O.S Transperency(Candy)

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So I wrote this cuz I really think Cartman and Wendy are cute together when Cartman's not being.... Well an ass... So pic of Candy at the side. Oh and for all of you who hate Wendy and love Stan... Come on guys Wendy is not a bitch stop making her one in your Stanxreader things. (Even though Im pretty sure I did tge same)I mean she's not... Geez. Song is I hate everything about you by three days grace. Sorry if this is short :)


Wendy P.O.V

I turned to my right quietly  moaning as I realized I had to get to school. I was about sixteen now. How annoying. I opened my eyes to see Stan's red face. "Hey, ready for school?" He whispered feeling a strand of my hair in between his fingers. I smiled burrying my face into his chest. "So we're not gonna talk about last night?" He says. I blush hearing his heartbeat race when he speaks. I look to his face simply kissing his cheek.

Stan quickly grabbed the keys to his dad's car taking off before he could notice. Stan didn't have his license but he knew how to drive besides I felt safe with him. I leaned back into the chair crossing my arms as I looked out the window. "Hey Wendy seat belt alright?" He whispered. I shrugged him off watching the clouds as we passed them. I managed to fall asleep in my chair because my eyes popped open to sirens. "License and registration please." My head jerked to the right where an officer had Stan pull over. I looked at his nervous blue eyes as he looked at me scared. He pulled his collar, coughing before he spoke to the officer.

"I techniquely can't drive..." He whispered coughing again. The guy stared him down. "It's my dad's car I swear!" He shouted. The officer shook his head. 

"Step out of the car. You're coming to the station with me." He said. I bit my lip as I sat in the police car. Stan looked away not being able to keep eye contact. I didn't mind since I was pissed. What were my parents gonna say? They were probably gonna force me to break up with him.  

Minutes after being in the station the officer came back with a pile of papers. "Everything checks out I'm just gonna have to write you up for this one not having a seatbelt on." He said pointing to me. My eyes widened remembering Stan's warning. He narrowed his eyes at me. I opened my mouth to speak but he quickly swiped the paper out of the guys hand running off. 

"Stan!" I screamed running after him. "Wait up!" I screamed. Again he started running faster. I quickly took off my heels chasing him with my bare feet. In seconds I was in front of him. I grabbed his arms so he couldn't run. "I'm sorry alright?" I whispered. He looked away with gritted teeth.

"Do you know how much this is gonna cost? Hell, my dad's gonna freak when he knows I stole his car!" He shouted breaking away from me. "I can't deal with you right now Wendy... I just. I just need to get to school." He said walking away. I was left there speechless. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to follow him again, he needed to be alone. I decided to walk around, I was gonna be grounded anyways so why not ditch school.

The breeze lifted my dress as I walked in silence. Tears dripped down my cheeks. Bebe was right, I shouldn't have let Stan stay over last night, I shouldn't have given in to his demands. I should've just stayed a virgine till I was married. Just a day after Stan and I were already breaking apart. Maybe he was doing it on purpose because he had finally got me to get in bed with him. Maybe all these years that's all he wanted. "Hey, hippi shouldn't you be at school with your hippie boyfriend? Dumb bitch." Cartman screamed laughing as he stuffed more cheesy poofs into his mouth. I rolled my eyes, wiping my tears.

"What about you fat ass, why aren't you in school?" I murmered. He laughed harder standing up.

"I don't have to go to school when I need cheesy poofs. Besides no one cares if I show up to stupid high school." He hissed. I rolled my eyes crossing my arms.

"Just like you fat boy." I muttered. Cartman approached me pointing a finger into my chest. 

"Don't  call me fat I'm just big boned! What's your excuse you dumb hippie! God, you're just as bad as fucking Stan." I quickly got in his face. 

"Don't say that!" I hollered. His eyes narrowed as he looked at me in awe. He was surprised at my reaction. He quickly smirked putting the two together.

"Why'd he break up with you this time." He snorted laughing. I continued to glare him down. 

"Shut up Cartman!" I hollered still getting into his face. He smirked not backign down. 

"Make me bitch." He said his smirk growing wider as I hesitated. I bit my lip wondering why I was hesitating so long. I suddenly felt a blush creep onto my cheeks. I pouted trying to look away but smiled as I realized Cartman had the same blush but he kept his narrowed eyes and his mouth open about to speak. 

"Let me try something." I whispered stepping forward grabbing him. His eyes eased a bit and I could tell he was going to swear but I quickly interrupted him. "shut up." I whispered easing him into a kiss.

When we broke free I smiled making his blush a darker shade. "I hate you." I whispered glaring into his narrowed eyes with a sneaky smile. His smile grew exponentially.

"Hate you too bitch."

I could see through Stan like a glass but Cartman was different. It was fun to find out what he would do next. Cartman was complicated and I used to hate that it took time for me to figure him out but now I realized I liked it, like really liked to ponder over his thoughts. 

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