Chicks before Dicks?(Stanxreader)

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**** means next dayDedicated to Wish4aWish for requesting Stan. Picture of Stan anime style at the side. I DON'T OWN IT! The song is blacking out the friction by death cab for cutie


Stan P.O.V

I was late to class again. I took my time walking I wasn't quite over last week. I stopped to catch my breath in front of the table where the guys were. They all rolled their eyes at me. "What?" I asked still catching my breath. Cartman muttered something and Kyle opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Mrs. Garrison. "Class, get into groups of four!" She yelled. Everyone scattered around, Kenny and Kyle grabbed my arm.

"We're a team!" They shouted. I nodded walking over to someone I wanted to talk to since I met her. Since I had broken up with Wendy last week, now was my chance, if not my only. I walked over to ___, as she sat on her chair looking desperately for a partner. Kenny and Kyle glared at me I shrugged, walking towards her. I had to pull them since they resisted. I looked at her (e/c) orbs waiting for her to notice me.

She looked up at me with a huge grin. "Hi Stan." She almost whispered. I repressed a blush. She was cute when she talked all innocent. I waved as Kenny and Kyle rolled their eyes once again.

"You wanna be in our group ___?" I asked. Kyle and Kenny were motioning for her to say no. I turned to stare at them. I looked dully at them as they crossed their arms.

"I'd love to." She almost squealed. I grinned at her answer. We walked back to the table. I sat next to __ staring at her beauty. She tried not to look at me but it was clear she wanted to blush. The rest of the period was like this as Kyle and Kenny did all the work. While __ and I talked. Cartman was forced to work with Craig, Token, Tweek and Jimmy. He kept swearing at me but I blocked out most of it. Kyle and Kenny seemed upset to be stuck with all the work but I didn't care. I was finally getting over Wendy.

When the bell rang I immediately ran to the lunch line. I didn't want the guys to continue bitching at me. Kyle walked with me after we got our lunch. "Stan the guys and me have to talk to you." He said gently. I set my food down where the guys were at.

"Stan, you have a problem." Kenny said in his muffled hood. Cartman got up yelling.

"Yeah a bad case of bonoritus!" He yelled bursting out laughing. When no one else laughed he sat down with a swear. It was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Thanks for the help you guys, but I was actually gonna eat lunch with __." I said picking up my lunch tray. The guys gritted their teeth but I didn't give them time to swear at me

Reader P.O.V

I was walking home. Stan offered to walk with me but I denied. My parents would kill me if they knew I had guy friends. The sky was getting cloudier. I didn't mind we were in a mountain town. The wind blew in my ear and I swear it was as if it was talking to me.

"__! __!" The wind whispered. When the wind died I recognized the voice. I looked around but was quickly pulled away.

I was thrown against the wall, I was shocked at first but then realized it was fat ass. "Look,___ I don't know what kind of spell you have on Stan but it has to stop." Cartman hissed. Kenny stepped up taking off his hood.

"Stan is my man so back off hoe." He said. I almost laughed but then realized he was being completely serious. I was shocked, I didn't know Kenny was gay.

"Yeah, like Stan doesn't like to acknowledge it at school but at home he's like the best boy friend ever, right Kenny..." Cartman said.

"So get away from my man." Kenny said red in the face. Cartman gave me an evil grin.

"I can respect that..." I said still confused. I left after that.


Cartman P.O.V

This was fucking hilarious! Not only did Kenny and I get that bitch to stop hanging out with us we also got her to think Stan was gay. Priceless! I laughed as I continued to spread the rumor at school. Of course Stan didn't know yet. Kenny didn't care because he said he had already gotten a blow job and boned a girl so he was sure he wasn't gay. He dealt with it better than when I said Kahl and I were a couple. Fucking HILARIOUS! I was at my locker talking to Butters when Stan slammed the locker on my arm.

"Why the hell are you telling everyone Kenny and I are a gay couple!" Stan shouted. I snickered.

"Oops, busted." Was all I said. He walked away angry.

Stan P.O.V

No wonder she was avoiding me. I came to her house, last night and she refused to open the window. She didn't say hi to me in the morning or even eat lunch with me. I found out about the rumor when I asked Wendy how she was doing.


I walked passed her in the halls. "Hi Wendy." Bebe snickered and walked away.

"Sorry Stan we can't get back together." She said bluntly.

"What?" I asked confused. I hadn't even wanted to get back together, it was just a hello. Not like I wanted to make out with her.

"Look I know you're gay for Kenny, let's not make this harder than it needs to be." She said grabbing my hand, "let's go to the mall sometime." She smiled then walked away snickering. My smile fell. I later caught Cartman spreading the rumor to Red.

***End of Flashback***

I went looking for ___, I needed to clear this up. If our friendship was gonna die because of this I might as well have died too. I ran all around school. After about two hours I had finally given up. I went to the back of the school to be alone. I knew I'd find the goths there. They'd always offer me to join their clique but I had decided a long time ago never to be a faggy goth again. When I stepped through the door I found ___ there alone. She was on the floor and the goths were nowhere to be seen. I frowned as I realized her face was dry of tears. "___...." I whispered.

She looked up, angry. "What do you want!" She screamed. I took a step back. I frowned myself. I ran my fingers through her (h/c) locks trying to show I wasn't a threat. When she stopped breathing heavily, I sat down next to her.

"What's wrong, why are you upset?" I asked softly. She turned away I knew she was crying again. She looked down, trying not to be obvious of her tears.

"I like you too much... I can't watch you with someone else, I can't even be happy for a friend, I'm despicable, disgusting, selfish. I wanted you all to myself and I wanna knock Kenny's teeth out but... I know you don't like me..." She said sobbing into her arms. I wrapped my arms around her. I shook my head upset. Rumors hurt more people then the person intended.

"I love you." I whispered into her ear. She slapped me across the face. Tears streaming down her face.

"You liar!" She screamed. "liar..." I hugged her tighter now.

"No, the only liars are Kenny and Cartman, they hate hanging out with girls, so they lied. I hate those damn liars.... Please, I love you." I said desperate for a true response. She looked up, wiping her tears.

"Really?" She asked sniffling. I smiled at her. I pecked her on the lips.

"Really..." I was going in for another kiss when I threw up.

"Ah, Stan gross!" She yelled then laughed. She kissed me on the lips again. "I love you Stan Marsh. I wiped my mouth.

"I-" threw up again all over her face. I blushed not getting the hold of my stomach. I guess this was the price for love.

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