O.S Where's Stan (MichaelxStan)

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So I changed this from a MichaelxGoth Stan to a MichaelxStan (no goth Stan) because it matches the beautiful picture better.(I only wrote this one shot because of the pretty pic I don't ship this XD) I don't know if you've noticed this guys but I'm kind of... Okay totally obsessing over the goth kids right now HALP! X) Song is Trespassing by Adam Lamber (I love this guy :) this song reminds me of when the rednecks in South Park (Skeeter Ned etc) are like "we don't take kindly to panda bears/trespassers/eight year olds/beautiful women etc..) 

We were smoking cigarettes at the loading docks. We had just finished a boring conversation about how conformist holidays were especially Christmas. We were silent for a second but Pete suddenly gave me a twisted face. I raised my eyebrow at him. "What wanna another cigarette?" I asked. Henrietta burst into laughter at my words and I gave her a dull look. "What?" Firkle smacked his forehead frustrated with me. "What?" I exclaimed finally Pete slowly pointed behind my back.

'Ah crap." I hissed seeing the football coach behind me. He immediately grabbed the cigarettes from my hands and my mouth. I flipped him off and he growled at me.

"Alright! That's four weeks of detention for you!" I smirked at him blowing away the loose strands of curly hair from my view.

"Yeah, cuz stupid conformist football coaches can totally give me detention?" I almost laughed. His face turned red which made me laugh.

"Alright. Four week after school! You'll be inflating footballs for me till practice is over got it?" He screamed. I kept my dull expression and nodded.


I couldn't really explain how mad I was. Especially since I was the one who got caught  with the cigarettes. I was the only one who got in trouble because the others saw the coach coming and put out their cigarettes showing them to the floor. I sighed annoyed that no one had warned me of the conformist. Now, I was stuck in the conformist gym inflating these damn footballs. I cursed to myself when the football assholes showed up. I didn't really know any of them and I didn't plan on knowing any of them. It was a pain in the ass to listen to them as they fooled around smacking each other and swearing. I had to bite my tongue not to get in their faces. When four o' clock hit I grabbed my stuff and headed to Village Inn. I needed some coffee and I needed someone to rant to.

When I got to see the others they greeted me with stoic faces. I gave the a silent thanks when I saw an extra coffee at the table just for me. "So how'd it go?" Pete began.

"Well, it sucked how else was it supposed to go?" I hissed. 

"You're just being a sour spout. It couldn't have been that bad Michael." Henrietta teased. The vein in my forehead throbbed at that fake innocence in her voice.

"Maybe I wouldn't have had to endured it if you warned me about that asshole coach coming our way!" I hissed. Henrietta sighed looking up for a second.

"Oh you're such a baby Michael. You were just taking one for the team don't be so upset." I bit my lip annoyed. I couldn't take another second of this. Pete and Firkle's silence told me they agreed with her and that really pissed me off. I grabbed my coat from my chair took one final sip from my coffee and stormed out of the shop.


"Stan go long!" I looked up to see the conformist who we used to call Raven run to the far end of the gym. My eyes dulled as he easily caught the football from a brunette with a goofy smile. 

I bit my lip kind of annoyed when I remembered Raven. Not only did he remind me of the goths he also reminded me of how he had betrayed us, then again right now I didn't care much for the goths. I was pissed and I expected to stay this way till my punishment was over. I started to pump air into the footballs faster as rage flooded into me. This was so un-fucking-believeable! I hated this, being punished by not only inflating these stupid footballs but by being surrounded by conformists while the others got to enjoy their laid-back days at Village Inn. 

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