O.S Reaper Scythe Challenge(Soul Eater/Soul Park)

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Okay so for those of you who don't know what South Eater is it's basically South Park and Soul Eater combined. For those of you who don't know what Soul Eater it's basically a universe where some people have the power to transform into weapons (only on specific kind, one person can't turn into like three different kinds.) The premise of Soul Eater is a universe where Lord Death has made an academy for young students to train to defeat evil. Weapons need meisters, to control them in battle. When a weapon selects a meister they connect soul waves so they're able to work together. The evil students at the academy usually face are kishins which is basically a person who has a corrupted soul.  Every meister and weapon's dream is to for a mister to be strong to train their weapon so death can use them this can only be done when they collect 100 corrupted souls and 1 witch soul. That's all you need to know, I think the video describes the whole weapon thing a lot better sorry to all of you who do know what Soul Eater is and I just bored you X)

"Shut up Craig! I bet you're not even half as good as you think you are!"  Stan hissed. Wendy sighed in her gun weapon form as the two began to argue for the third time today.

"You're just jealous that your girlfriend spends more time with me than she ever does with you. If you think about it, it's really your own fault for not wanting to be my second weapon. The vein in Stan's forehead throbbed.

"I rather DIE than be seen fighting alongside you! Wendy was just being nice when she said yes to you and Tweek is just your best friend, of course he said yes you asshole!"  A sigh made them turn around.

"Are you guys fighting again?" Kenny mumbled. Cartman laid his arm on the blond's head. 

"There's no point in you guys fighting I mean... IT'S OBVIOUS KENNY AND I ARE THE BEST!" Just then Cartman held out his hand and Kenny transformed into a long black sword and laid in his hand. "Kenny's a multi-form weapon. He has lots of transformations... NOW BOW DOWN TO THE GREAT CARTMAN!"  

Craig lifted his pistols towards his face and quickly shot him. "You know you're really pissing me off fat ass." Kenny quickly got up in normal form annoyed as Cartman lay there stunned for a moment.

"That's it Craig! It's on!" Stan quickly stepped forward.

"Wait I want in too!" Cartman hollered

"Fine then it's a battle to see who's the best miester-weapon team.... But what's the challenge going to be?" As if out of nowhere Kyle appeared. The word battle drew him to the scene.

"Battle huh? How 'bout we see who can capture that kishin who's been on the rampage in South-Death City. He's a serial killer who devours the souls of innocent civilians. Whichever team catches him first wins!"

Kajura was the name of the kishin who roamed the streets of Death City. He  was a tall skinny white man who wore a giant dark green robe and had a third eye on his forehead. He scampered around the city searching for the weakest civilians who roamed the streets, now was the perfect time to find him.

Cartman was being a pain. He was bragging about how awesome he was and Kenny just nodded in agreement. There was no point in arguing with Cartman, Kenny long knew that and had even encouraged him, it was why the two made a good pair. Kyle didn't really understand it. Stan was his best friend so naturally they made a good pair but he was sure Stan was still miffed that  Craig could control two soul waves and one of them was Wendy's. Poor Stan probably wanted to be with Wendy, too bad they were both weapons.  The city seemed pretty dark by the time they entered the ghetto area. 

Craig didn't realize they were following his lead, and he certainly didn't mean to walk into the ghetto. The ghetto was a horrible place, one full of memories and empty promises. He felt the shakiness in Tweek's soul. He forced himself not to show the shakiness in his own arm as he carried his pistols. He didn't want to look weak in front of the others. Especially not in front of his friend Tweek. Sure Craig had good control over the soul resonance but what made having two weapons easier was the fact that Tweek and him grew up in this dumb ghetto, and Wendy, she was the only one who knew him and Tweek's secret and she was probably the sweetest girl Craig ever met. He'd date her if she were, or rather weren't... You know. 

"And that's how Kenny and me got five souls in just one day! Pretty impressive right?" Cartman took a heavy step and it echoed off the walls. Something felt off, the air felt cold, and eerie. 

"Quiet down." Craig hissed under his breath. He was talking more to himself than the others but they were right next to him, and Cartman... Well he thought the world revolved around him.

"Why? Is something here?" He whispered. Craig nodded and was about to tell him to whisper but there was no stopping his next actions. "HEY! COWARD COME OUT AND FACE ME! THE FAMOUS! ERIC CARTMAN!" Cartman shouted to the top of his lungs waving Kenny around in his sword form which honestly made him dizzy. 

The city returned to its quiet darkness as Cartman looked around, trying to find his opponent. He sighed disappointed. "Ha, he's too scar-" His words were cut off by the quick silhouette that clashed against him. He came tumbling down. Only Kenny's quick thinking had saved Cartman, he changed back into human form and pushed Cartman away.

"A sneak attack huh?" Cartman laughed. The vein in Craig's forehead throbbed. He wanted to scold Cartman but there was no time.

"Stay on your toes he's a fast one!" Stan shouted. The assassin appeared directly in front of Stan's face, his nose touching Stan's

"So you're one of Death's students..." His mouth reeked of blood and his paper white skin looked almost translucent to him. Stan's body shouted move, but he couldn't respond. Kajura didn't seem to care what Stan thought anyway he kicked him fiercely in the gut sending him flying. Cartman came running with Kenny in sword form.

Cartman would've killed the kishin if the ghost-like assassin weren't so fast. In the split second it took Cartman to run towards his foe, Kajura was able to unsheathe his sword and block. He was still staring at Stan as he fell from the wall while he did this. "I've counted eight... That's such a disgusting number. This one has the best connection with his weapon, so you boy. Die first."

Next thing Stan knew he was flying. He had been thrown from Kyle's hand. He screamed feeling helpless for a very long time before finally realizing he could transform. He smashed into a building head first and fell mercilessly onto the cold floor.

The fall left Stan dazed and confused. Kyle had been spared hitting the ground before ge could make imoact with the surrou ding buildings. Although his bidy felt sore from the fall he was nowhere as hurt as Stan.

The shadow loomed over Stan who was disoriented. The assasin rose his sword ready for the kill this was going to feel great.

Cartman didn't like Stan but he liked being excluded from fights even less. He charged the assasin from behind and let Kenny slash into him.
"No one outshines me!" The shadow was split in half and Cartman expected to see the soul and let Kenny devour it but the shadow only disappeared with an evil laugh.

"Nice to see the next generation isn't so useless afterall.. m'kay."

"Kenny shifted forms along with Kyle. Kenny and Cartman began screaming towards the sky.



Kyle sluggishly  ran to Stan concerned. He lay his head on his lap and felt his forehead. "Are you okay?"Stan opened his eyes slightly letting a tired sigh out.

"Next time get a better grip."

The ginger laughed relief flooding him.

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