I could do. I tossed my lunch grabbing my bag.


I was walking home mom and dad had a date with our new neighbors who were like always rich. In the corner of my eye I saw two silhouttes. One was Paris the other, her boyfriend.

"I didn't mean it." He plead. She was clearly crying. "I swear I love you." He whispered stroking her hair. She sniffled wiping her eyes. I rolled my eyes knowing that this happened all the time, he'd throw a fit hit her, then when she cried he'd apologize.

***End of Flashback***

I was let through the gate but I could feel the surveilance system watching my every move. I sat down in the cafeteria. A blond with bushy hair greeted me sourly. "Oh, I'm sorry Yardale is only for the finest and richest in South Park." He said glaring me down. I frowned almost shoving him.

"I am rich and I am one of the smartest kids in class. I just chose not to have every fucking thing handed to me." I growled.

"I like thiz kid. Sheet, Gregory give him a break." I heard a voice say with a French accent. The blond Gregory turned to a brunette with a shovel.

"Christophe, you know you should really be doing work I don't pay you for nothing." Christophe rolled his eyes growling.

"Ze mole, Gregory even if we're at your fancy sheety private school." Gregory shrugged him off turning to the person on his right.

"Kane, let me introduce you to my new friend... Er," He said as if egging me to give my name.

"Token, Token Black." I said hate rising from my voice.

"Well, Mr... Black, I must say you don't look too rich. As for me, I have everything I would ever want. A perfect family, riches and of course a perfect man needs a perfect girlfriend, Paris Starr." He sighed. I clenched my teeth. He had no right to say her name. 

"Look, Kane I know your little secret and we need to talk about Paris." I hissed. He seemed to get defensive at my tone. I bit my lip as he continued.

"I know Paris can get out of line a lot and that's why I must take charge at times. Trust me Token, I'm always right." I stood up angry.

"Just listen to me." I hissed. He rolled his eyes.

"Now I have a plebeian lecturing me." He sighed.

I growled angrier. "One day all your shit is gonna catch up to you and your lies will be your down fall. The world will die around you and she'll have a much better life. Every action has a consequence be careful. Heed my warning." I got up leaving the rich kids to their lunch. Kane got up saying one last thing to me.

"But remember Token, rich boys like you always finish last." He hissed.


After lunch there was a fight at recess. I felt bad especially since it seemed like a one person fight. I watched for a couple seconds rooting for the taller guy to win but then I realized something. Paris was there. She was the other kid fighting. I hadn't noticed because her black locks covered her face and her black hat was almost in the way. "What were you doing talking to another guy! You mongrel!" He screamed.I quickly jumped in.

He quickly punched Paris her face hitting the mud. "This doesn't hurt..." She whispered. I walked up to him angry.

"Do you feel like a man when you push her around!I Do you feel better now?" He didn't answer as he looked at me smugly. Rich kids could get away with just about anything.

I was about to punch Kane in his smug face when she grabbed my fist. "I've finally had enough!" She shouted at Kane. He was taken back a bit. I grabbed her hugging her as she cried. 

I looked back to Kane. "It's coming 'round again." I turned my attention back to Paris as she cried. "It's okay." I whispered kissing her on the lips. "I love you." I whispered. She looked up at me crying and kissed me as we hugged.

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