Tacos and Clyde(Clydexreader)

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Dedicated to djdashlunarspeed for requesting this clydexreader. The  song is I'm sorry by Flyleaf.


I began to run chasing Clyde. "I don't get it Clyde! I mean, we always have a pizza taco night on Saturday nights!" I screamed giggling as he dragged me along. He laughed looking back. 

"Sorry! I just really wanna get there before they run out of that pork I love so much." I laughed shaking my head. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "come on ___ you know how much I love tacos."  I smiled. Clyde had his thing I had my thing. I loved video games and pizza he loved tacos and video games.  

Mom took forever to get out of the shower so we got to the our destination later than intended. It was super late and we were starving as we stepped in the room. I closed my eyes as we entered the pizza palace and taco shack we called Casa Bonita. With time to adjust I finally opened my eyes.

I didn't know why the brunette acted so surprised we came every week. He looked around in awe. "Come on the tacos won't wait any longer!" He screamed dragging me to the ever so long buffet line. I smiled smelling the delicious food. We waited about fifteen minutes until we reached the tacos and pizza. We each got a couple of slices of pizza. I was in front of Clyde in line and I was really excited to eat it was the best part of the day. My face immediately fell when I realized it though. There was only one taco left. One and only one. My stomach was calling to me what was I gonna do. All thoughts of Clyde immediately left me as I grabbed it putting it onto my plate and licking it all over so I didn't have to share.

I felt the tension when we sat down. Clyde looked down at his plate of pizza. He had a frown and seemed close to tears. "T...th... They ran out of tacos..." He said empty. I gulped hard knowing under all my slices of pizza was one single beef taco. We ate in silence then after all my pizza was gone I stared at the taco. Clyde soon noticed too. "___.... Is that a... A taco?" He said his eyes glowing. I sighed but then quickly swallowed all emotion. Clyde and I had been dating for a while he could go a day without a taco right. I took big bite out of the taco and he started to cry. Everyone began to stare at us as Clyde began to become hysterical. I covered his mouth starting to walk him home.

I sighed as he stared at me when he stood at his door. "Good night ___." He said in a harsh tone and slamming the door.


I knocked on the door. What else was I supposed to do. The door opened and immediately slammed in my face. "Clyde open up!" I had betrayed him. I hurt his feelings and now all I could do was apologize over and over again. "Please Clyde I'm sorry! I AM SO SORRY! Please I love you Clyde! Open the damn door!" I screamed knocking over and over again. After about five minutes of endless knocking the door opened. I quickly put my foot between it so it wouldn't close if he changed his mind.

"Hey." He said with red puffy eyes." I sighed taking his hands. 

"I'm sorry Clyde you put all your trust into me and I... I fucked up okay... Forgive me." He bit his lip fiercely stepping away.

He started to break into tears. "You knew how much I loved tacos how could you!" He screamed. I looked down tears filling in my own eyes. How could I get his trust back. I sighed stepping forward and hugging him.

"Please Clyde, I love you more than pizza can't you love me more than tacos..." I begged crying. He looked down his hands slowly wrapping around me. He stopped his tears finally hugging me.

"__, I love you way more than tacos." I smiled kissing him on the lips. He smiled as we sat there in silence. I'd buy him more tacos later. 

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