O.S Outside?(Stick of Truth)

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Okay I wanted to do this on my own. (no one requested it) I really thought it was fun/nny to write this. So song is I want to be alone by greenday, guys at the side in their stick of truth clothes. :) Sorry it's so short.


Stan P.O.V

The door failed to have a door knocker so I pressed my fist against the door. It swung open and the king and queen of the McCormick household appeared. The king was holding his queen in one hand a Blue Papst Ribbon in the other. He took a large gulp burping and then proceeded to acknowledge us. "What do you kids want?" He said drunk.

I stood firmly with the Wizard king. "We're looking for lady McCormick." I said. The king sighed screaming in the house.

"Kenny your friends are here!" He shouted to his right. Seconds later a mere peasant appeared. Our eyes widened at his presence.

"We're looking for lady McCormick." I said. The peasant sighed speaking in his muffled voice.

"Really guys, it's too early for this shit." The peasant mumbled. We looked at him dully. He sighed looking up at the ceiling. "Holy crap okay..." He muttered. "Princess Kenny is... in a deep slumber and can not awaken till her true love kisses her..." He said. All our eyes widened. The peasant yawned closing the door.

"We need to save lady McCormick!" Cartman yelled. I nodded. "Go kiss her dude." He said punching me in the shoulder. I immediately screamed.

"ME! NO! Wendy will kill me!" I shouted. Cartman rolled his eyes scoffing.

"Well, dumb ass I can't do it, I'm a fucking guy." He said. I rolled my eyes thinking for a moment. He did the same.

"Butters!" We shouted. We ran to paladin Butters house. Butters was bi-curious so it was okay if he woke up the princess from her slumber. I knocked firmly. Lady Stotch opened the door.

"Oh, hi boys here to see Butters?" She asked. We nodded in all seriousness. "Butters your little friends are here."

A blond boy appeared at the door. "Oh geez, you guys are playing again?" He asked twiddling his fingers. We looked at him dully. He closed the door. Seconds later paladin Butters appeared. "What's the problem?" He asked We all smiled.


"But fellas, if I kiss her, I'll get grounded," Butters whined. We patted him on the back.

"Well are you a paladin or aren't you!" I shouted. He twiddled his fingers again.

Kenny P.O.V

It was fucking eight in the morning. I jumped back into bed burying myself in blankets. I didn't want to be outside, I wanted to be alone with my bed. I tossed to my left seeing the princess Kenny wig. I smirked putting it on. At least this way my parka wouldn't get as dirty as usual while I slept. Now that I gave them a quest those assholes would let me sleep. I closed my eyes about to drift into slumber when I heard rustling.

My eyes popped open seeing Butters puckered up lips. I stared at him dully. I quickly kicked him off. "The fuck!" I screamed. The guys were repressing their snickering. At least Kyle wasn't here one less person who can hold this against me, I told myself. "Fine, I'll play." I whined. They all had smiles on.

"And thus the kiss had wakened the fare princess!" Cartman yelled. Stan and Butters cheered.

"I fucken hate you guys."

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