Let me Go(KennyxYandere reader)

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So I wrote this kennyxyandere reader that was requested by my sis Rongodice because she wanted to torture me X). So dedicated to her and since she played this yandere song so much I wanted to add it here it's gospel by panic at the disco

To be honest I never really noticed ___ the first couple of years of high school. She was an ordinary kind of girl. Dull (h/c) hair normal (y/h) and not so easy on the eyes. I was leaving to get lunch when I first really noticed her junior year.

Her head lay in her arms that were on her lap. I noticed a slight hesitation in her breathing which meant she was crying. I sighed knowing I couldn't live with myself if I walked passed her like the many students at our crumby school. I got on my knees so I was close enough to speak to her on her level. She looked up wiping her tears. "Hey... What's wrong?" She sniffled a little staring at me. I didn't think much of it people usually admired my teeth. I had braces all of middle school and jacked up teeth all of elementary which was the sole purpose for my parka. It took her a good five seconds to register my question.

"I... uh... My boyfriend cheated on me." I sighed laying my head on her (h/c) locks.

"Well I guess he's a dumb ass huh?" She smiled a little and I smirked. "For getting caught of course." Her face dulled towards me but I didn't let her respond instead I planted a soft kiss on her forehead. "And cuz he's gonna hate having to see your lunch breaks busy with me instead. There's not much time for eating you know." I brushed her lips with my finger as an oath of silence and disappeared. Of course I didn't really mean any of it.

I was busy with other things... Or girls should I say. I hated being focused on only one fish in the sea I was a fisherman. As I walked away I could feel her gaze on me, intent and focused. I hadn't known the grave I just dug. I was blissfully unaware that my actions had consequences.

I looked down to my watch. 2:32 she was late. I looked to the bus that was about ready to leave me. "Hey kid! You getting on my bus or what!" The stupid bus driver screamed. I brushed him off looking at my watch. I couldn't leave yet. I furrowed my eyebrows as I heard the screeching of the school bus as it left. Damn it ____ where were you! In seconds the blond appeared in front of me. I kept my eyes towards the ground. I didn't have to look at her outfit to know what she was wearing. She was wearing a white muscle shirt with and open orange jacket and orange pants. She had dyed and cut her hair to resemble mine a little after we met and started "dating". I didn't dare look up because girls were still on campus I couldn't risk to spare a glance. Even if it was an accident or a friend I've known since elementary.

"Kenny!" She yelled stomping her foot. She grabbed my face squishing it and bringing it towards hers. "You let our bus leave!" She screamed gritting her teeth. I kept my gaze down not daring to say a word. ___ lived nowhere near me but if I pointed that out like I clumsily did the beginning of the year she'd give me a black eye. I don't need an excuse to hang out with MY BOYFRIEND. She'd say the words so defensively as to even scare me into believing her words were true, but of course unlike the others I refused to believe and that's why she enjoyed doing... other things.

I looked down to my wrists which were tied. Today my mouth wasn't taped which broke her natural routine. I looked to __ who held a bowl out to me. "Okay Kenny, I cooked this myself... So say ah." Her smile was cynical as the spoon came towards my mouth. I closed it shut looking away to avoid it. "I said say AH!" She demanded smashing the food into my face. I shook my head.

"No way in hell am I eating that shit! Not unless I know what it is!" Her face calmed a bit as she looked at the bowl with a smile.

"It's just mac n cheese sweetie." I took a deep breath as she stuffed it in my mouth. I immediately spit it out. "with my hair and fingernails... Just so we can be a little closer."

"You crazy bitch what the hell are you doing!" That was a mistake on my part... Her frown turned into a smile. I leaned my head backwards in an attempt to get away from her but couldn't move entirely since I was trapped in this damn chair. She extended her arms outward wrapping her hands around my neck. I immediately started to panic. Not again.

"Listen McCormick! You can't talk to me that way!" I tried desperately to breathe as her grip on my throat became to be unbearable. She was choking the air out of me. "Apologize!" I couldn't say a word as she clasped her hands harder applying more pressure. The longer I didn't speak the rougher her grip on me was. I tried to pry her arms off me but she shook me impatiently. Luckily even choking me bored her. "Fine! I guess we'll get the belt out unless.... YOU'RE GOING TO APOLOGIZE!" I bit my lip giving her a fierce look. She screamed to the top of her lungs grabbing my head with both her arms and smashing it against the cement wall frustrated.

"Can't you see how much I love you Kenny?" She whispered. I could feel the blood trickle down my skull as she smashed it once again against the wall. "Don't you see what I did for you? What you make me do?" Her whisper was harsh and cynical but tears streamed down her cheeks. Even though I was the one bleeding I couldn't help but feel the pity. When I showed no sign of my pain and only pity for her she stepped back with the belt. Her face was distraught as the belt whipped against my white muscle shirt.

"Ah I fucking hate you! You fucking bitch!" She smiled still tears in her eyes. Her make up running and her blond hair ruffled as if she was in a terrible accident.

"Just say you love me and this can end!" She cried whipping me again. I screamed a swear at her and she cried louder. I couldn't take it anymore. I hurled myself against the wall breaking the wooden chair. My hands were free but the pain was so unbearable I could barely move. There was only one way out of this. I grabbed a sharp piece of wood. I closed my eyes as I slashed open my neck. ___'s last words echoed in my brain. "Just say you love me and this can end!" Love, it was something that had never interested me something I had never known but still... I knew one thing. If ____ truly loved me, than she would let me go.

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