*Alternate Ending*No, It's Just Us(MichaelxreaderxMike)

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So I wrote this MichaelxreaderxMike because I wanted to. So Michael and Mike at the side. Song is Never too late by Three Days Grace. So this is the alternate ending where reader gets with vampir aka Mike in the end instead of Michael the goth.


 I walked into the school per se everyone seemed so pitifully boring. All the usual students passed me by and I dulled my eyes. I yawned walking but something or someone per se caught my eye. She had dripping (h/l) (h/c) hair with blue high lights that complimented my green ones nicely. Blood covered her arm just under her wrist from what seemed like a fresh cut. I didn't know I was walking towards her until I realized I was pointing to her injury.

"Oh that? I fell down my bike I scraped my arm I just didn't bother bandaging it up because I really like blood. The smell, color, something about it makes me feel so nostalgic." The girl kind of smiled but it stayed dull. I didn't notice that I had grabbed it because my index finger had now been tracing the circle of blood on her arm. I licked my fangs thirsty for blood. I laughed knowing I wouldn't really drink blood. "Besides what's the point in bandaging it up what's the point in life." Again she gave a dulled smile. I gave her a toothy grin. She was the first girl to capture my attention in high school. I wanted to say more but she stuck her nose in the air aroused by some smell that was all too familiar to me.

"Nicotine." I hissed. She smiled.

"You smell it too?" She asked following the scent. I wanted to stop her but realized the goths would probably try and FedEx me somewhere.

Reader P.O.V

I walked away from the boy with fangs. A blush appeared on my face when I remembered his touch. I shook my head, no I was gonna be myself this year and not join any dumb cliques. Last year I had ended up joining the cheer leading squad and the drama club. This year I wanted to be alone to figure out exactly who  ___ was. 

I found myself standing in front of a curly haired Gothic looking tall teen. He looked at me with his dull eyes with black eye liner. "What do you want conformist." A small smile appeared on my mouth. I grabbed the cigarette from his hand enjoying the nicotine as I breathed it in smoking his cigarette.

I blew the smoke into his mouth and his eyebrow twitched. "I just wanted a smoke want it back?" I whispered in a slightly sly tone but quickly returned to my monotone self. He crossed his hands.

"I'm Michael... You a goth?" He questioned. I dulled my eyes flicking the cigarette to the floor. I shook my head about to walk away. He grabbed my shoulders when I was facing away. "Because you don't act like a conformist." I turned to him red as he dully looked into my eyes but instead of saying another word my fight or flight response kicked in, obviously I took flight and ran away. 

I knew my heart was thumping fast. If he asked me to be goth I'd probably say yes and that's what scared me, I was being me this year damn it nothing was changing, just then I slammed face first into someone and immediately cursed grabbing my now bleeding lip. "The fuck vampire." I scolded. Our lips collided with such force his plastic fangs ripped into my flesh. I smiled a bit after the shock left. "Never do that again." I tried walking away but he grabbed me again.

"___... It's ___ right... Please I think...You should be my vampire queen." I turned away ready to run again I was face to face with the goth from earlier he had an obvious frown on his face. He was about to talk but the vamp quickly squeezed in between us. "Please... Say something..." Now both boys were frowning towards me. I backed away a little.

Mike grabbed my hand giving me a reassuring smile that made me melt. "I'm not making you join anything ___.... I push too hard it's one of my many flaws, I won't force anything on you because I love you ___." I blushed red. I looked to Michael who stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"I'm not that conformist." He almost hissed walking away with a scoff. When he turned his back to us. Mike pulled me into a kiss and began to let his fangs wander to my neck and I smiled forcing him to focus on my lips instead. He hesitantly agreed as I whispered in his ear. "Promise we'll stay together forever." He blew in my ear before pulling me even closer.

"I already told you ___, I love you... I'm immortally yours."

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