Love is for Conformists(Michaelxreader)

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 Michael at the side anime style, I really like the ship Michrietta but it's only in the beginning that's why I'm also doing a one shot for them. The song is Swing Swing by All American rejects.


Michael P.O.V

We were at the Village Inn it seemed like a pretty normal day. Every Friday Henrietta and I would sneak off and come here for some coffee. Once the waitress refilled our mugs things got awkward. She picked up her cup blowing on its steam but instead of drinking it she gently put it back down. "Something wrong?" I said in my usual monotone. She looked away emotionless. I could see a slight blush. I sighed knowing it would take more of me to get the words out of her. "You know only conformists make their boyfriends figure out what's wrong with them?" She stayed silent. I began to think what else I could do. I smirked a little at my plan. "I'll buy you tickets to that Nine Inch Nail concert you've wanted to go to."

"Really?" She asked hope slightly in her tone. I gave a small smile nodding my head slightly. Her grip suddenly tightened on her mug. "No, Michael I think we should see other people." She whispered quickly. My eyes fell on the table as my smile turned dull again.

I looked at her suspiciously. "You like Pete don't you," I asked sipping my coffee. She looked away again. "No way..." I sighed leaning back in my chair.

"We don't act like a couple so why should we be one. Don't make this more conformist than it needs to be." With that, she pushed in her chair and left. I stared into the distance feeling totally stupid. I should've guessed, love didn't work for my mom and dad, so why should it for me. After taking it all in I decided to get home and just sleep the rest of the day off. Love is for conformists, I should've known.

Reader P.O.V

I was on the bench an ice pack on my head. Wendy had accidentally hit me with the dodge ball. She forgot we were on the same team, or at least I hope she forgot... I sighed as I watched the rest of the girls play dodge ball and the guys play football. The school days seemed to run like this, no matter where I went I didn't really belong anywhere. I began to walk away suddenly feeling depressed. 

"Why is  a conformist like you being all depressed." A voice said blowing smoke into my face. I rolled my eyes when I saw the tall big nosed goth with bushy black hair. I didn't know why but I sat down next to him. 

"What's it to you, you goths are always depressed by the way why are you all alone?" I asked looking dully into the gray sky. He sighed a little moving a little farther away from me.

"My girlfriend who was supposedly goth broke up with me, I'm kinda glad though, I knew she was just a conformist wearing black..." His words seemed empty and his expression spoke otherwise. He seemed genuinely sad. I turned to face him.

"I don't think so, maybe you're just in denial." I said bluntly. He smiled at the thought.

"No, she was a bitch, maybe I didn't really like her..." Again I could obviously tell he was lying. I forced him to focus on me instead of looking around.

"Look, you liked her a lot getting over something means you stop living in denial come on she dumped you like a bag of potatoes. She despised you now starts the healing." He proceeded by flipping me off.

His eyes turned dull as he spoke. "Shut up, whatever why am I talking to you anyway." He muttered. I smiled bigger knowing I wondered this myself.

"I don't know why are you talking to me ain't I just a conformist." I could see him give a genuine smile just for a split second.

He grabbed a cigarette from his pocket lighting it. "I just think I needed a friend who wasn't a total goth, maybe someone who didn't get me as much as they did... Do." He blew smoke into my face again I coughed before speaking.

"I don't think so," I chimed in with a goofy smile. He gave me another dull tired look.

After a few seconds, he broke into a small smile. "How so conformist?" He asked testing my patience.

I sighed taking his cigarette out of his mouth. "It's ___, and I think I know you a lot better than any of your goth friends could." I inhaled the smoke blowing it in his face for once. 

He coughed looking away. "You wouldn't be too off... And thanks." He muttered. I smiled moving my (h/c) locks out of my (e/c) eyes. This little gesture caught his attention.

"Damn, a conformist knows me better than the goths..." He said as if thinking. I moved closer to him whispering into his ear.

"Shut up." Just then he faced me our lips inches apart.  He was red in the face which made me blush hard. I acted on impulse. "and kiss me." I turned hot red at my stupid actions. Our lips were about to touch when-

"Michael hurry the fuck up we're about to win Nine Inch Nail tickets!" Our heads collided at the voice of a short goth. "the fuck?" He asked  We were still red from embarrassment. Michael rubbed his forehead getting up as the shorter goth disappeared with a flip of his hair. 

"I'll catch you later conf- I mean ___..." He said awkwardly. I blushed harder as he quickly kissed me on the lips and walked away lighting another cigarette.

Michael P.O.V

I breathed in the sweet tobacco thinking for a bit. I didn't feel like talking especially to Pete who might be with Henrietta. To my own surprise, I wasn't as pissed as I had thought. I don't even think I was mad at all.  I walked behind Pete going back to the others. Maybe seeing Henrietta wouldn't be such a pain, I mean I did in a way have a  new girlfriend. I almost scoffed at the idea, maybe love wasn't only for conformists.

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