SHEET, Le Guard Dogs(Christophexreader)

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OK dedicated this to boondocksaints2001 for requesting Christophe. The song at the end of the chapter is called Ze mole's Reprise with alterations.

"So this mole guy's supposed to help us save Terrance and Philip?" Kyle asked the other three boys and__. They all shrugged still not entirely impressed. They were expecting some great twenty year old with tons of experience in freeing prisoners, but when they knocked on the door they saw a woman. She gave the five kids an odd look. Stan decided to talk first.

"Uh, we're looking for the mole." He said nervously. She sighed at the name.

"Christophe is not allowed to go play he's grounded for speaking horribly about God." She said. Kyle gave him an odd look.

"wait you mean he's a kid?" Stan asked.

"You can come on in but he's not allowed to leave." She said widening the door for them to come in.

Reader P.O.V

We walked up the stairs and knocked on the first door. A brown haired boy surfaced immediately. " Yez?" He sighed. The boys looked at each other taken back a little. Just then Kyle punched me in the shoulder softly. I coughed before speaking. I repressed a blush as he focused solely on me.

"We're gonna save Terrance and Philip from the USO show." He gave me a dull stare. I gave a crooked smile.

"Sh, sh! Who are you who sent you!" He grabbed my shirt shaking me and I slowly continued.

"Gregory sent us you're.." I looked around cautious, then whispered in his ear. "Ze mole right?" He took a long drag of his cigarette.

"Oui, et vous?" He whispered. I rolled my eyes not wanting to speak French. Especially since I was rusty.

"Are you in?" I asked.

"Gregory... Hm, I gues this must be important. Fine." He scoffed. I rolled my eyes at the prick and he followed us as we walked back. I had heard about this guy and his description irritated me, I was figuring out fast that his description was accurate. I especially hated that ze mole complained a lot about God, I didn't care where he stood with him I just hated complainers. I didn't know why, but I found him interesting.

The mole gave us simple instructions once we were on the outskirts of the show. Of course Cartman got stuck under the barbed wire from the fence. "___, Stan, and Kyle you stall the show in anyway you can. Keep the show going until I free ze prisoners. Cartman over there is the electrical box you must shut it off before I return with Terrance and Phileep. Or else the alarm will sound off and I will be attacked by guard dogs. You must turn off the alarm I fucking hate guard dogs. Meanwhile I will free ze prisoners." He said. Cartman rolled his eyes.

"I heard you the first time, British piece of shit!" He hollered then whined because the shock from the chip in his head.

"Just be careful dude." Kyle whispered. He rolled his eyes.

"Careful? Was my mother careful when she stabbed me in the heart with a clothes hanger while I was still in ze womb. " He scoffed. With that we quickly spread out.

Ze Mole P.O.V

Kyle and Stan had left in a hurry with Cartman wandering about. I had noticed ___ was still here. "Sheet, what are you still doing here, I must go." I hissed.

She rolled her eyes, pulling me into a hug. "Be careful." She whispered. She pulled me into a kiss and I was taken back a step.

"What are you doing?" I hissed. She blushed looking down. "I don't have time for this." I growled. In response she continued to look down. I shrugged it off digging a hole with my shovel. Meanwhile she ran back to Kyle and Stan.

What was with this girl that made me zo. Vulnerable, it peezed me off beyond belief, but made my heart flutter like the pussy I called God. I didn't think of hatred around ___ no, only love and all the things I never had. It made me think of the life I couldn't live because I worked for Gregory and any shady guy who came along. I continued digging and surfaced in the stage.

The Canadians panicked as I tried to reassure them. "Calm down I'm with La resistance I'm here to free you." I whispered. They calmed down as I tried to untie them. Just then the alarms began to blare. Stan and Kyle did their call, that sounded like a dying giraffe to try to warn me but it was too late. They rushed to help me and I crawled back into my hole.

"Spies!" With that the guard dogs were released. The guard dogs chased right after me.

Reader P.O.V

I looked in the hole with Stan and Kyle. "Come on kid you can do it." Stan urged. I let soft tears roll down my cheek when he stopped screaming. I was ready to go down and fight off the dogs when he climbed out of the hole. He was covered in blood from the dog scratches and coughed up blood.

"Ze alarm, it went off." He coughed.

"Yeah that was my bad." Cartman said looking down. I tackled him punching him over and over again.

"Asshole you had one job!" I screeched punching him over and over again as my knees dug deep into his stomach. "Fat ass I'm gonna murder you!" I hollered tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Hold me." He sighed falling into Kyle's arms. I stopped my beatings and ran to him holding his fragile head.

Mole(talking): Where is your God when you need him? Huh? Where is your merciful beautiful faggot now? Here I come God, Here I come you fucking rat

Y/N:(singing)Maybe he's not so bad, just think my sweet Christophe, you and I finally got to meet...

Mole:(talking)Don't cry____ Sheet, I hate you have to zee me like this, sheet. Stop___!Please...

Y/N: (singing)Please stay with me.

Mole: *singing*Now the light, she fades
And darkness settles in
But I will find strength
Y/N: (singing)No, Mole, hang on
Mole:(singing) I will find pride within
Y/N:(singing) We'll get you home
Mole:(singing) Because although I die
Y/N: (singing)I can't face the world
Mole:(singing) Our freedom will be won
Y/N: Not alone
Mole:(singing) Though I die, La Resistance lives... on.(Y/N):(singing) Stay with me... *whispering* Please...

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