Shoplifter: The one who stole my heart(Craigxreader)

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Craig at the side chibi anime style! Song is 'Headstrong' by Trapt.


Reader's P.O.V

I was running as fast as my legs would go. They were real strict around here. I had 'accidentally' dropped a necklace into my purse and now I was being chased down by about three mall security guys. It wasn't my fault that the necklace turned out to be over two-thousand dollars. It looked pretty dull to me so I didn't think anyone would mind if it disappeared.

I couldn't run all my life, I mean they'd eventually catch me and when that happened mom would be pissed. She wouldn't be mad because I was shoplifting again, no she'd be mad that I got caught. She knew about my bad habit but she didn't care, she never gave me money to spend in the first place.

When my legs stopped I stopped. The mall cop put his greasy buff hand on my shoulder. "What are you doing m'am?" He said roughly. I rolled my eyes as the other mall cops caught up. They dragged me along to mall security.

I sighed sinking in the chair. The mall cop was on the phone with mom. "Okay m'am she'll be waiting right here where I can see her... Yup, okay." After hanging up he led me to a jailed cell that had nothing but a sink and a toilet. I sat on the ground annoyed. I was caught once again, and I knew mom was pissed especially with the tone of her voice.

The breeze grazed through my (h/c) hair as I sat in my cell. It was getting chilly and I couldn't stand the chattering of my teeth. I sat down no longer being able to stand. I dozed off for about five minutes before the jail cell's door opened. "Finally." I sighed getting up eagerly.

"Not you!" The mall cop hissed. I sat back down as a tall boy with raven black hair entered the cell. I crawled to the other side of the cell trying to get as far away from him as possible. I wanted to be alone and now I had to share my cage.

An hour had passed when the boy finally spoke. Maybe he was tired of the silence. "Hey, what's your name?" He whispered holding his hand out for me. I looked up with a growl.

"Who's asking!" I hissed. All he did in response to my tone was smirk. His hand fell to his side as he sat next to me.

"Craig Tucker, the baddest kid in South Park." He scoffed. He looked up at the ceiling whistling.

"I'm____." I whispered. With that Craig jumped up excited.

"So! Ready to bust out of this joint?" He asked eagerly. I gave him a slanted smile.

"Sure." I said rising to my feet. He grabbed my hand and scanned the bars in front of us. His hand wandered to his pocket where he grabbed a large pocket knife and began to dig its blade into its bars. "I don't think that'll help too much Craig." I said sitting back down I knew this way would at least take an hour. As I buried my face into my hands I heard a loud clink. Craig took my hand forcing me up and began to run.

"Hey! What are you doing?" The mall cop asked as we ran past him. I smirked as I looked back.

"Move along sir." I smiled as Craig and I left the mall. He wouldn't ease his grip as we continued to run. I had no idea where Craig was taking me we were safe from the mall cops why were we still running. I began to scream to get Craig's attention. "hey!" I screeched. At my voice Craig turned a corner and stopped. He huffed for breath clutching his chest. I did the same as him, while hiding. What was he so afraid of?

"So I'vebeen meaning to ask, What you get busted for?" Craig asked still breathing hard. I tried to calm my lungs as I answered.

"I was caught shoplifting, and you?" I asked letting myself plop to the ground. Craig sat beside me and answered with a sort of chuckle.

"I flipped of the mall cop for telling me to move along sir." He said imitating the dunce's voice.

"Move along sir!" I said trying to deepen my voice. We both bursts out laughing at our poor imitations.

As our laughter seized I found my head laying on Craig's shoulder. I didn't know why but I was pretty tired.

Craig's P.O.V

This was too coincidental. Today was my first day on my own, it was pretty much forced. My folks had just kicked me out of the house for handing my bad habits down to my sister. It wasn't my fault she took up smoking stealing flipping people off and wielding dangerous knives and weapons. I rolled my eyes at the thought of it. I knew the minute I entered the cell, _____was the one. There was no denying it. Now, ___ was laying on my shoulder almost half asleep now, what the hell was I going to do. Be a freak and stroke her hair? Profess my love or just sit there like a loser. I sighed laying my hand on her head about to stroke the beautiful hair that belonged to ___, when ____'s (e/c) eyes popped open. "What are you doing?" I backed away not knowing what to say.

"Uh, nothing..." I lamely said. "Hey, you want to go get lunch or something I'm starved." I said trying so hard not to blush.

Reader's P.O.V

I wanted to at least take up his offer. Craig wasn't the cutest guy in the world but at least he was going to treat me to lunch. I had to admit I was hungry. Craig got up and coolly walked off. He turned back to me. "Well, you coming?" He asked quietly. I nodded eagerly and caught up to him.

I was expecting too much from Craig. I wasn't expecting a four star restaurant but I didn't expect a run down burger place. I looked at in disgust. "This is my favorite place, I get free fries." He said grinning. Of course, practical. Craig didn't look like a rich kid he just invited me because he got free stuff. I reluctantly walked in as Craig held the door open for me. I could see he was getting irritated with having to hold the door open for so long. Craig gave me a kiss on the head as I entered and he was free from holding the door.

Craig pulled the chair out for me as the guy behind the register brought our free fries and apparently our costly sodas. I sipped my Coke as Craig chowed down on his fries. As I stared at him I couldn't help but smile at how cute he was. I was surprised at his sense of innocence. He was a bad boy on the outside but he was pure caramel when you got to the inside. I loved his sparkling blue eyes as he stared down at his empty plate of fries. He looked up at me smiling. "Ready for burgers?" He asked smoothly. I smiled nodding even though I hadn't even touched my fries. The giu came back with two small burgers I chowed down immediately as Craig took one bite and declared that he was finished.

I leaned against my chair feeling my stomach. I was full and for once happy. I thanked him and smiled as we left the table. Craig said a quick farewell to the owners and held my hand as we left. Craig took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He lit his cigarette putting it in his mouth. He breathed in the tobacco of the cigarette and stared at me. He stopped in front of the shop bringing me close. He pressed his lips against mine exhaling the smoke into my mouth. I smiled as we pulled apart. "You're a great kisser." I gawked at him.

His mouth went to my ear as he whispered. "I know."

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