The Tenet to her Heart (Kylexsuicidal reader)

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Dedicated to KawaiiAmber for requesting this Kylexsuicidal reader song is save you by simple plan


I waited patiently for the counselor to call my name. Mom and dad were forcing me to help lead the Jewbilee senior scouts, they were all about my age. "And finally (y/n) (l/n) you're in group four with counselor Chad and alumni Kyle." I nodded as a (h/c) haired girl stepped into my group. She had a dull bored frown on her face. I looked to the counselor for a solution. Chad was taller than me with sharp black hair he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Okay Kyle, you're gonna have a lot of responsibility so you can learn." I nodded as he continued. "I'll get equipment from the back while you take roll." I gripped the clipboard in my hand calling off names. I grew frustrated when I saw I was short one camper. (y/n) (l/n)... She probably left the minute we turned our backs. "Kyle we're missing some canoe paddles I'll be back!" Chad called. I began to panic knowing I'd be screwed if Chad saw I had already lost a camper within five minutes of being here. I began to run around the campsite trying to find her.

I dug through trash cans emptied sheds burrowed through cabins and found nothing. Not only had I lost a camper the rest of my campers unattended to. I decided to take a short break and catch my break behind the restrooms. I sighed of relief but was shocked when I heard another sigh just behind me. I smiled quite evilly when I finally found ___ just behind one of the trashcans besides the restrooms. I grabbed her hand pulling her to her feet. "Come on." I sighed.

"Why, it's not like I wanna be around people. I barely even believe in a God anymore." My eyes widened at her statement it made me feel uneasy especially since this had been my second year on the Jewbilee retreat. She frowned continuing. "Not with all the crap that's been in my shitty existence." I sighed walking away from her as she continued to complain. It bugged me that she hadn't even bothered to put consideration into who she was talking to.

We got back to the quad with the other teams. There were about fifty hard rubber dodge balls in the middle. I cringed hoping we weren't going to play what I thought we were. My fears were confirmed when counselor Mickey grabbed one of them getting our attention. "Okay kids, today we'll be playing dodgeball rely on your team members to make sure both sides have an even chance at winning. Teams two and three on the left and four and one on the right. Whoever loses has wash duty for the first three days!" I jumped when I heard the whistle grabbing five dodge balls and running towards the back again.

I began to throw the ball with all the force in my body. Whenever it came to competitions I got really aggressive mom said it was the Jersey inside me which bugged the hell out of me. I squatted when I was greeted to about seven dodge balls running towards me. I looked to my right seeing ___ frowning just walking around whereas everyone else was running. A lot of dodge balls were hitting her and I winced at the sound of impact. She did the same just looking down miserable as always.

My body jumped in front of her when a tall camper threw a dodgeball towards her head. I tried covering my face but soon just let them hit me. "What are you doing?" She whispered dully. I smiled looking back at her as I began to get attack by dodge balls.

"Trying to make your life a little less miserable." I laughed finally leaving the match and dragging her with me since we clearly got hit by dodge balls. I saw a smile on her face which made me blush a little. When we were walking her hand brushed mine and the urge to grab hers hit me but I knew that she'd think I was a weird guy.

Team one won and team four, us, won last place. After reflection and some scripture from the old testament we moved onto our next event. Everyone changed into swim gear as we got into our canoes. I was in the front to make sure that no one would fall out. ___ took a seat in the middle. I hated to admit it, but one wrong move on both sides simultaneously and we could all end up in the water. I pushed that thought out of my mind as the other members entered the canoe.

Someone pushed the canoe into the water and we paddled our boats further into it's depths. Everything was fine at first. I commanded the paddles' movements. Heck, we were even in first place. Everything was going swell until Becky, the bubbly blond who was paddling for both her and ___, got tired of paddling. I didn't see it as a problem, at first, but we started going in circles.

"Hey Becky, keep paddling, we're going nowhere." I stated as everyone else stopped paddling.

"But I'm tired. This is too much work." She replied letting go of the paddle. Before any of us knew it, the cheap piece of wood slipped through the hold and fell into the water.

It didn't sink but drifted off to the side. "Now look at what you did." I shouted.

She shrugged and crossed her arms. "I wouldn't call it my fault."

The (h/c) haired girl gritted her teeth staring at Becky. "Fine I'll get it, then." ___ said reaching over the side of the canoe in an attempt to grab the stray paddle.

Her weight rocked the canoe towards her side and the canoe flipped over sending us all plunging deep into the water.

I hated the fact that I lost my cap in the mayhem but I was more worried about the campers at this point. The annoying wet mangles of red hair would come later. When I resurfaced I counted about five. We were missing one more camper. "___." I gasped. I dived into the water trying to find her, in seconds I saw her limp body plummeting deeper into the water. I swam as fast as I could towards her finding that on pure adrenaline we had reached the dock in a mere minute.

I quickly laid her down trying to find a heart beat or pulse. I began CPR hesitantly when I found a weak pulse. I really hated that this was technically my first kiss. I didn't count Rebecca Cotswald since she became a whore right afterwards. I began the pressing against her sternum listening to her heart and she head butted me as she shot up. "What the hell Kyle!" She screamed coughing and crying. I was beyond confused now. "Can't you religious nuts leave me alone! I want to disappear!" She screamed. My eyes widened and I wanted to walk away again but I realized I couldn't do that, not to her. I bring her into a hug and she began to sob into my arms.

"You don't mean that..." I whispered patting her back. When we broke our hug she stared at me with her (e/c) eyes. I couldn't help but bring her into a deep kiss. "Please... I know you don't." She continued to cry but smiled. She nodded hugging me.

"Thank you Kyle... I love you." I kissed her soft lips once more hugging her tighter.

"Me too."

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