O.S Ze mole Duo(Twinstophe)

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Dedicated to geekygothgirl for requesting this twinstophe one shot. I never heard of twinstophe so I'm just assuming you haven't either. (I know assuming is bad m'kay...) Twinstophe is TweekxChristophe. song is opposites attract by you me at six


 I was wearing a dark forest green coat. I popped my collar up trying to cover my blonde locks. I looked around trying not to seem, AGH suspicious. My teeth wouldn't stop chattering. I slowly knocked on the door. The slit in the door opened.  I was greeted with black eyes. "Password." He said in his thick British accent.

I jumped back nervous. "AGH! P-Password! No one told me about a password! Nrrr!" I screamed. The black eyed boy on the other side of the door laughed. 

"Tweek, the boy my acquaintances contacted over the phone?" He chuckled. I nodded hugging myself trying to stop the intense shaking of my body. The door slowly opened and a boy with thick curly blond hair wearing an orange shirt appeared.

We walked through a door leading into the back. Gregory stood silently as he faced me. "Do what we tell you and you'll have enough money. This way your parents... Won't sell you." He almost chuckled at the last part. The coffee shop we owned had gone under. Dad said he might sell me to get more money. Mom said he was joking but I wasn't sure. That's why I was here. To make sure we would be fine.

Gregory walked further into the room where  three kids stood. The boy with brown hair walked up to me . He glared at me up and down. "Damn, you brought more sheet here Gregory? Ah, at least there's more man power." He didn't seem impressed with me. "I guess we need introductions." He almost laughed. 

He turned to the two behind him. He pointed to a red head in a gray shirt and blue pants. "Dat is, Shera.. She's not as easy as she looks." He chuckled. She glared at him with her gray eyes. He then turned to a boy with orange hair in a black tee. "That is Clint, don't worry he doesn't have any ballz." He laughed again and Clint glared  him down. "and of course the guy who brought you here... Gregory." I quickly stuttered screaming.

"Ah! And who are you?" I shouted knowing I was uneasy if I didn't know someone's name who was apparently here to help me.

He smiled at my urgency. He adjusted the shovel on his back.  "Me, I am Christophe."

I nodded gulping hard. I was nervous. "Agh! Okay Christo-"

Christophe P.O.V

I pushed the bastard against the wall grabbing him by the shirt. I gritted my teeth as I looked at the son of a beetch's face. I repressed the urge to bite his face off.

"Sheet like you, doesn't get to call me that! You call me ze mole." I hissed. He was shaking more intense now as  he slowly nodded.

We were on the outskirts of town. I spread a poster on the floor. Everyone lay on the snowy grass looking at it. "Okay, America has bought Water Lillies from France's museum, originally by Claude Monet. It was currently held in New York but the portrait is traveling around until it gets to Rome, we will infiltrate South Park's museum and stop its travel. The painting belongs in its home country. Do this and the France government will pay us handsomely." 

Shera began to give me the stink eye. I glared and she finally responded. "You just want it back to your shitty country don't you Christophe?" She laughed. I wanted to slap her. I hated that I was born in that hell hole. Everyone was fake there. I swallowed hard repressing that urge. I shook my head referring back to the blue prints.

"Shera, you and Clint will distract the guard dogs in the front, Gregory do what you do best, sit on your lazy ass, I and spike here will take care of the guards in the front and retrieve the portrait. If anything goes wrong say the code word hammer time."

"Agh! Hammertime!  Can't the code word just be... "lookout"? I won't remember "Hammertime!" He shouted.

"Calm down Spike." I hissed rolling my eyes.

"AGH! My name's Tweek!" I shook my head again.

"And what gives you the right to tell me what to call you." 

Tweek jittered again. "Ah! It's my name!" 

I smirked bigger. "Hammertime, remember!

He screamed louder. "Nrr! I won't remember hammertime!"

"Ugh. Just remember the song Can't Touch This and you'll remember the code word!" I shouted. He nodded slowly. 

The boy and I rounded around the corner. The guards were smoking their cigars. I rolled my eyes knowing cigarettes were much better. "Stay here and keep watch while I distract them, I'll run in and grab it, stay here alright? Harden that weird heart of yours, Spike." He gulped hard nodding.

I walked in front of them smashing my cigarette on the floor. These guys worked at the South Park police station. This was going to be easy. "Eh, beetches, I'm a communist. Arrest me." I hissed at them. They looked at me from the corner of the eye then went back to smoking their damn cigars. I bit my lip growling at them.

"I'm gay, beat me!" I hollered. One of the men sighed then took a deep breath of his cigarette. "There's a black guy trying to get in from the back." They both dropped their cigars.

"My god, Johnson get a move on we have to choke and beat that black guy!" One of the guys said running off, the other followed. I rolled my eyes working on the lock the museum had. 

Tweek P.O.V

Christophe was fiddling with the lock. I was trying hard not to have a heart attack. Keeping watch was scary. I hugged myself as I faced the right. I heard faint barking in the distance. "Agh." I covered my mouth trying to remember  the code word.

 "Can't touch this okay... dumdum, dumdum. Can't touch this. Dum dumdumdum, dumdum..." I continued to sing then remembered it. "HAMMERTIME!" Christophe immediately dropped his pick grabbing his shovel.

"Damn, the guard dogs that means... Shera..." He gasped. I ran out from hiding an began to run with him.

I was breathing heavy as we turned the corner. "How do you do it?" I whispered. He gave me an odd look. "It's almost... GAH! Inspirational how you handle this PRESSURE!" I shouted. He covered my mouth.

"Zhh, zey will find uz. Spike, we're all built for this shit we just don't know it. You're just too much of a pussy." He said whispering. I nodded trying to stop my shaking. I could hear the screams of Shera and Clint. 

"Christophe! The mission has failed the guard dogs they-" She was cut off as Clint screamed to the top of his lungs. I could hear the chomping of bones.  I was sobbing now.

"Make it stop!" I hollered. Christophe looked away I could see a single tear escape his eyes.

" They won't stop till they've found us..." He said looking to the sky. I could feel the air shit truning cold as the clouds covered the sun. He turned to me with a grave expression. "Ztay here no matter what you hear." He whispered. I couldn't respond as he ran out.

"Sheet the guard dogs fucking hurt!" He screamed. I hugged myself knowing in seconds it would be over. I wouldn't have to worry, it would be over soon. The guards dogs stopped growling. I peeked over seeing their bodies. Oh god were they dead? I slowly walked over to them. 

"Ze mole, are you-" I was cut off by a loud moan that escaped his lips. He shook  his head softly.

"Christophe, please you've earned the right to call me that.. Sp- Tweek.." I was crying now. He couldn't hold  on for much longer.

"Are you gonna be okay?" I whimpered. He gave me a  smirk knowing that I knew the answer already.

"Tweek I was wrong... Terribly wrong... Zome people are built for this sheet, but Tweek, you are not one of them." I could feel the tears run down my cheek.

"I.. l-ove you Christophe." I was expecting him to break away and swear at me but instead he smiled. He didn't say anymore or move anymore, he was gone.

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