The World Beneath Our Feet (Professor Chaosxreader)

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Dedicated to Missl888 for requesting this Professor Chaosxreader. Song is Comatose by skillet.  


General Disarray, ___, and I were scouring South Park for the perfect place to begin our destruction. I was going to disrupt Herizon's wifi network connections. Almost half the town had their cellphones and computers connected with Herizon's network. If I succeeded in shutting it down I'd create mayhem. "It's impossible." Sighed ___. "We don't even know how or where to start!" General Disarray and I began to think for a while.

"What if we break into the Herizon in main place and shut off its wifi. Then it'll be off until the next business day." ___ smiled. I couldn't help smiling too. I stepped towards her about to say something when a silhouette jumped down standing between us. I didn't want to be mad but gosh darn it coming between ____ and I made me mifty.

"Chaos, I knew you were up to something." Disarray and ___ immediately got into fighting stance but I could hardly move since he was so close to me. "I just couldn't imagine you'd do something this cruel." My eyes eased up a bit. It seemed to make Mysterion even more mad. The Coon and his other super hero pals appeared seconds later.

"Dude Butter- Professor Chaos, without wifi we can't play together on our Xbox1's in our own houses! What if we're snowed in? How the hell are we supposed to play the new Call of Duty then?" There was a moment of silence as they glared at us. Before I could process what was happening ___ grabbed my hand along with General Disarray's.

"There's no stopping the inevitable! Try and stop us heroes!" She shouted. I was wheezing hard as we ran through the streets. It was dark and I had to admit I kinda wanted to go home. Maybe that's why I was slowing down.

I didn't mean to be deadweight, I really didn't and I sincerely didn't want us to be caught just because I wanted to go home. Somehow I fell asleep because when I woke up we were in Cartman's basement. I ran to the bars whining to Cartman. "Ah, come on Cartman I'll get grounded if I miss curfew again." The Coon laughed.

"I don't know who this Cartman guy is but he must be super awesome. As for you Chaos you're not going anywhere! I have the Human Kite and the Iron Maiden looking for your new addition ___ who escaped." I looked around realizing that it was true ___ was gone even my general was able to elude capture. I sighed somewhat annoyed. I started this whole super villain thing and still they did it better than I did, whatever I couldn't focus on that now. The heroes were trying to capture my friends and I had to escape this prison. Even though I was evil it didn't mean I couldn't be the hero of our side of the story.

I took my shoe off and began to bang on the prison bars. "MS.CARTMAN! MRS.CARMAN! MRS.CARMAN! SAVE ME!" I screamed. Cartman quickly approached my cage.

"Dude, you can't tell on me that's cheating!" I blocked out Cartman's constant screaming at me that I was cheating because I didn't care. I wanted to save ___.

"MRS.CARTMAN!" Finally the basement door opened and Mrs.Carman appeared. She gasped when she entered the basement. She crossed her arms facing Cartman.

"Eric! What have I told you about locking up your friends?" She opened the prison door and I immediately ran out of the house. Mrs. Cartman usually wasn't home all the time I couldn't let the heroes capture ___ and Disarray be captured now. Mrs. Cartman wouldn't be home and they'd probably be stuck there for days.

When I got out to the town I felt lost but most of all I felt bitterly alone. When I usually played super villains I had General and then I met ___. Now I was alone and miserable. I perked up and felt a little stupid when I remembered they were trying to shut down the wifi for most of the town. I ran straight to the only Herizon we had in town.It was closed and I found ___ and General on the side trying to find a way in. The Human Kite and Iron Maiden showed themselves from behind a nearby building. "General Disarray take care of Iron Maiden you're still young and weak so it's even. Human Kite thought for a while then nodded. "___ and I will take care of the Human Kite!" I immediately started slapping Kyle and he slapped back. For now ___ stayed back General Disarray on the other hand just sat in Timmy's lap and directed his chair elsewhere. He refused to fight him.

I wasn't as strong as Kyle. I had to accept that after five minutes within the battle Kyle forced my hands behind my back. "That's what happens to the bad guys Butters." He smiled in victory but ___ quickly kicked him to the ground. I saw him land face first into the cement and he cursed. "Ah, dude. I think I scrapped my gums." I quickly got my fists out and ___ stayed by my side which made me all fuzzy inside. I expected Kyle to fight us but when he saw that Timmy was gone and it was two against one he sighed.

"Okay dude, I hate to say it but... You win." He put his hands out as if we were going to handcuff him. I couldn't hold it in I laughed. ___ stepped forward forcing Kyle's hands down into its normal position.

"Kyle we're not gonna take you prisoner we're not assholes like the Coon." Kyle almost smiled.

"Yeah sorry about that, I almost wish he wasn't on our side... Anyway, thanks!" He began to run looking at his watch, he was probably going to miss his curfew too.

"Don't get used to it!" ___ screamed as Kyle disappeared. I looked at my watch seeing my bedtime was coming up soon too. I looked at ____ she rubbed her hands together and breathed into them. I looked to the sky as I saw tiny snowflakes.

"Oh hamburgers! It's gonna get cold." ___ smiled and nodded.

"Um, it's late, I... uh gotta get home." She was shaking and I didn't know what I was doing but I grabbed her hands.

"It's already passed my curfew, let me walk you home." Again she smiled and I felt my cheeks burn. We walked for a while in silence but I enjoyed every minute of it, her touch was enough for me. ___ was one of a kind to play with us guys, no other girl wanted to play with us. I wondered why she wanted to play on the losing team though General Disarray and I usually lost against the super hero.

When we reached her house I expected her to enter her house and disappear leaving me empty handed but she turned to me with that smile again. "I had a lot of fun Butters." She leaned forward planting a soft kiss on my cheek and I looked at her in awe. "Call me whenever you need help in your evil doings alright?" She laughed skipping into her house and I cupped my cheek. I couldn't believe what had just happened. ___ kissed me, it hadn't been a kiss on the lips but because it wasn't I loved it all the more because it meant I had something to wait for. It meant I had something to treasure even more.

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