Genius in Love?(Ikexreader)

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dedicated to torahwashburn for requesting ikexreader Ike at the side anime style in eighth grade. The song is one of those nights by the cab.


I was sitting down in detention. I just pointed out the flaws in Ms. Garrison's teaching methods with extensive language. Apparently freedom of speech had its limits. So much for the first ammendment. To my left was Craig who was about four years older than me. A senior in high school, and Clyde who was also a senior. I let my eyes wander a bit I was tired of laying my head on the desk. My eyes stopped at a girl who looked out the window. Her (h/c) hair fell flawlessly to her shoulders. She seemed not to care about the world. She seemed about my age but she was far more different than the average eighth graders at my school. A scream from Mr. Jacobsons made her face forward. "Okay students detentions over you may leave." She looked my way where the teacher was and for a split second we made eye contact. I looked away out of breath already. My face turned red. She had beautiful (e/c) eyes for an eighth grader. I sighed as everyone left and I was left there dumbfounded. Was this for real?

"Hey how's middle school treating ya Ike?" Kyle asked trying to scruff up my hair. I promptly left his side trudging up the stairs. He gave me an odd look. Seconds after plopping myself on the bed, Kyle came in with a sort of frown. "What's wrong Ike you never blunder the chance to converse in deep intellectual conversation." I rolled my eyes as he sat on my stomach. "Tell brother Kyle all about your lame eighth grade problems." He said patting my head.

"It's nothing of your concern now get off, your crushing my abdomen!" Kyle got off with a scoff. He gave me a smirk.

"You're blushing..." He said his smirk growing wider. I tried to turn away.

"No I'm not!" I screamed. Kyle sat next to me now.

"You're not putting effort into your vocabulary.... You're blushing..." He began to think hard about it.

"I'm not fucken blushing!" I screamed turning red. Kyle laughed now, putting his arm on my shoulder.

"You like a girl!" He screamed bursting into laughter. I forced his arm off my shoulder. I buried my head into my pillow.

"It's not funny I can't stop thinking of her and I don't know her name and it's creepy beyond belief." Kyle wouldn't let up his smirk.

"Ouch... So what are you gonna do?" He said feeling a little awkward now. I didn't face him as I spoke into the pillow.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I rather supervise from afar than be seen as a creep." Kyle put his arm on my head stroking my black locks.

"One, you're gonna look like a creep if you supervise. Two you're telling her and I'm helping you! Buck up!" He yelled forcing me up. I looked at him lazily wishing to bury my red face back into my pillow.

"Girls like chocolate flowers and poems. No one knows why but they love that shit so get her some flowers chocolates and maybe a teddy bear. Write her some sappy love letter and give it to her. You're smart I think you can manage that." I nodded my head eagerly. Maybe this wouldn't be as hard as I initially thought. Kyle nodded in approval jumping to his feet. "Now go to bed."

"It's six thirty...." He was already walking through the door.

He stopped his walking and looked at me. "Then do your homework or something."

"Why are we still talking?"

"Just waiting for the author to-"

*****The Next Day***

I decided Kyle was wrong. I didn't need chocolate flowers or plushies to win her heart. I just needed to pour out my heart to her. I spent all last night writing her a poem and today I was going to read it to her during lunch. Falling asleep made the class time fly by. I yawned as the bell rang for lunch. I stopped by my locker grabbing the note. I quickly ran to grab my lunch then went to search for her.

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