How Many Holes in a Basketball(Bridonxshy reader)

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Dedicated to MadisonNadine for requesting this Bridonxshyreader song is Far away by nickelback.


I spun around finally seeing that my dream could come true. I had a stack of flyers in my hands. As a group of four boys came by I immediately walked towards them. They kind of looked at me oddly. "Hi!" I said trying to stay eccentric.

The one with the blue hat held back his laugh as his green hatted friend spoke in a girly high pitched voice. "Hi!" He said in a clear mockery of my eccentric voice. I frowned as I gave each of them a flyer. The fat one who I knew was Cartman laughed out loud. The guy was infamous in our school, known as the asshole of the school. It was then that I remembered who his friends were.

"What the fuck? Do you think we're some kind of gay-wads!" He laughed pointing at my face. I bit my lip annoyed. The boy in the white muscle shirt and open orange sweater, Kenny face palmed.

"What kind of play is this kid? Name's Kenny by the way." I saw his gaze turn smooth as he smiled. I shuddered remembering who he was, one of the many players at our school.

I sighed knowing maybe if I explained the play I'd get these guys on-board with the exception of Cartman who I wanted nothing to do with. "It's about a girl who has something missing in her life and finds herself in the middle of a galactic war... The main lead guy would be the prince who saves her and makes her his princess." I waited a moment for their reaction but they all laughed in my face even Kenny who I thought was trying to flirt or something.

"Look... uh..." He paused trying to remember my name and I rolled my eyes.

"It's ____." Stan nodded continuing his initial thought.

"Look, ___ no one's gonna want to be the main lead in that play. Only the drama kids will and well they're booked with their own play. Maybe let the dream die before you embarrass yourself in front of the entire student body." I sighed slumping my shoulders when Kyle jumped into the conversation.

"You know... Actually no never mind the guy plays basketball now." I pouted silently begging to him. he looked at me and rubbed the back of his head. "Fine, Bridon... The guy used to act and sing... But like I said the guy only plays basketball now. I grabbed the flyers from the boys and ran off. I didn't need to hear anymore. I was going to get this Bridon kid to do my play if it was the last thing I did.

I kept my smile that was one thing I was determined to keep. Even if my faith in my play failed my smile would stay. Mom and dad never smiled so I smiled for them. They were strict lawyers who were always out of town or sleeping. My life revolved around microwave dinners and sandwiches. Without them I'd be a goner. I sped to the basketball courts when I noticed a couple of silhouettes there. When I got there I felt pretty awkward, I had no idea how this Bridon kid looked. Instead of charging in there like a fool I decided to sit on the bleachers until someone would say his name or I could ask without risking a head injury from a basketball from their intense practice.

They practiced for about fifty minutes before they took a ten minute break. This was my perfect chance to talk to Bridon. By watching them practice I learned that he was the youngest player the shortest one and one of the only ones with brown hair. I took a deep breath as I approached him for some reason I felt nervous. He was drinking water when I approached him. "Uh Bridon right?" I asked. he dropped his water bottle wiping his forehead and faced me.

"Who's asking? Newspaper? It's about time I got my own column." I smiled repressing my laugh. The kid was kind of a show off wasn't he. I decided to take a seat next to him.

I smiled facing him trying to get the words to escape my mouth. "No, my name's ___ I was just wondering uh..." He raised his eyebrow waiting for me to speak.

"Come on I've only got eight minutes till break time's over I'd like to get a Gatorade before the clock chimes." I gulped hard knowing it was now or never.

"I was wondering if you'd like to be in a play of mine!" I shouted a little too loud." As soon as the words left my mouth his friends started laughing and Bridon turned red.

"I told you guys Bridon still had a pussy side!" Token laughed. I looked down knowing all his tauntings were my fault.

"Yeah well I was the one who told you he was too short for basketball with the big boys!" Jason screamed patting Bridon on the head in mockery as he entered the locker room. I expected Bridon to scream or fight them but he directed his attention to me.

"Who the fuck told you I did that shit!" He whispered harshly his hair covering his eyes. His expression was hard to read but his voice wasn't. I stepped back worried what he would do.

"Uh... Cartman said you would... Why won't you!" I said annoyed. He pushed me back a little. He was trying to contain his anger but it was hard for him.

"I don't do any of that shit anymore because my dad made me... I live with mom now... But it's none of your goddamn business." I looked at him not able to contain my tears anymore but all he could do was turn his back towards me and walk into the locker room.

Bridon P.O.V

I tried to stay calm as I walked towards the guys. Kyle, Stan, Kenny, and Cartman. They looked about ready to laugh when I arrived in front of them. It made me pissed. "What, what the hell are you laughing at?" I growled. Cartman bursted out in a mockery laugh.

"Are you doing that gay little play?" He laughed. I was ready to punch him but his laughter started to die down. "You should've seen the little bitch when she came to ask us. US of all people if we wanted to do it. She came smiling so big it was so fucking hilarious!" I couldn't hold back anymore I took a step back punching him roughly across the face. I wasn't really sure why I didn't calm down after he stopped mocking me but I just couldn't.

Then I remembered him mentioning ___. She was smiling when she came to ask them if they could do her stupid play. I sighed remembering she had the same expression when she came to ask me. Was I like these jerks? Did I make ___'s smile disappear? I looked down thinking back to when I screamed at her. No I wasn't like theses jerks who made her smile disappear, I was much worse because I made her cry. I brushed off the guys and went to go find ____. I needed to see if I could make her smile because I didn't want to be like these guys... And I knew somewhere in me I missed her smile.

I found her sitting under the bleachers near the football field. She seemed to be writing in a journal with headphones in. I wanted to know what she was listening to so I could know if I would be bothering her or not. I decided to approach her anyway. I tapped her shoulder and she removed her headphones that were blaring music. "What do you want?" She hissed. I bit my lip thinking the same thing. What did I want, why was I here, what was I even going to tell her. I swallowed hard knowing I could only say one thing.

"I wanted to know if I could still be your main lead... If you still wanted me." I saw a tear slide down her cheek.

"You didn't have enough fun making a fool of me in the gym? You came back for more!" She screamed jumping to her feet. I could feel her anger and her urge to hurt me. I backed up immediately.

"I'm serious... I'm sorry for being so rude, I just... It's just my acting career and singing is like taboo. No one ever mentions it. Sorry I took that out on you, you're new." She gave a great sigh pointing her finger into my chest.

"So you bullied me because I was new!" She said accusingly. I sighed. None of this was going smoothly.

"Please just let me do your play I don't want you to be mad anymore... Or sad."She raised her eyebrow and I started to grow frustrated. "I do care if you were going to ask." She looked down but I could see a smile creep on her. Finally I felt comfortable enough to smile myself. "Just don't make me say anything as cheesy as I'm saying right now okay?" I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her.

"I promise, and a lot more."

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