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tweek at the side anime style. song is drops of jupitar by train. Dedicated to HH3Fan for requesting Tweek


Reader P.O.V

This was my twentieth cup of coffee today. At first I thought it was just because I was obssessed, but I was slowly becoming aware that it wasn't the coffee that I was obsessed with. I sighed going deeper into my chair. What a drag, blondie wasn't here today. I bit my lip, closing my eyes. I had been going to Tweak's coffee shop for over a month now, still I didn't know his name. I didn't know the cute bus boy's name. I cringed thinking to myself. That day, the first time we met.


It had just finished snowing. The air was cold and my body shook in both fear and cold. I didn't have time to bring out my jacket. Finding a dark quiet place to hide was my main objective. Mom ran away from home. Dad was being a drunk idiot again. I hated when he put his hands on her. After twenty minutes of searching I found a nice little alley where I could sulk, away from prying eyes. I buried my head, letting the tears leave my eyes. This time dad went as far as hitting me when I tried breaking up the fight. The sound of footsteps made me look up. A dark figure approached me, he was holding something over his back. He approached me. Gave me one sparing glance and dumped the bag over his shoulder in the dumpster. His blonde hair glistened in the dark of night. It confused even me. I gave him an odd look and when he noticed, he gave me a small warm smile. I smiled back wiping my tears. Why did this comfort me? I didn't even know the guy. Twenty minutes later my mind wandered back to what dad did. I buried my head again crying. My messy (h/c) hair in my eyes. I was sobbing when a warm hand interrupted my tears.

I looked up my (e/c) eyes locking onto some green ones. I breathed in deeply. I was scowling and he quickly smiled. I looked down where his hand was, a small white mug full of warm coffee, was it for me. He smiled bigger now. I looked to him then to the coffee. I hadn't been shown such kindness since moving here. "here, take it." He whispered. He began to shake the coffee slowly spilling from the mug. I smiled wrapping my hands around his and taking the mug.

"Thanks." I whispered taking a sip of the coffee. I smiled as the coffee warmed my body. I rubbed my hands together looking back up. The boy was gone. Now I was left alone again with my sorrow, except this time I didn't feel alone.

***End of flashback***

A tear almost rolled down my cheek, but before I could a warm hand interrupted me. "Refill?" He asked quietly, some coffee in his hand. I looked up with a smile. "Uh, yeah." I croaked. He filled the white mug again for the fifth time. I watched as he walked away, picking up a broom. I smiled as he began to sweep the small coffee shop. I lowered my mug after gulping down the hot coffee burning my tongue. I got up pushing my chair in. "Thanks for the coffee." I said opening the door. He faced me with the same smile. He nodded and I left.

I decided to wander the streets of South Park for a bit. I wasn't quite ready to go home and face dad again. Every time I saw him I'd be reminded that he was the reason mom was gone. I was zoning out again. I frowned as I realized it. I faced the sky again. The clouds began to cover the sun making the already gloomy sky gloomier. I sighed but immediately turned around at the sound of foot steps.

"Hey! Wait!" I wiped my eyes making sure it was really him. "What's your name!" He screamed catching up to me fast. I couldn't move so I stood frozen. I frowned again. In seconds he stopped himself right in front of me.

He tried catching his breath. "So, what is it?" He asked again. I was taken back a bit but quickly turned red.

"Uh, my name's ___. What's yours?" I asked quietly, trying not to show how nervous I was. He smiled shaking my hand.

"It's Tweek. Nice to finally meet you so..." I shook his hand smiling again.

"What?" I asked excited that we were finally talking. His next words made me frown immediately.

"Why are you always at the shop?" My smile fell. He gave me an odd look and I crossed my arms.

"I just like coffee okay?" I pouted looking away. He put his arm on my shoulder again.

"ten times a day? Only I'm crazy enough to drink that much." His hand shook on my shoulder. I looked down sensing I was caught.

"What's your real reason, you just like to see me make a fool of myself huh?" He asked quieter now. His hand slowly left my shoulder. I quickly grabbed it. I smiled at him as he frowned. He gave me another odd look.

"That's not it... It's just the opposite..." I whispered. His mouth opened in awe. He smiled bringing me into a hug.

"I've never forgotten that cold day." I smiled in his warm embrace. I shook my head.

"Me neither..." I whispered. He looked at me, a warm smile on his face. He slowly brang me into a kiss.

"I-" He hugged me again.

"I know. Me too." I blushed as he stroked my hair and gave me one final kiss. "I have to get back to the shop..." He waved slowly, walking away. All my loose ends were finally coming together. Tweek and I were one together there were no fringes, just perfection.

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