*Alternate Ending*Be Careful What You Wish For (KennyxreaderxKyle)

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Again initially going to be a valentine's one shot but I took too long writing it... But I like how this came out! Dedicated to ItzScarlet for requesting it. This is the alternate ending to the previous one shot where reader ends up with Kyle instead of Kenny. Song is friends by Ed Sheeran.

SouthParkgal entered chat room

SouthParkgal: Hey Kyle!

South_KyleB: Hey baby how are you? This is a nice surprise.

SouthParkgal: Why do I feel like it really isn't. :(

South_KyleB: What do you mean?

SouthParkgal is typing...

South_KyleB: Is this about Marcey? Hey, come on. I told you it was a mistake, please can we not talk about it!


South_KyleB: Babe... Please, we knew long distance was going to be hard... Please Long island is lonely enough without you please don't make this harder.

SouthParkgal: Well we need to talk about it! You can't just jump into bed with some girl and expect me to shut up forever?

South_KyleB: Right now's not a good time.... Please.


South_KyleB: Babe... Please, I love you.

SouthParkgal is typing....

SouthParkgal has left chatroom.

Kyle head-butted his computer screen. He couldn't believe this was happening. Of course, this was happening a lot but maybe today she had finally lost it. Maybe ____ didn't want him anymore. He clicked on his screen to see her profile picture. He seemed to be always staring at it when he wasn't writing some essay for his Lit class. He was always afraid to message her, afraid that if he did, something like what just happened now would happen. "Why was I such an idiot..." He scolded himself. Just when he was about to head butt his computer again he felt a pair of hands wrap around his shoulders.

"Hey... Relax cowboy." He immediately jumped and fell to the floor when he saw Marcey the bleached blond who he had a mishap with, and his roommate... Kyle didn't live on campus he lived in an apartment just around the corner. He probably should've kicked her out after the incident but he still needed to pay the rent.

"Come on dude, I told you i'm not interested." She gave a heavy sigh.

"Yeah, but you look a little stressed, I was just thinking..." Kyle groaned in frustration. Usually Marcey kept to herself but ever since she saw things with Kyle and ___ were turning sour she was getting angsty. Kyle wished she hadn't even let her live her, he only considered her because she claimed she was gay. After only weeks together it was clear that she was very interested in the male physique. Marcey's entire being was a mistake. Kyle was depressed, and had a couple watered down drinks... He was lonely and watching a stupid soap-pore ____ watched. It was just one dumb mistake and he wanted to take it all back.

"Knock, knock." ___ looked up but she didn't really need to. Kenny usually came over around this time of day. He was ____'s best guy friend. The two were inseparable since Kyle decided to go to college elsewhere. He made her laugh and ____ learned to appreciate that even if she had to tolerate his perverted nature.

"Come on in, Ken." Said blond walked in with two boxes of City Wok Chinese food. ____'s eyes gleamed at the package. "You remembered..." He smiled brightly taking off his City Wok apron and tossing it onto her bed.

"Of course I remember. (f/c/f). From that time you made a big deal about me messing up your order, that time when you came in with..." He shut up when he realized ___'s immediate dirty look and her tear dried cheeks. "Yeah.. okay... Well, I brought you comfort food, I just assumed that you'd need it. Bad habit, I guess but I was right. So should we pig out and wallop in our filth while drowning in music?" ___ laughed, it was a stupid running joke amongst the two that had long stopped being funny. Kenny had been dumped by Criss, his girlfriend of five years over text. The two knew what crushing loneliness the single life had.

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