*Lemon* Jailed(Trentxshy reader PT3)

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Hey guys so I like writing for Trent so much I'm writing a chapter book trentxreader but it will take forever to post but look forward to it and stay tuned :P Dedicated to gothicgirl77for requesting this Lemon  trentxreader Song is Teenage Dream by Katy Perry damn is that song old lol I guess I forgot to publish this o.o my newer stuff will be on Howdy Neighbors(south parkxreader) and the Trentxreader will be out soon I'm almost done with it


"This is what you fucking deserve you asshole." She hissed. I sighed letting myself fall on my pissy bed. It was hard as a rock. "Let me in so I can punch him in the face." She growled. The police officer chuckled opening my cell. She stepped in grabbing my shirt. I tried stepping back but couldn't as she stared at me angrily. I bit my lip trying not to get angry myself. She looked into my eyes red with rage but soon enough she started to tear up. She hit me in the gut but softly because she was so distraught.

"What did I do?" I finally shouted breaking from her. She gritted her teeth about to lunge but failed as I stepped back. 

"You know what you did asshole! You basically slept with me then broke my heart!" Once the words left her mouth my face fell. Was this why she was here right now. I sighed as she punched the floor. I sat next to her forcing her to look at me. After letting her punch me I finally began to speak.

"Look, ___... I meant what I said that day. I love you and I fucked up by leading you on. You're the only girl I dream of, the only person in this damn world who gives a crap about me, who gives me hope in this shitty rat hole when I have to sleep with screaming inmates... I think of your beautiful face and it brings me peace, I love you and I thought I made that clear but... I understand if you never want to see me again." She slapped me across the face which made my cheek bleed because I bit down hard. I looked down disappointed. "Please, believe me..." I broughtg her chin up and into a deep kiss. 

"I love you too, Trent." She finally admitted blushing. I smiled all my hatred for the guys who ruined my life melting away. I let my hands wander down her lower back as she traveled up my chest. She felt my nipples for a while but I finally pushed her away so I could remove my shirt. She smirked about to kiss me again when we heard footsteps. I quickly helped ___ under the bed as I sat down covering my chest with my thin sheets. 

"Lights out, Boyett." The guard hissed. I rolled my eyes tucking myself in as the lights went out. I got out of bed five minutes later and helped ___ back onto my bed. I smiled but she shuffled around feeling a little awkward. 

"___, I won't make the same mistake again, ___... I love you will you continue to be my first?" I saw her immediate blush and she hugged me her hands unzipping my jeans. She began to lick my neck in a repetitive circle motion then intensely until she was fiercely nibbling it. I gave a soft moan until I felt a soft bulge in my pants. My right arm went up to her bra as I undid it and my left arm went towards her jeans. I patted her soft cheeks gently then played with them a little. She removed my jeans and now I was just in my boxers the bulge clearly visible.

Her lips went to my mouth again as she shoved her tongue down my throat. I felt her breasts as we continued to make out. She stretched back casually taking off her shirt. She pressed her body against mine and I felt her pulsing private. My face turned hotter as her bare chest squeezed against mine. I smirked letting my hand wander to her vagina remembering how intense it had been. She squealed a little but my lips silenced her. "Trent." She gasped. I tore away her pants and underwear and entered my fingers into her. "Oh..." I felt her get even more excited. I laughed as I twirled around her taunting her as I entered one finger at a time. "Come on..." She moaned. Again I laughed. I felt her wet pussy but when I looked how pink it was I couldn't help but remove myself from it.

I began to nipple her pink tender lips as they pulsed from excitement. "Ah Trent!" She screamed. I bit down hard letting my tongue explore her private. When I touched her clit I sensed her shiver from excitement. My hands entered her ass as I fingered her to increase the intensity of her orgasm it was so easy to excite her, we weren't even at the good part yet. I started fingering her with one then two in the ass. First I was gentle with both my mouth and my hands but when I wanted my fun I began to go faster. She thrusted up with a scream in seconds. "Trent!" I repressed a laugh as I continued. Her breathing increased as I dug deeper and nibbled her lips. After ten minutes of this she was wetter and I decided to stop. I didn't want her to explode quite yet, I wasn't there yet. I looked to her as she smiled a little tired. I kissed her lips again as she felt my chest. She began to pout as I laughed at her. "Trent, don't mock me." She said. I smiled. In response she pushed me so I lay on my bed. She began to crawl on me.

She hovered on top of me teasing my hair. She lowered the upper half of her body onto my face and I screamed but it was of course muffled by her breasts. She wiggled around laughing. "Doesn't feel so great to be teased right, Boyett!" After about ten seconds of this she sat on my legs and gave me her stupid smile that made me melt. "I love you, Trent." She simply said. In seconds I felt her finger tracing my thighs just around my boner. I gritted my teeth at the arousement. "I really do..." She kept whispering in that sexy tone. After another five seconds of this I had enough. I broughtg her down. I lay on top of her. 

I let myself penetrate deep inside her. I repressed a groan at the anxiety that had finally left me. She gasped throwing her head back. "Oh my God! Trent! I'm gonna break in half!" I expanded inside her hiding my laughter. I kissed her once on the lips as I began to thrust inside her. She breathed harder screaming ten times louder. I tried not to stop myself. I knew she wasn't hurt because she continued to scream my name. I felt her pulsing around me. "Come on..." She plead in a low whisper. I did as told going faster if possible and I felt her explode. I smirked but I hadn't done so yet. She continued to grunt in pleasure moaning and shivering saying my name. It made my ego skyrocket. I let myself explore her body to urge my orgasm. "I love you, Trent." She sighed." In seconds I exploded inside her then lay besides her.

I grabbed a strand of ___'s (h/c) hair. "___, I love you please.... Wait for me outside this hell hole. I love you and this love doesn't vanish not even with time." She simply nodded closing her eyes. She kissed my lips.

"I love you Trent Boyett, and that will never change."

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