O.S You're Still a Dirty Jew(Kyman)

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Dedicated to babyaimee for requesting this kyman one shot. I honestly suck at writing for this ship and writing yaoi but what I do for you guys XD The couple at the side and the song is singal fire by snow patrol. Doing something different this time. Since this takes place over the course of many days instead of putting ********* I will be labeling the days so

Day 1

"But mah it's Hanukkah." I whined. She continued to curl her hair. She put her hand on my shoulder.

"Bubbe you're sixteen I think you can handle yourself. I mean the Cartmans are here they'll make you feel right at home." She said ruffling up my hair. I sighed as she passed me my bags. 

"Mom, Cartman hates me!" I whined. She shook her head as we began to drive to fat ass's house. I slept in the car saying good bye to my break. Mom and dad were ditching me for a couple's vacation. Now I was stuck with the prejudice fat ass.

I set my bags down on the couch and instantly trudged up the stairs. "Am I supposed to sleep in the same room as you?" I laughed falling on the ground. I leaned against the bed where Cartman was playing gamesphere. 

"What the hell are you doing in my room Jew?" He said still focusing on the screen than me. I rolled my eyes rolling my sleeping back onto the floor. 

"Just leave me alone I'm just gonna sleep till my parents come back." I buried myself into the sleeping back trying to sleep.

Day 2

I managed to fall asleep with no disruptions. A gentle hand shook me awake. I tossed and turned until I realized who it was.

"Kyle honey we have presents for you and Cartman downstairs for the first day of Hanukkah." I sighed getting up and walking into the bathroom. I quickly changed to get this over with. I knew I probably got a cheap present since it was Cartman's house. I ran downstairs seeing a stink eye from Cartman. I rolled my eyes as she handed me a present then a huge box to Cartman. He quickly tore it open. 

"Ah you guys look at that! Call of Duty Warfare!" He shouted shoving it in my face. I sighed opening my Christmas sweater. It had a tree and flashing lights. Ms. Cartman clapped her hands and I quickly went back upstairs. Cartman stayed in the living room playing Call of Duty for hours. He was always screaming and bragging about it. Again I managed to fall asleep. 

Cartman P.O.V

That dirty Jew, he had to stay here of all places. Why couldn't he go with that hippie Stan. I gritted my teeth I couldn't sleep with him in the room. He was probably planning to steal my Call of Duty game right now as I thought. I bit my lip getting out of my bed. I stared at Kyle. He needed to go. I stared intently at his face hovering over him.

"I'll kill you you dirty Jew." I whispered my breath now touching his face. I smiled about to laugh maniacally but his eyes suddenly popped open. 

"Cartman...." He said dully.

"Uh, yeah?" I asked 

"What are you doing?" 

I slowly backed away going back onto my bed. "Nothing..." 

I fell asleep on my bed just worrying that, that damn Jew would steal my games. He was always taking everything from me.

Day 3

Stupid mom woke me up but instead of having fucking waffles eggs and bacon she showed me a giant piece of shitty pancake. "THE FUCK IS THIS!" I hollered punching the table. Jew boy sat next to me with a bowl of cereal.

My stupid bitch of a mom walked over smiling. "Sorry poopykings, Kyle can't eat pork, it's Hanakuh season remember." I gritted my teeth looking at his beady eyes. God I hated him. He began to calmly eat  MY cereal.

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