Was it That Obvious? (Toolshedxreader)

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Okay so this took a while, I'm sorry. This toolshedxreader is dedicated to SouthStanley for requesting it song is any other way by we the kings (I'm getting obsessed with themXD) So yeah. Requests closed for this book until I make a new one and an IkexFirkle/Sp high school book coming out later. Thanks!

Mysterion was dead. _____ knew that because she saw him get run over by a truck and that he was Kenny. Kenny always died. Of course no one cared so why mention it and look crazy like he did? It was math class and now she looked around bored. Math was her worse subject. Just then she realized there was an empty seat next to her. She wondered for a moment who was missing until she realized  who it was. Just then Stan ran into class with a white coffee stained shirt and ripped jeans. An immediate blush overwhelmed her when Stan stared at her out of breath... Okay so he was looking at his desk, but a girl can dream right? He took a seat next to her and she swore he was going to talk to her, because he turned towards her but then he turned more so he was turned 180  degrees and he was staring at damn Wendy. SERIOUSLY? A sigh escaped her lips. Wendy smiled then went to her notes, For a split second Stan showed annoyance in his face but then smiled turning to the front. 

"Why the hell do you look like a truck hit you?" Finally the brunette turned to her.

"Wendy asked me to get her a coffee from Harbucks, but then the one minute bell rang so I started running and I  fell going up the stairs, coffee's all over my fucking FAVORITE shirt and I swear my nipples still burn. Not to mention I didn't have time to comb my hair because it took me an agonizing thirty minutes to get Wendy's coffee. I should've woken up earlier..." He let out an annoying sigh and I felt really sorry for him. Stan wasn't a guy who said no to people, he was a people pleaser. And damn was Wendy, people. She always had standards for Stan and when he didn't hold up to them she'd dump him, that's what got ____ even more mad. She liked Stan, like... Okay maybe like wasn't the right word but the most appropriate four letter word she could use on a guy who wasn't single. 

Finally school was over, and that meant no more awkwardly staring at Stan. It meant video games, it meant pigging out, it meant listening to endless hours of music. It meant... FREEDOM! _____ began to walk home. Of course when she got home there was some trouble. "Hey turd, how was school?"  A blush overwhelmed her as she looked at Shelly next to her was a meek defeated Stan with a bruise over his left eye. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" She let out a short laugh and _____ couldn't help but continue this verbal assault. "I asked you a question! Damn you'd think years of wearing that headgear of yours would cure your big mouth." Shelly was steaming mad now. Mentioning the long forgotten headgear was taboo. It was known fact that if you even hinted to it you'd get your ass kicked. She stepped forward intending to give _____ a matching black eye like Stan but he quickly stepped between the two.

"Woah! Stop!" That made ____ stop but Shelly punched him in the cheek and he staggered back cupping his poor handsome face, what an idiot. Why was he so adorable? "Your folks and my folks went out for a couples thing, and they put Shelly here in charge since I was caught with pot last summer and apparently you invited a guy over last time?" A sly grin was on his mouth as the last part of his sentence left his mouth and the (h/c) haired girl blushed.

"It was Butters! He doesn't really count as a boy!" She protested. Still Stan gave that adorable sly grin and ____ couldn't keep eye contact especially since she had to look at that nasty black eye and show him her intense blush.

"Okay turds, I don't care how old you are I'm here cus your parents don't trust you. So I'm in charge." Stan scoffed and without a second hesitation Shelly sent a lamp flying to his head hitting him, ____ cringed. 

"SHUT UP TURD!" ___ rolled her eyes. Shelly grabbed the remote and hopped onto the coach.

"Kevin's coming over, so go in the kitchen and make us that pizza before I kick your ass you got that turd!"

Typical South Park One Shots and Readers ATTENTIONClosed for RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now