The Hood(Kennyxreader)

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Kenny at the side anime style! OK so the song that goes with this one is 'Angel With a Shotgun' by the cab. I'll try to add the link.


I could've sprained my ankle jumping from the window, if I had decided to do it alone. I was home alone while my parents were out. Someone got in the house. I was lying in bed trying to drift into slumber but I kept hearing little taps on the wooden floor. I cowered under my blankets as the window in the living room crashed with what seemed like a bat. I cringed at the glass as I heard it fall to the floor. The robber was in. I always had issues with anxiety I was an only child and my parents always had business trips out of the state. My parents always said it was the cost of having a two story house. Getting robbed was my biggest fear and now it was coming true.

I heard at least five voices then another two crashes. I widened my eyes as I realized that they were slowly kicking each door open. They probably thought the house was empty and now I was shaking in my skin under my bed.

"Downstairs is clear, go check upstairs, Kenny!" I heard a rough voice hiss. I hugged myself as a man trudged up the stairs. He slowly started to kick each door open.

"Hey I know you guys just moved across the street but don't you think you're a little too cocky hitting a fucking house!" The man said kicking doors open.

"Just make sure no one's upstairs or else you're next McCormick!" The other man yelled.

"Shut up! You know that I don't have anything valuable!" The man who was apparently Kenny yelled. He kicked three more doors that opened with ease. He was only two doors from my bedroom. I started to tear up slowly.

I thought I locked the door. I was sure I did, it was a good habit that came with my anxiety. How could he kick the door open with such ease? How was it that Kenny could get through the door so quickly? I started to sob as he ransacked my bedroom. I tried calming down knowing that he'd hear me quick. I cringed each time he threw something. First he threw my Game Sphere claiming he owned two. Then he stripped my bed. He even made perverted comments about my clothing. I wanted to scream but I didn't want to die. Something about Kenny was weird though. He wore a tight hood and I could barely make out his words. His tone of voice also hinted he didn't want to be here. Maybe that's why he was getting frustrated so easily. He bent down looking under my drawers and shelves. after he was done he slowly crept near my bed. I tried curling into a ball but failed.

"Shit!" Kenny yelped jumping back. I slowly got out from under the bed I was done for. I looked down letting my tears fall to the floor as I sat there. 

"What!" One of the robbers shouted towards Kenny. The guy looked towards me then to the door. He was frantic and trying to think what to do. Meanwhile I was still crying.

"Nothing! I just saw a cat!" Kenny shouted after a moment. I looked up tear stricken.

"Kenny you're such a pussy." The man shouted.

"Fuck off!" Kenny shouted. After that, he focused on me. He looked upset as he stared at me. Then he broke into a smile. It was slanted but warm. "Let's get you outta here." He whispered motioning his hand to me. I couldn't help but smile and take his hand. Kenny didn't want to hurt me, he was just pressured into doing so. He grabbed my hand helping me to my feet. My feet didn't stay on the ground long as he picked me up. He went towards my window then opened it.

"Wait! What the hell are you doing!" I yelled moving frantically in his arms as he stood on the window sill. He shook his head a couple of times until his orange hood came off revealing his blond hair and blue eyes. He just flashed me a smile and jumped off my two story house. I screamed as we fell from the window and hit the cement. Kenny was a crazy person! We hit the floor with stealth and Kenny put me down.

"So what's your name? I'm Kenny." He said smirking at me. I got to my feet and tried to regain my balance. I blew the hair out of my eyes and stared dully at Kenny as he smiled.

I rolled my eyes and gave him an answer. "My name's ___."

"Sorry about all this, those guys are assholes. They threatened to hurt my sister if I didn't help them... I know you probably don't care but I'm really sorry and I hope someday you and I can be friends you know, because I'm not too bad of a guy..." Kenny said lightning fast. He was blushing and rubbing his head. "I mean I'm a kid too and that kind of pressure can really get to you and..." It was warmer than I had ever imagined it could be. My first kiss. I never wanted to leave him as he wrapped his arms around my waist. His eyes were shut as we stood there kissing for a couple more seconds.

We broke apart as I whispered in his ear. "You talk too much." I gave him a quick smile before pecking him on the lips one more time. With that I was gone.

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