O.S Marjorine(South Park 2p's)

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Dedicated to smart1212 for requesting the South Park crew in 2p's which basically means the South Park guys but with opposite personalities hope you enjoy!  marjorine at the side and the song is Had enough by Lifehouse


Butters P.O.V

I was grounded again I was sent to bed with no dinner. Dad was mad that Captain Crunch ended up in his coffee cup. I left the cupboard unorganized again. Now I was lying in bed trying to sleep. I closed my eyes letting all the darkness overwhelm me.

I tossed in my bed yawning. I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed. I looked into the mirror and walked away. My eyes widened as I quickly ran back to the mirror. "AHHH!" I screamed the yellow locks on my shoulders bouncing. Quickly dad and mom ran in. They both looked like they just got out of bed.

"What is it sweety? Shouldn't you be at school, I mean it's not like it matters. Well, you know what? As a matter of fact you don't have to go if you don't want to." He smiled. Mom stood next to him.

"Oh grow a pair Stephen! You can't let her sit in bed all day gosh, just ground her some time!" She shouted. I gave them a confused look. Dad sat next to me taking my hand.

"How can I ground that face?" He said grabbing my cheeks.

"Dad you're freaking me out." I grumbled because it was hard to speak while he grabbed my cheeks. Once he let go I back away. I was in a white dress with shoulder length blonde hair. In my hair were green bows.

"Marjorine just get to school or else I'll ground you!" Mom screamed. I yelped getting out of bed and running to school with one last yelp

"Oh hamburgers."

I ran through the doors seeing the fellas. "Fellas!" I screamed. The four looked to me but their facial expressions were off. Kyle looked sincerely pissed, Cartman looked frightened, Stan was against the lockers talking to himself, and Kenny was reading the Bible. Kenny wore a clean nice suit, Stan lacked confidence and seemed almost goth. Kyle wore a football jersey and Cartman also wore a suit.

Kenny immediately stepped up. "What's wrong Marjorine?" He asked patting my shoulder softly. I was going to give him an odd look when I remembered somehow, I was her. I was Marjorine.

"Yeah what's a dumb bitch like you whining about?" Kyle hissed. I gave him an odd look. Before I could respond Kenny patted me on the shoulder again.

"Don't mind Kyle,he's... Well, Kyle." He chuckled stuffing his mini bible into his coat pocket. Cartman had a smile plastered on his face. I was sure he wanted to give me a wedgie.

"So what's wrong Marjorine? Eh? I didn't think the prettiest girl at South Park could have problems." I looked at Cartman odd, not a single swear word. I softly hit my cheek seeing if I was dreaming.

Stan quietly shifted weight onto his right foot. "Not the prettiest..." He whispered to himself. I smiled at how odd everyone was acting.

I dusted off my dress feeling awkward dressed as a girl. "Uh, nothing.... I just thought I saw a spider." I quickly lied. These fellas were a lot nicer than the guys I knew. If I played along maybe they'd stay this way forever.

The bell rang and I was quietly walking to class. A soft hand on my shoulder made me turn around. "Oh look it's little cupcake herself!" I heard someone scream. I cringed seeing Wendy with Bebe. They were wearing layers of eyeliner, red lipstick, short skirts above their thighs, heels and reeked of perfume.

"Oh hamburgers..." I whispered backing away until my back hit the lockers. Wendy was about to push me and probably pull my hair when a voice stopped her.

"That's enough girls, I'll take care of this you get to class." I hadn't heard that voice in a long time. The girls moved aside and a girl with curly dark brown hair walked towards me, Rebecca Cotswald. The girls did as told and she stared me down.

"You think you're so much fucking better than us?" She hissed tugging my blond locks. I cringed as she pulled them harder. "I asked you a fucking question bitch!" She screamed. She tugged so hard that I fell to my knees. I looked to the floor letting tears escape. This was it, my new bullies and somwhow they were worse than the guys. I knew it was too good to be true, to be free of bullies. If not the fellas than who?

A loud thump drew Rebecca's attention away from me. She spun around to see him. Her eyes widened. "What the fuck are you doing here? Saving your goody tooshoe girlfriend?" She teased laughing. I looked past her to see Kenny on his knees. He was sobbing.

He looked to the floor his parka making even his eyes invisible. "Please! Stop, I don't use violence, I can't fight but please, don't... Don't hurt Marjorine!" He screamed begging. Rebecca forced me to stand up.

"You goody tooshoes are all the same." She sighed pushing me forward. "I've got to admit McCormick you've got balls for a wuss."

He shook his head. "Don't use that kind of language... And I'm not her boyfriend!" He screamed. She rolled her eyes walking off. He faced me with a smile. "you okay?" He whispered. I nodded as he helped me up. He brought me into a hug but quickly turned away.

"Come on, we gotta save Cartman." He said running. Now I was baffled. Cartman was in troyble qhich was normal but now we were running to helo him??? Kenny stopped in front of the guy's restroom. Was I allowed in there? I thought for a moment. Wow, confusing. Kenny looked at me as I stared at the door. "Just keep lookout while I persuade him to stop this. If someone walks in Kyle will freak if any teacher finds him torturing poor Cartman. I know you can't go in there but that would help a lot." He smiled. I nodded looking out for teachers.

Kenny P.O.V

"Drink it fat boy!" Kyle hollered wearing his jock vest. He punched Cartman on the head. His mouth was full with toilet water. He was trying to puke it back into the toilet but Kyle wouldn't let him. "Swallow it!" He demanded. I quickly pushed my way to Kyle. Stan looked angrily at them but then went back to talking to himself.

"Stop this!" I almost screamed. They all looked at me confused. I hadn't really known where this courage was coming from. No one messed with Kyle he was the jock of the school! He did whatever whenever he wanted to. Maybe it had something to do with Marjorine, she was acting different today. A good different. I sighed knowing she didn't like me she'd always turn me down. I respected that like I respected every woman. "please." I whispered. Kyle grit his teeth staring at me. He shoved Cartman's head in the toilet then walked away.

"Pussies." He muttered letting the door fall behind him. I smiled as Cartman got up smiling as always. He took some deep breaths then went to the sink to wash his face.

I left the restroom not wishing to smell anymore... Well... Poo... Marjorine waited there. "Kenny, are you okay?" She asked. I nodded with a perky smile. I slowly pulled my hood down revealing my blush.

I pulled her into a hug. "thank you." I whispered. She didn't say anything so I continued by kissing her on the lips. I quickly backed away.

"Sorry... Is that okay?" I shyly asked. She stood there frozen her mouth open in awe. I looked down twiddling my thumbs. "It's okay... Marjorine, you're grounded anyways..."

Butters' P.O.V

"Grounded!" My eyes popped open to Dad with a belt in his hand. I quickly sat up. I was in my normal guy clothes and my hair was short again. I sighed a breath of relief until I remembered Dad. "You are late to school, mister!" He hollered. I repressed a scream as I quickly ran to school yelping

"Oh hamburgers!"

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