You're not dumb you're special(Clydexreader)

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ClydeXreader the song is chasing cars by snow patrol. clyde at the side anime chibi style.dedicated this to Creepy_RianneMID for requesting ClydeXreader.


I was never really good at sports, but hell at least I knew more than other girls. Now I was alone in the bathroom trying so hard not to cry trying so hard not to pick up the knife. Trying so hard not to fall apart. All I wanted at this school was to be treated like any other person but no since I'm a girl. Since I'm a fucking girl all the guys made fun of me when I showed up for football tryouts.


"AHAHAHA! YOU GUYS!" Cartman snickered pointing at my face. It took everything inside me not to curse him out or chomp his finger off. The guys looked towards Cartman who was towel boy.

"What fat ass did you gain another ten pounds?" Kyle snickered. Normally Cartman would've gone ahead and cursed him out but apparently I was more hilarious. He shook his head punching Kyle in the shoulder.

"This wimpy girl wants to tryout for football... ON OUR TEAM! HAHAHAHA!" He began laughing. I looked down growing madder. Kenny put an arm on Cartman. I looked up hopeful that he'd defend me. Maybe he had some respect for girls. We were way tougher than guys.

He looked at me then to Cartman. I think he smiled then he bursts out laughing. All the guys did the same. "You can hardly do anything right!" Kenny cooed. I clenched my fists leaving. I wasn't going to take this and I wasn't going to get suspended for punching a guy again. I wanted to be alone.

***End of Flashback***

I grasped the knife thinking for a while tears falling from my cheeks. Why was I going to do this? Was I gonna let them make fun of girls. Prove that they were right by giving up, no. I dropped the knife running out of the bathroom I was gonna show them all!

A light thud was the last thing I heard before collapsing. "Oh crap..." I opened my eyes at the faint sound. It was a boy. Probably one of the annoying jocks come to apologize. I tried sitting up but found myself being carried. I thrashed with all my might but it did no good.

"damn for a girl you're strong." I stopped thrashing when I recognized who this was. It was Clyde the same guy I liked since the first grade. I blushed as I realized he was carrying me bridal style. Why. I blushed burying my head against his arm. He smiled.

"Sorry for knocking you out ___. I wasn't looking and... POW! Hit you with my damn locker. Well once we get you to the nurses you'll be okay." He brushed his hand through my hair and I blushed. Was this real? The next thing I knew he was laying me down on a bed. No doubt we were in the nurse's office. He took a seat next to me while we waited for the nurse. I was still hardly conscious.

I tried to sit up but Clyde refused to let me. As much as I hated to admit it there was no way I could wrestle Clyde so I could sit. I faced him realizing the shock inside me. Why of all people would Clyde help me. He had so much better things to do, didn't he? If he really did hurt me why did he feel bad. The Clyde I knew was self-absorbed and selfish. I didn't understand. I turned my head facing him. He wore a worried expression on his face and his face was dry with tears. When he noticed me staring he turned to me.

"Don't move too much. I might've broken your face. Anyways are you okay?" He asked genuinely concerned. My eyes widened.

A smile broke onto my face. "I'm fine I just feel a little dizzy and confused." He sighed of relief. My smile widened. He put his hand on mine.

His face was inches away from me. "That's great to hear." He whispered. I blushed at the closeness. He did the same. Clyde smashed his lips against mine for a split second then broke free growing frantic.

"Oh god I didn't mean to..." He said freaking out. He continued to back away until his back was literally against the wall. I gave him a confused look.

"I didn't know kissing me was so bad..." I whispered looking to the floor. A single tear leaving my (e/c) eyes. He frowned sitting next to me. He put his arm around me.

"No, it's just... You're totally perfect. You're smart, nice, athletic, tough, spunky, not to mention beautiful. Why would you ever want a guy like me..." He sighed. His arm left my shoulders.

"What is a guy like you?" I asked urging him to continue. He continued to look at the floor as he responded.

"A dumb jock who's selfish and conceded." He blurted. He looked at me with a frown. I shook my head at him.

"You are stupid Clyde." I said. His eyes widened. "you really think a geeky girl like me wouldn't like you that's stupid." I said pressing my lips against his. He smiled breaking away. Our foreheads touched as I spoke. "besides Clyde, you're not stupid you're special. And you're all mine." I whispered kissing him again.

"I love you." He mumbled nibbling my lips. I smiled.

"Me too."

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