Coffee Stains(KennyxTweek's sister, reader)

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Dedicated to colorguardgirl0109 for requesting Kennyxtweaks sister, reader song is forbidden love by state of grace


"Agh! ___, get up! W-we're gonna be AGH! Late..." My eyes slowly opened to Tweek shaking in his skin. I guess having a sister was too much pressure for him. "come on I brewed you some... AGH! Coffee..." I lazily got up wiping my eyes. 

"I'll be downstairs in a bit just let me get ready." I yawned. He smiled as he left the room. Damn, were all big brothers this weird? Tweek was eighteen and I was sixteen. We didn't really mind each other we were never really close especially since we each had our own lives. Tweek treated me more like a nuisance than a sister. I sighed as I left the house my backpack on my arm.

Kenny P.O.V

I decided to skip school. Mom and dad had already convinced me that I wasn't getting into college. There was no money, I was already doing worse than poor in school and I was probably gonna get a girl knocked up before the end of the year. I smiled knowing I wasn't a virgin but frowned immediately. I wasn't some whore or manwhore! No, I was gonna show everyone that I changed, that I was at least trying. I sighed falling to the floor of my room. Mom and dad were fighting again. I thought if they were all focused on hating me at least they'd have something to agree on. Not only was I right but I was also regretful. They loved putting me down but also loved blaming each other for their fucked up kids. Karen was the only good one but she was pregnant at the young age of fifteen. I rolled my eyes thinking of the asshole who dumped my sister a day after they hooked up. 

It almost made me not want to have sex with anyone but I knew that wasn't gonna happen. I was just more considerate and observant when it came to those situations. Maybe I just needed a new outlook on life. Just then my phone began to ring. I looked down almost dismissing the idea of social interaction but I quickly picked up that damn phone.

'Kenny, meet at Tweek's coffee shop, free coffee!' I rolled my eyes knowing Cartman was probably laughing his ass off about how excited I'd be to get free stuff. I lazily picked my ass up walking over to Tweek's coffee shop. 

Reader  P.O.V

"GAH! Eek! Gah! How... WHY! AH!" Tweek kept repeating the same thing over and over again trying not to rip the paper in his hand. "D-Detention! How, NRRR! AGH!" I put my head down knowing it was true. I got detention for skipping a class and getting caught off of school campus with a couple of friends. "How!" He shouted. I shrugged looking away. 

"I need a break! Take over o-okay?" He stuttered. I rolled my eyes grabbing his apron. "___! Be careful I'll just be in the back! Okay... GAH!" He shouted. I grabbed the broom sweeping the dusty floor of our little shop. Business was slow today so I sat down in a chair taking off my apron. I knew Tweek would be steaming mad but I didn't care. When the bell rang at the door I nearly jumped. Dad had my back though he appeared behind the counter. I smiled as I got to relax a bit. It's not that I hate work it's just that... I'm lazy. Four boys came up to the counter. 

"Strongest coffee you got I'm showing Jew boy how to take one!" The biggest one said. I observed them from afar trying not to be upset with their loud presence.

"Shut up fat ass! I want the same thing!" A boy in a green hat shouted. I put my head down annoyed of their noise level.

"You guys, can't we just have a normal day without fighting? I'll have a simple hot chocolate." I kept my head down as the seemingly only normal boy spoke.

"Uh, I'll have what he's having...." The soft voice made my head come up. I caught a glimpse of his blond locks. His blue eyes glimmered but were quickly hidden by his orange parka. I blushed trying to look away. 

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