Chullo Hat(Craigxreader)

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Craig at the side anime style. Song is Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin Dedicated to ImSamanthaa for requesting craigxreader :)


I was confused as to why Craig had invited me to his house. We'd only been friends for a year or so. When I realized the date I almost puked. The nerves ate away at me when I realized it was February 14. My face flushed red as I reached his doorstep. My hand was shaking as I brought it up towards the door. I swallowed hard trying to knock. In seconds the door flung open. I was faced with a boy with raven black hair. It took me a second to realize it was Craig he never took off his hat!  "___! Come on in I need your help!" He cheered. I gave him an odd look as he pulled me inside.

I took a seat on the couch across from him. He smiled as I sat there awkwardly. I bit my lip as we let the awkward silence engulf us. Finally after what seemed like an hour, Craig broke the silence. "I'm gonna ask for an awkward favor..." His words brought an immediate image to my head. I quickly stood up.

"Craig no, it's too soon!" I yelled blushing madly shaking my head repeatedly. I opened my eyes to see him staring dully at me.

"I was just gonna ask if you could help me wash my hat..." He muttered. My mouth dropped at my awkwardness. I pouted taking the hat he held in his hand. It was littered with coffee stains and marker. "Don't ask, dumb Tweek spilled coffee on my head... Hurt like hell." I tilted my head but shifted my focus to washing. Did I know how to wash clothes? "mom and dad went to renew their vows, so I'm alone with my little sis." He quickly showed me to the washer machine. "Just call me when you're done I'll be watching Red Racer." I nodded as he left and I was left alone.

I looked at his hat again. It was really gross and I didn't want to touch it anymore so I tossed it into the machine. I added soap and water letting the machine go for a couple of minutes. I went back to the couch flipping on Craig's T.V. The brunette had gone upstairs to his room. He wouldn't mind, right I had been here a couple of times. When I couldn't find anything to watch I settled on the news, too bad I didn't watch any. 

I closed my eyes letting myself sleep, just a tiny nap, I told myself. The thrashing sound of heavy material being thrown against metal made me snap out of it. I wiped the drool from my face to see it had been almost three hours since I fell asleep. I bit my lip running to the washer.

I flung the washer door open investigating the damage. I couldn't find his hat and was greeted only with torn pieces of blue fabric and a single yellow puff of his puffball. I frowned taking it out. I was praying that I could fix this before Craig would find out.

"It's been three hours are you done yet!" I heard him yell from upstairs. I gulped hard trying to find a place to hide the mess I made. "I'm coming down there, ___!" I grew more frantic at his words. I looked around anywhere, I thought anywhere. I ran to the living room remembering the couch. 

"Where's my hat?" I heard a smooth voice ask. I turned away from the couch facing him. His blue eyes closed as he grinded his teeth. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!" I whined as I handed him the remaining material of his hat.

He sighed putting it onto the couch and sitting. I could tell he was trying his hardest to keep his swearing under check. I started crying at his expression. I had never seen him so mad. "I'm sorry Craig... I tried, but!" I began to sob now into my arms desperate for Craig's forgiveness. He remained quiet as I continued to cry. His touch made me look up. I sniffled as he looked at me his eyes now in a soft gaze.

"Don't worry about it, alright?" He smiled laughing a little. "It just meant a lot to me you know? Had it since I was four... But you being here is just as good." I blushed as he smiled bigger now. 

"I'm a crappy friend." I muttered. My words made Craig smirk. I looked down ashamed of myself. I knew he'd probably agree then proceed to kick me out of his house. 

"Yeah, you are." He whispered. I looked up tears escaping my (e/c) eyes. He pulled me into hug kissing my lips. "but you better be a better girlfriend, alright?" He whispered. I looked up at him with an intense blush. It made his smirk bigger. "Happy valentine's day ___, I love you."

I gulped hard looking into his beautiful blue eyes. "I love you too Craig. Happy valentine's..."

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