O.S Breaking Bonds(Style)

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I feel like this is really short *sigh* oh well, I just thought this was a cute little idea. Dedicated to cold-as-hell for requesting this style one shot. Song is hot n' cold by katy perry

"Come on dude stop ignoring me." He plead. Kyle rolled his eyes as he continued to walk away from his brunette boyfriend.

"Fuck off I'm not in the mood." He mumbled.

"Come on! I was joking! Wendy doesn't even like me anymore she's into that Gregory guy! It wasn't even flirting!" Kyle stopped in his tracks and finally faced Stan.

"That wasn't flirting? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You asked for her number! Which is stupid since I know she's still on your contacts list. So fuck off."  A sigh escaped Stan's lips as he followed Kyle.

"I was just pissed off because of yesterday... Come on! Forgive me!" 

"Yesterday? What happened yesterday?" Stan's eyes dulled at the question.

"Now you're gonna start pissing me off."

The teacher began to hand back the graded tests. Kyle immediately flipped his paper downwards so no one could see his score. Immediately though a voice provoked his actions.

"What you get on your test Jew? 100% like typically?" Cartman snickered. The vein in his forehead throbbed as Cartman swiped away his paper. He began to laugh hysterically then turned towards Stan. "How 'bout you hippie? Low grade again? I mean there's always the dumb one in a pair." He laughed.

Stan bit his lip hiding his test. He didn't want to admit that he had flunked it, he forgot to study and was busy with other things like dealing with Shelly and hanging out with Kyle. Lately though he felt like he was getting dumb. He wasn't putting a lot of effort into his school work and Cartman's taunting were getting to him. "Shut up fat ass." He mumbled. Kyle sighed looking towards the board which made Stan annoyed he expected Kyle to defend him on this but he kept his mouth shut. "What? You're not going to agree with me on this?" Kyle kept his gaze frontward as he replied.

"Well... I hate to admit it but I am the smarter one in this relationship." Stan shot him a menacing glare but Kyle quickly stuffed his face into his textbook.

Kyle sighed annoyed at Stan's reasoning. "So I called you stupid. So what? That gives you the right to flirt with your ex? The one you were with for years! The one you claimed you loved? That's just wrong." 

"Well, she made me feel good, is that so wrong? It's not like I was going to-"

"Don't even joke about that dude!" 

"I was going to say 'it's not like I was going to kiss her'. I mean we both know I'm not a virgin but it's not like a silly argument was going to make me fall into an old habit. God, have more faith in me."

"Finishing that sentence with 'kiss her is just as bad. I mean we haven't even..." Stan looked away a blush on his cheeks.

"Yeah... I know. Could you just accept my apology already?"

"That's all you care about? A clear conscious?" His statement made Stan almost furious.

"NO! It's just... I don't like arguing... And you accepting my apology means a lot... Is all." 

Kyle looked up at Stan who was now in front of him. He slowly removed his green hat and ran his fingers through his red curly locks. "Besides, it's a lot more fun, when we aren't arguing.... Also I was  thinking maybe today..." Stan slowly cupped Kyle's cheeks so their eyes locked and he couldn't look away. "We... could." Ever so slowly Stan pulled him into a gentle kiss. Kyle wanted to protest still not wanting to accept his apology but once he eased into the kiss there was no turning back. It was his first kiss, with the only person he ever loved in the world. He could hold his arguing for later.

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