Ze Mission Impossible(Christophexreader)

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Dedicated to SouthParkAnime for requesting this christophexreader the song is get along by Guy Sebastian. Christophe at the side anime style.


 "Sheet! SHEET! SHEET!" I repeated it over and over again. What ze hell was he thinking. Gregory! Ze so called mastermind of our operation got  caught! CAUGHT! "Well... How much is bail..." I sighed dropping ze phone when I heard ze amount. No way in hell. We hadn't made nearly half of that this month on our jobs. I sighed looking to ze phone book. Gregory was useless to me if he came back traumatized because he was ass fucked. One name immediately stuck out. (y/n) (l/n). Personally I hadn't met zee girl but Gregory spoke grotesque things about her. She was girly rich and was on ze streets just because she didn't want to deal with her parents. I rolled my eyes. How obnoxious. My mother tries to kill me while I am ztill in ze womb and she runs away because she's grounded? There was another thing though. Connections skills. She had that and right now I needed that well Gregory did.

"Hello?" I heard her anoyed voice immediately. I sighed into ze phone. I could hear ze grinding of her teeth. "Christophe how did you get this number!" She spat. I rolled my eyes and I could sense her smile.

"I'd hate to impose but...." I could hear her snicker. I bit my lip about to scream again. Her voice was annoying enough. Now I had to hear her damn voice. Enemies, it was ze only connection between us.

"What? You need help? Is the almighty Christophe asking for my help?" She laughed teasing me. I grinded my teeth trying not to scream. I hated to admit that I needed her help.

Again I could sense her smirk. "Will you do it or not!" I shouted. She laughed hysterically for a moment then coughed to control herself.

"Okay, what may I be of service to you?" She said in a grossly polite tone. I could imagine that fake smile plastered onto her chubby cheeks and ze bow she'd give just to get ze vein in my forehead to throb. Ze beetch really knew how to piss me off.

I sighed as I began to confess about Gregory. It was bad enough that I couldn't live without him.(I'm being literal, my mother has no job I bring ze bread to ze table it's not like I give a crap about ze dumb ass) "It's Gregory he's gotten himself kidnapped and I need your help to find ze people who took him and get ze bastard back."

"Woah, Christophe never took you as gay do you take it in dry?" I sighed trying again not to scream. "I'll meet you in the vacant parking lot of Blockbusters." She continued after her laughter. I grabbed my shovel heading out ze door immediately. 

"I'm going out mother!" I screamed. She hummed in response as I slammed ze door closed. It took me about ten minutes to get to ze parking lot. It had been abandoned when Blockbusters went out of business. I saw her in a black hood a cigarette in her mouth. Her (h/c) hair covering her (e/c) eyes. I sighed laying on ze same wall she was leaning on.

She turned to face me smashing my head with a light stack of papers. I narrowed my eyes as she began to speak. "The radical five. Five kids in Denmark, white boys who distribute cigarettes and weed to the high schoolers at Denmark high. They've spoken to Gregory before... On page one there are about three lengthy texts back and forth between Gregory and ze leader Tony. They're not really specific on what they want they use code names and numbers instead of being direct. Page two and three are emails the leader had exchanged with his bottom bitch Tania concerning inventory. Finally on-"

"What ze fuck does this have to do with anything?" I quickly interrupted. She rolled her eyes forcing me to look at ze last two pages.

"8:04 yesterday night Tony talks about how convenient his uncle's storage facility while talking to his second hand man Zig. He briefly mentions 'blondie'. Which I'm sure we both know means Gregory. So this is where Gregory is. Now let's go  and we can talk about payment later." I cringed at ze word payment. What ze hell was she talking about payment? I never mentioned giving her anything in return. She quickly dragged me away. We were gonna catch a bus to Denmark.

She was running pretty fast for a girl. Ze shovel bounced uncomfortabley on my back. "Lot 254, hurry who knows what they're doing to your boyfriend." She said panting for breath. I stopped running looking dully at her as she ran. I wanted to punch her so hard butt I refused to hit girls. I wasn't gay. I just manipulated ze bastard for my own advantages like I was doing with (y/n) but honestly it felt like she was ze one doing ze more of ze manipulating here.

Gregory P.O.V

"Ow." I spt as he smacked me across the face and my head spun to the left. I spit out a tooth as I began to bleed. The tall slender guy in front of me smirked.

His brown locks bleeding into his brown eyes. His freckles eased into his cheek lines as he stared at me. "We had a deal Gregory, we let you live and we get that feisty little minion of yours." I laughed a little but coughed from the endless amount of blood in my mouth.

I spit again trying to move my hands which were tied to the chair's sides. "I wasn't the one with the problem, it was Christophe. He refused the deal." My words earned me a blow to the head from a wooden bat from Tony's slave Zig.

"Watch your words blondie." He hissed in my ear. It made Tony laugh as he paced back and forth in front of me. He grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him.

"What is it Gregory. That makes a teen want to give his entire being to you." I smiled again. I knew Zig was giving me great advice but I couldn't help myself.

"Tony. We're not having sex. For god's sake he just works for me." I only got have a chuckle in before I got another slap across the face. I spit out more blood. Before I had been tied up I had gotten into an intense fist fight with the two I held my own for a while but did not prevail.

"I need that loyalty... Why the hell! Why the hell won't he work for me! I need strength I need power I need your minion." I sighed throwing my head back. My legs were tied to the chairs' legs so it felt a bit awkward.

"Because the bastard loves his mother it's the only reason he tolerates me. Denmark is too far from his school and home. Besides the worst thing Christophe's ever done.... Directly is smoking and beating the crap out of weaklings."

I could see the vein in his forehead throb he pointed his finger at me about to scream as Zig prepared to wack me but a crash interrupted us. I smiled at the angry brunette waving his fists at me.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! I HATE MY MOTHER I JUST HAVE NOWHERE ELSE TO GO DAMN YOU GREGORY! WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO TALK ABOUT ME BEHIND MY BACK!" He screamed. A quick swipe from Zig's wooden bat made him stop. Before it could touch Christophe he thew his shovel back. It clashed against the bat making it crack. He looked creepily back to Zig. "I was having a conversation you piece of sheet." He hissed. 

His face fell when he heard (y/n) laughed. "HAHAHA! The great  Christophe is a mama's boy!" She cooed. He bit his lip turning red in the face. It wasn't from anger to my surprise though. I laughed myself as I realized the situation. I tried untying myself so I could  cover her from Christophe's wrath but instead he grabbed his shovel attacking the boys from pure rage and embarrassment. Soon enough her laughter stopped. As Christophe continued to take them out she came towards me untying my hands and legs.

Reader P.O.V

I ducked as Zig's bat came flying towards us. I was surprised at Christophe's brute force. Every now and then he'd glance towards us. He was probably worried for his precious Gregory that also explained his behavior Gregory was beat up pretty bad. I sighed as Gregory finally got up and I began to wrap whatever lose cloth I could find around his wounds. I was no medic but I had seen worse.

"How dare you make a fool of me! Zere were people watching! She... Gregory was here what the fuck is wrong with you I said no!" The crash made me shiver but his words made me blush. Gregory gave me a low smirk nudging me in the side which earned him a punch in the shoulder. After all five members were unconsious he finally fell to the floor panting heavily. I didn't mean to but I instinctively ran to him.

He rested his head on my shoulder. "Sheet... Over kill..." He sighed closing his eyes. I chuckled technically it wasn't murder but it was over doing it I didn't say anything because he was already asleep in my arms. "I'm sorry (y/n)... For everything." He mumbled. I smiled kissing him on the lips.

"Yeah, me too.

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