*LEMON* Last Straw(ChristophexreaderxGregory)

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Dedicated to MadisonNadine for requesting this ChristophexreaderxGregory Lemon. I only write lemons upon requests so yeah... Song is Diamonds are forever(and forever is a mighty long time) by the cab. I couldn't find a really cute (nonyaoi) pic of Gregory and Christophe so I settled with this one.

I sighed deeply as we walked into the complex. I held onto Christophe's arm tightly. He had a somewhat irritated look on his face. I couldn't settle my nerves as we walked through the halls. I didn't want to admit we failed. When we entered his office I was surprised at how harmless the blond looked. Christophe had always told me that he was dangerous, and that he was a beetch. I laughed remembering Christophe's accent. I wanted to rub his arm but as soon as we entered Christophe stepped away from me as if I meant nothing to him. The blond tapped his desk impatiently with a pen. "Jacav said he didn't get his shipment of chocolate... Care to explain why?" His eyes were smooth blue and I sensed innocence but they glared at us with a menacing tone. I found myself shaking in my seat. I wanted those ocean blue eyes to stop staring at my soul. To stop asking me for an answer that I was too cowardly to give. In truth we failed because I was too weak.

"Sheet... Look, Gregory I just-" I quickly cut him off before he could speak.

"It was my fault! I... We got intercepted by some suspicious lurkers in the streets. I couldn't defend myself, Christophe he... Saved me but they took the stuff. If I hadn't come the mission would've gone better. I'm sorry." I looked down disappointment washing over me. "You were right about me. I shouldn't have gone with him." I felt tears escape me and Christophe scoffed. I expected him to cuss out Gregory but he stood up disappointed himself.

"Sheet, ____. I expected more from you than to cry in front of this piece of sheet. Damn, I thought you were tougher than to be subdued by the likes of Gregory." I watched as he slowly rose from his seat and walked out of the room. I felt my hot tears stream down my cheeks faster and I looked down to the desk. Both my hands laid on my cheeks as I attempted to cover my pathetic face. I heard my sobbing and knew I was probably annoying Gregory. As if he was reading my thoughts I felt said person lay his hand on mine.

"Now then, I wouldn't be so sad. I'd have done the same if I had failed one of the higher-ups. You know the big guys who we receive jobs from." I looked up surprised at how sympathetic his words actually were Gregory was now sitting next to me. His hand softly stroked mine and I felt a slight blush. I didn't dare say another words as he continued. "I may have been a little intimidating towards you for a first meeting." His eyes locked onto mine for a second and I felt his hand brush my thigh. My cheeks were turning redder each second as he pulled me into a deep kiss. I thrashed for a second trying to pull away but slowly found myself wrestling with his tongue. I accidentally let a moan escape and we parted. " My apologies, I try to act better than this but I seem to have an irritable habit not to." His smirk widened as his hand traveled south up my thigh and I held my gasp. "But I seem to have a tendency to make bad first impressions." I closed my eyes for a second as I felt Gregory's wandering hands explore the inners of my thighs and tease my private. I wanted to back away and Gregory laughed at how squeamish I was becoming.

Again I gave a small moan but Gregory did something that made me scream. He picked me up and lay me on his desk. I sighed a breath of relief knowing that his teasing was over but I was greeted with his smirk inches away from my face. "What's wrong? Did I disturb you that much?" He laughed and soon he overwhelmed my lips with his warm ones. I instinctively tried backing away but as he became for fierce I found my hands wrapped around his chest trying not to fall from the desk that was too small for two grown teens. I moaned every time Gregory's tongue found a new part of my mouth that I had never explored. I found myself craving him even more but after every time we parted he merely smirked at me.

"What are you doing?" I asked out of breath from our little make out session. I didn't mean it to sound like begging but I found my voice pleading. I only caught glimpse of his smirk as he began to kiss my neck slowly. I bit my lip trying not to give his ego something to brag about when I felt his warm hands cup my breasts. I couldn't contain my gasp anymore and Gregory slowly bit down harder on my neck flesh.

Gregory took the chance to remove my shirt and I stared at him realizing for the first time that he was blushing too. I laughed as my hand traced downward from his chest to his jeans. He laid his hands on my hot cheeks again planting a soft kiss on my lips and smirked. "I thought you'd be a bit more reluctant." He laughed. My heartbeat was racing as I stared at him and he slowly took off my bra. His face turned redder as my hand lay on his private. I wanted to tease him a little like he had been doing to me all day but before I could he slowly began bite down on my tender nipples. I moaned immediately throwing my head back and he became rougher with every moan.

"Gregory, stop! We can't... We can't do this what about Christophe? I... I." Gregory stopped for a second an irritated look on his face.

"Can you honestly say you still love him? When he left you so easily, when he thought you weren't worth fighting for? When I'm here?" His smirk returned as he softly bit down on my breasts. I smiled all memories of Christophe washing away. I let my hand do its work on his lower stairs and I smiled as he moaned softly.

I felt very excited there was no denying that and there was no denying how hard I had made Gregory. I sat up laying in his lap cuddling against him and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. He completely ignored my actions as he stared at my wet underwear. He could see how wet I had become and I immediately shuddered with pleasure as he penetrated me with his middle finger. Again he teased me by slowly penetrating me with his hands slowly adding another every time I moaned. "Gregory!" I whined. I saw him slowly slipping off his jeans to reveal a bulge in his boxers. I opened my mouth to speak but before I could Gregory slipped inside of me and I couldn't help but repay him for making me gasp so much. I only licked the tip of him and saw him shudder and mutter a swear which made me laugh.

"Who knew we were so excited to see me." I teased. I slowly let him enter my mouth and let my tongue explore. When I was about to leave he slowly pushed my head back in.

"Just..." He smiled at his failed attempt to explain himself but I wasn't complaining. What I did next surprised both of us. I slowly stood up wrapping my arms around his neck and slowly leaned against him.

"What are you going to do now Gregory?" I whispered rubbing the back of his earlobe. He seemed at awe at my actions but didn't hesitate to throw me backwards so he lay on top of me. I laughed at his smirk and almost considered taking care of things myself if he dared to tease me again when I felt him slowly enter inside me.

"Ah, don't worry... about being slow." I almost whined. He kissed my lips again before speaking.

"I've just heard that the first time hurts so, I'm taking precautions." I turned red as he rubbed my breasts slowly thrusting up and down in a rhythmic pattern that made me gasp with every push. The only thing that bothered me though was that he was being so gentle. I remembered his blue eyes. How intimidating he was how I wanted his gaze to stop. How menacing they were but I also sensed the dominance in them. He was holding back and it made me want to scream. He was teasing again.

"Gregory!" I yelled and I felt him go deeper inside me. My eyes widened almost as if they'd pop out of their sockets and I heard him laugh. I felt my pussy slowly pulse around him and I couldn't contain my screams anymore. Every second I was asking for more asking for it rougher and the blond quickly adjusted himself to do my standards. I thrusted my hips around as Gregory got faster and I found myself screaming for mercy almost to the top of my lungs.

"That didn't take much." He pouted. I was trying to catch my breath but Gregory hardly stopped for a break. He began to kiss me and got deeper than I had ever imagined. His penis felt like a dildo inside of me as we played in sync to each other. Gregory's hand left my breasts wandering to my ass as he fondled me and I found myself on the verge of another one when Gregory finally found himself satisfied. I stared at him for a second staring at his beautiful eyes and his red face. "I love you." He slowly pushed a loose strand of my (h/c) hair behind my ear and planted a slow soft kiss on my lips.

"I love you too Gregory."

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