More than Just Sides(King KylexSorcerer Reader)

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Dedicated to SmexyAndAwesome for requesting this King KylexSorcerer Reader. Song is Who I am hates Who I've been by Relient K


"Dude Kyle fat ass has the stick." I watched him cringe. He huffed dropping his staff to the floor.

"Okay, well we'll need more people, who's left." He said adjusting his green hat. I thought for a moment.

"What about those nerds who play Star Trek. Kyle shook his head.

"No they refuse to play since we called them nerds." The ginger sighed adjusting his hat. 

"What about the goths they participated in the console wars."  One elf said. Kyle fell back on his throne exhausted.

"No, after they got their PS4's on lay away a couple of  weeks later they said quote, 'we rather stick razor blades in our fucking eyes than play that damn game with you conformists.' They won't." Finally he cringed closing his eyes.

"Then the humans will control the universe." He sighed. Suddenly Stan  forced him off his throne.

"Not yet, dude!" He said pumped up. Kyle rolled his eyes Stan always waited till the last minute to save the day. "Well she moved in a couple of weeks ago but I know the rumors gotta be true since we haven't seen her around out of her house. She's supposed to be some awesome sorcerer, and the best part... She hasn't chosen a side! We just need to convince her on our side to get the stick. Just pretend to like her or something so we don't have to wait long." A smile appeared on his lips. He knew he wasn't that kind of person but the power was getting to him he wouldn't let fat ass win even if it meant pretending to like some random girl he didn't know.

Kyle P.O.V

I hated that all of a sudden Stan was calling the shots now but he was right. if I wanted things done right I had to do it. I sighed scaling the house of the paladin Butters. She lived around here. Fat ass never let girls in his kingdom so maybe ___ could be an advantage rather than a disadvantage. I looked through the window seeing a silly (h/c) haired girl with a stick waving it around mouthing words inaudible to my ears. I smiled almost laughing. She was more experienced than other idiots I could say that. I knocked a couple of times and the door slowly opened. The same girl appeared in a robe and her wizard stick.

"I am Kyle of the Elf Kingdom, I've personally asked for your presence in our kingdom... What do you say." I looked up from my position where I was kneeling. She looked down crossed arms.

She opened her mouth looking dully at me. "Um.. No." She simply said closing the door in my face. I narrowed my eyes stomping away.

Stan's words suddenly bounced around my head. "Pretend to like her." I rolled my eyes that could actually work.  I forced my eyes closed and swallowed my pride. I knocked on the door once again. She tried closing it in my face again but my foot stopped her.

"Please fair maiden I wish to speak but few words... I have a confession." She slowly opened the door a curious look in her eye. She lead me to the backyard. It was nice and spacey with a giant cardboard castle, two miles of sand as a desert, and a colorful garden. I smiled at how creative it was. There was also a clothes line with different outfits I doubt she ever had any company it reminded me of Rebecca Cotswald but more creative.

She sat on her thrown with a couple of old torn dummies bowing towards her. "What is it fair King?" She crossed her legs grabbing her wand as if ready to turn me into a frog if I didn't speak. I quickly coughed.

I stepped forward immediately. "Yes fair sorcerer, I.... I had failed to mention earlier, when I had said I needed you in my kingdom I had meant not only as a warrior but as my queen." She dulled her eyes again and I was sure she'd say no but just then an alarm blared. 

"____, you're friends are here!" Who I presumed was ___'s mom said. Just then several humans began to invade. 

"After the Jew boy!" I heard fat asses' minions say he wasn't brave enough to come himself. I immediately got in a fighting stance.  The sky turned dark as the arrows began to rain down. With a wave of her wand a stampede of rats appeared in front of the (h/c) haired sorcerer. They immediately spread out attacking. 

I quickly stood back as the rats dispersed. "It's just like Cartman to send his soldiers and not show." She smiled bursting into laughter.

"Cartman? Eric Cartman? Fatty? The king of the humans? Of course he'd do that... I'm home schooled but I see him play outside, he's annoying." She giggled which made me have a big smile. She grabbed a strand of my red hair.

"Didn't know you were ginger." She laughed. I rolled my eyes but I continued to laugh because her giggle was fucking hilarious and kind of cute... 

I sat down tired next to her. "So please... Will you join my kingdom?" She was still laughing a little. I moved my head a little which caused a loose strand of red hair to land on my forehead she responded my kissing me on the forehead.

"What do you think, King?" She whispered tackling me into another series of kisses. I let her give me a couple of kisses but quickly put my hand in front of my mouth. Guilt began to boil inside me.

I sighed lying next to her on the grass. "What... Did I upset you?" I immediately shook my head.

"No! Of course not but... I had lied, I... Hadn't come with the sole intention of confessing love to you because... I had no love to give, I lied but now I know that... I judged you  far too soon please ___ forgive me." The look on her face made a knot form in my stomach. I bit my lip. "Please. She sighed facing me with a more gentle look on her face rather than her dull look.

"Elf king, please we all make mistakes so... I will make an exception." A small smile formed on my lips as I gently kissed her forehead. 

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