Proper Term(Kylexladylike reader)

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Dedicated to  smart1212 for requesting this klyexlady like reader. Song is Endlessly by THE CAB  :)

Reader P.O.V

I looked out the window just staring at them. My hands stuck to my sides because I didn't want to seem inappropriate.  I looked to mom greeting her when she walked in with her robe. "Good morning mother." I said with a bright smile. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek about to leave the kitchen when I quickly interrupted her.

"Why can't I attend the normal school..." I said swiping around almost messing up my neat bun. She gave a crooked smile.

"Well, ___ that school is for.... Special children..." She said trying to be gentle. I looked away knowing she was lying. "Don't you love Yardale sweety, all the children there are more... Proper, more suited for our kind." She said a fake smile plastered onto her face. I repressed a frown.

"Mother fibbing is a sin... So does that mean I am to assume I am not special like the children over there?" I said with slight disappointment in my voice. She sighed sitting onto the couch. 

"Sweetie it's just that your father and I fear that, you may not get along too well over there with children who haven't had as much practice with manners as you..." I looked out the window trying to phase her out. I didn't want another lecture. A smile appeared on my face when I saw him. Ushanka boy, the green hat relected beautifully in the sun's strong rays. He was playing frisbee with some of his friends. I called the one in blue Aqua and the one in a parka, well parka. The other rude one I just called swine. I never caught their name but time to time they'd wander into the rich part of South Park to play with my neighbor Token. Even mother and father wouldn't let me see Token. He had been brainwashed according to them. I rolled my eyes facing mother again.

"Love thy neighbor correct?" I said an immediate frown formed onto her face. "If so, why can't I speak with the neigbor boy or go to school with him?" I said. She bit her lip putting her hands on her hips.

"The bible also says respect thy mother and father, ___! Now go to your room, there won't be any dessert for you tonight for your unruly behavior!" She shouted. She began to walk away with a mutter. "you've made my face wrinkle, now I'll have to see Dr. Smith..." I rolled my eyes running back up the stairs. 

I hated my behavior but I couldn't live in this place where I was so restricted.  I took my heels off sitting on the edge of my bed. A scream from outside made me look down the window. "Good job Jew boy it's on the roof!" Swine hissed at ushanka. He screamed in response but rolled his eyes approaching the door. I smiled running down the stairs. 

I didn't let the doorbell ring twice that was unkind. I slowly opened the door. "Uh, our frisbee's on your roof." He said plainly. I could feel myself have a big smile. He kind of looked away awkwardly. I stood there silently with my smile. "uh... You know what I'll just get it myself..." He said. Again I stayed quiet with that intense smile of mine. He slowly backed away and when he was out of sight my mother appeared. 

"___, it's not polite to smile such intensely towards a male." I bit my lip realizing my awkward behavior. I quickly went back to my room blushing at how embarrasing the encounter was. It took about two hours to get my room perfectly clean like a real lady. When I finihed I layed in my bed hoping to fall asleep. I quick bang on my window made me jolt. 

"Holy fuck that hurt!" I looked towards the window seeing ushanka. He rubbed his forehead swearing over and over again. I opened the window quickly as he tried to speak.

"Uh, hey... It's me, the kid who wanted his frisbee back..." He began. Again all I could do was stare. He rubbed his head continueing even though I could sense how awkward he felt. "sorry I was just getting my frisbee, and I fell off the roof and I hit my head, could you help me down?" He said. Again all I could do was stare at his beautiful eyes and his red curly hair that stuck out of his ushanka because he was upside down.

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