Oh Hamburgers(Buttersxreader)

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butters at the side anime style Dedicated to wolfielox for requesting Butters. Song is Riot by three days grace.


Butters P.O.V

She kept me from my homework. She never let me do my chores. She even stayed up after her bedtime. Her name was ___, the baddest kid I knew. She wrestled with lions in Nam, ate the chilliest peppers in South America, and danger was her middle name. I sighed knowing she had some curse on me, she didn't care about organization. I couldn't organize the cabinet with her on my mind. She was bad for me, but honestly I didn't care.

I was laying in bed doing nothing. "Butters! You just go to bed! Next time you think before you don't do your homework!" I sighed knowing it was true I han't been doing my homework for three weeks now. I even stopped paying attentioon in class just staring at her. I didn't get it though, I wasn't supposed to like, girls, not yet I was just nine!. I immediately lost focus again thinking about her hair. It was in a ponytail today. I could still hear her beautiful voice. "Butters..." I smiled wider now looking out in the distance. "Butters..." I just loved it when she said my name...

"Butters!" She waved her hand in front of me. "Hey don't diss someone who's talking to you!" She hollered. I blushed backing away and nodded. She stood from the window sill approaching me.

 I kept backing away as she gave me that look. I always thought about her but we were just friends right. I gulped hard trying  to avoid eye contact. "Get away from me! Stop, tricking me! I'm not supposed to like girls!" I hollered. She stopped her walking. She looked at me confused.

"You're gay?" She asked almost laughing. I glared at her.

"No! Just stay away from me! I'm too young to like icky girls!" I screamed wavign my hands towards her. She smiled at me taking one huge step and grabbing my hands.

She was a dark shade of red. "Butters, it's okay to like girls... It's okay to like me... Well I mean, I'd like it if you liked me.." She stuttered. I knew I had the biggest smile on my face.

Reader P.O.V

Okay so maybe I did exaggerate when I first met Butters. I told him wild things about myself, but how was I supposed to know he'd believe a big lie like me wrestling lions. I laughed to myself. That's what I liked about him. I loved the innocence of Butters his ability to appreciate the little things and not let big things bug him. 

More importantly he was there for me. When I needed him the most, he always made me laugh. When my hamster died he cracked me up. When I forgot to do my homework, Butters let me have his. When I thought I was failing class he showed me I wasn't the only one. I smiled knowing that I probably shouldn't be happy about that.

Butters liked me for a while now I just decided to wait for him to admit it. Today was the day. No, he didn't upfront tell me but it was good enough. Now here I was stuttering to him. I really meant it, I did want him to like me. I was staring into his turquoise eyes now.

Just lean forward, that's all I needed to do. Lean forward and kiss those sweet lips on Butters. I blushed harder at the thought. Maybe he'd kiss me instead. I closed my eyes... I couldn't wait anymore. I liked Butters since I moved here. I waited for him to confess to me and that took almost a month! It was time I did it for once. I leaned forward his warm lips on mine. I opened my eyes seeing his eyes closed. I was about  let go of his hands when the door slammed open.

"Butters! I told you no visitors!" He screamed. I backed away blushing as Butters' dad looked at us angry. I held his hand tighter as Butters said two words before I let go.

"Oh hamburgers!" 

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