My Addiction(Tweekx suicidal reader)

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Dedicated to Southparkfreak666 for requesting this tweekxsuicidal reader. Song is THERE IS A WAY by NEWWORLDSON, Tweek at the side anime style


The world is a horrible place. It hasn't taken me long to figure that out. When mom died things went to hell. My loving dad turned into a raging alcoholic my friends disappeared and I moved to a shitty mountain town called South Park. I'm not even supposed to be alive that's what dad always says so I'm sure he's right he has a knack for always being right. I don't have any siblings so I'm the only one who can endure this pain, all alone. I sigh sitting deeper into the bus seat. There are students laughing all around me. No, they're not laughing at me just laughing amongst each other with their friends.

Sometimes I wish I was made fun of so I could be acknowledged, by anyone. Even if it's negative it's at least something. Dad stopped acknowledging me a year after mom died in a shoot out at our local bank. It was more like a we live in the same house relationship. When we got to school I sat down in the back next to the window, I loved to space out. It wasn't like my life was going anywhere. Only the teacher's word broke my staring contest with nothing.

"Okay class we have a new student to our class for the second semester let's all welcome Tweek Tweak." My eyes lazily follwed where her arm was pointing towards. I kept my dull gaze as I was faced with a shaky spikey haired blond. "Now Tweek sit next to ___ so we can get class started."

"GAH! O... Okay." He stammered sitting next to me. "H-hi." He whispered. I stuck out two fingers in his direction as a hello then went back to staring out the window.

Tweek P.O.V

Oh God! This was way too much PRESSURE! A new class why did everyone else get to stay in their normal classes! Now I had no friends... GAH. I tried calming down by looking around. The only person I knew even remotely was this ___ girl. She's pretty... GAH! No, relationships are way TOO MUCH PRESSURE! I sigh blushing as she gives me a split second stare from the corner of her eye. Why is Craig so much better at these things. I wait till class over to finally breathe.

It's lunch and I'm tempted to go with Craig and his gang but I've gotten the hint that he GAH hates me since he got his new girlfriend Heidi Turner. I decided to check out where ___ was going. I wasn't stalking I mean it wasn't like I was gonna murder her or something... It was okay right? After a couple of minutes I saw that she was leaving school it took all the courage in me to follow her something seemed off. She sat behind a dumpster just a couple of blocks from school. I tried not to scream as I saw her take a knife out of her coat pocket.

I covered my eyes with my hands but watched between my fingers as the knife cut into her arms. I felt like I was going to puke from the sight of blood. She made huge gashes up her arm slowly going towards her wrists. She held the knife hovering over her wrist. She was thinking about it. I held my breath but decided to run off when she put the knife back into her coat pocket. She pulled the coat sleeves up hiding all her cuts. The weirdest part, she had a smile plastered on her face.

Change in P.O.V

Even after he had run off he couldn't keep his mind off her. He lay there in his bed staring at the ceiling. Relationships even having friends was getting hard for him. Instead of shaking and feeling nervous for her he forced his eyes shut falling into slumber.

Sleep that's all she wanted. She stared at the dirty floor. Of all times she hated when her dad acknowledged her at least these times. She wanted her loving dad back who would kiss her goodnight everyday now he only aknowledged her when he was a drunk angry mess. He stumbled up the stairs and she hugged herself knowing what was coming. "___! What the hell are you doing. I... I told you to go to bed. She tried burying herself in the blankets so he wouldn't notice she was still awake. He grabbed her (h/c) hair carrying her head off the pillow. Then he rammed it pushing her face against the pillow. She squirmed trying not to grow frantic she knew if she did she'd pass out sooner from lack of oxygen. She shook her head trying to escape suffocation. "BED TIME!" He screamed sitting on her back as he held her head into the pillow. "If you hadn't needed money for your stupid piano lessons we would never had gone to that bank you little piece of shit." He hissed. She started seeing blue and red spots. She calmed herself as she finally blacked out and her body turned limp. At least this way she could feel something, at least this way he was acknowledging her.


I woke up with a bruised neck. Dad had moved his hands from my head to strangling me and pushing me into the pillow. I sighed getting dressed and heading towards my hell called school. I decided to wear thick wrist bands. I had to wear at least five to cover the tender cuts. I was used to the pain I just hoped no one would notice me, who was I kidding I didn't need to say it for it to come true.

I sat in class almost drooling because I was so bored. The thing that caught my attention was the blond boy who sat next to me. He continued to stare at me all day. It bugged the living hell out of me. I knew as soon as lunch came I would be left alone.

I scurried back to my little hang out as soon as the bell sounded. I couldn't get what dad had done out of my head. Wasn't he supposed to love me. I couldn't even deal with mom's death because dad didn't think I deserved it. I slowly took off every single wrist band I had. It stung a little but I didn't even flinch. The cuts were barely healing which I didn't like it meant I wasn't strong enough. I got the knife tracing my cuts again. I just wanted to be gone. I gritted my teeth as the knife hovered over my wrist. I began to sob my hand going shaky the saddest part was that no one would miss me. I could end it all, the pain, the suffering everything in just one deep swipe. I closed my eyes letting my hand fall so the knife would cut deep and I could smell my sweet blood. The knife came to a complete stop. I opened my eyes to see a shaky blond.

"GAH! Don't do it! GAH! I mean... You shouldn't, I just don't want you too..." He whispered tears in his eyes. I shook my head confused. I wiped my tears staring oddly at him. He grabbed the knife throwing it backwards. I watched it clack on the floor and I felt like crying again. "AGH! Stop crying!" He cried grabbing my shoulders. I tried to turn away but he pressed his quivering lips against mine. I backed away slapping him across the face. He cringed screaming again. "GAH! I'M SORRY! I... I!" He tried to walk away but I grabbed his hand.

"No... I was just surprised..." I whispered a light blush on my cheeks. He was shaking more violently now.

"R... Really?" He quivered. I pressed my lips against his wrapping my hands around him and he lay his hands on my hips. I felt his tongue explore my mouth but soon enough he went down to my neck I let out a painful scream. I cried harder as he looked at the thick hand marks around my neck. He hugged me tighter kissing my neck but then grabbed my hands. I looked down as he traced each cut with his finger. "Does... D.. does it hurt?" He whispered. I started to cry again nodding slowly. What he did next made me cry harder. He kissed each and every cut on my arms then kissed me once on the lips. "I love you, ___ I'm sorry." I tackled him into a hug crying into his shoulder. He began to stroke my hair as I let all the troubles melt away. I didn't have to live depressed because even though I didn't have a lot of people who cared about me I at least I had someone who loved me more than I could have ever imagined.

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