Look My Way(Kylexreader)

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This kylexreader is dedicated to AbigailMEDGA for requesting it. Song is Mrs. Jackson by. Panic at the Disco! X) I love them! X) Okay... SO Yeah.... Oh and it's official I'm writing a firklexIke book(SPhigh school book) with Ruby, Ike, Flora, Firkle, Fillmore etc, all highschoolers. I'm So excited! but I shall finish this first since I promised :) Remember please requests closed until I get my next book out thanks.

Kyle tried opening his eyes but they seemed glued shot with eye crust. Other than that his whole body felt like shit. His head was pounding, his breath smelled... BAD. He wanted a cup of water more than he wanted any girl in his entire life. Girl, wait... YEAH! A small smirk enveloped his face as he rolled over to his left and opened his eyes, expecting to see her. What was her name again? Maybe he should just get out of bed and scram before she realized, surely she wouldn't remember this hotel number right? Finally when he opened his eyes the other half of his bed was empty. Where was that girl? It was a girl right? "HEY! YOU THERE!" He shouted towards the open bathroom door in his room.  Screaming made the pounding in his head worse but it did make a Stan magically appear.

"Ow, why the hell are you screaming?" He asked annoyed, behind him was Wendy with a long baseball T-shirt that belong to her boyfriend.

"Uh... Did I do anything last night?" Kyle blushed. Stan bursted out in laughter and Wendy shook her head in disappointment.

"What didn't you do?" Stan managed to say between fits of laughter. Kyle turned even redder.


"Does it matter? Isn't this where the hit it and quit it thing is applied. I mean she obviously quit it." Kyle bit his lip annoyed, he had to remember remember who she was. There was something that he did remember, before the whole bed thing he was having a lot of fun... 

"Can you just like... Tell me her name." Stan sighed annoyed.

"_____. Remember? I remember what screwed up shit happened while you two were here and after you got back but I have no idea what idiotic stuff you did when you left. I wonder where ____ went..." Kyle's body tensed a bit, his memory flickered a bit. ____, yeah, (h/c) hair, that adorable laugh and little snort if she laughed hard enough, beautiful (e/c) eyes.... He forced himself to stop thinking about her body which his brain had no problem remembering. Good, he had an image... Now, WHERE THE FUCK WAS SHE?

Ever so slowly Kyle got out of bed took a quick shower and headed out with a bag of ice pressed against his forehead. Now, where could he find ____, where did he meet her anyway? He didn't know a ____ until before last night. He walked along the streets of South Park, apparently, he had paid for everyone's lofts at SodaSoPa with his VISA now he was trying to get home without disturbance, his migraine was killing him. He definitely didn't know that Kenny was would put 'happy' pills in two out of the four cups of beer, and he definitely didn't know HE OF ALL FUCKING PEOPLE, would get the cup that had the fucking pill.(he was pretty sure Kenny got the other one) Even thinking about it made his head hurt. No way was he going to happy hour with those guys ever again. Initially they had gone to Skeeters bar with fake ID's but by the end of night... er morning, he found himself in a hotel at SodasoPa???? WERE THEY FUCKING KIDDING? Kyle was walking enjoying the cool breeze but stopped dead in his wake.

There was a familiar smell, a wave of nostalgia hit him like a shit ton of bricks. He slowly turned to his right, sure enough there was Daveed waving. Neva Familia... He stared at and an immediate flashback hit him.

____ was giggling as Kyle dragged her forward. "Where are we going? You're in noooo condition to walk the streets!" She laughed. Kyle smiled back still drunk but definitely a lot more happier than he was sober.  The lights were a little too much though. his head was buzzing and ____ was singing a song Kyle didn't know. Suddenly as ____ repeated the chorus she stopped and looked at him with a smile.

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