O.S Wrong Intentions (CraigxHenrietta)

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I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore.... Goths and craig up there. Song is I don't wanna be in love by good charlotte. I just came up with the ending on a weird whim (I don't ship those two... you'll see what I'm talking about)

The brunette slowly spun around the cigarette in his hand. He hadn't had a smoke in forever but today was an exception, the guys really pissed him off by spray painting 'gay' onto his locker. He sighed annoyed, the whole Tweek think ended years ago he'd even had a couple of girlfriends since then still people thought it was funny to bring it up. He wasn't gay he just didn't want the town and his parents to be depressed and he wanted those 100 dollars his dad randomly gave him at times. Now he yearned for a smoke, he sighed knowing he didn't own a lighter because his dad was scared of him owning one ever since he burned down his tree house. As he neared the back of the school in his aimless wander he remembered something. The goths, they always had a light. Maybe they could help.

Craig didn't hesitate when he saw the goths he even ran towards them. "Hey you guys got a light?" He beamed. He was greeted with dull faces. No one even turned to him. After a few seconds of Craig refusing to leave Michael got to his feet. 

"Go on conformist, find your own pit of despair." Craig's eye twitched a bit.

"I ASKED for a light kid." He exclaimed. Michael was amused with his words. He glanced towards the goths to make sure they watched the scene play out but more importantly he wanted to make sure she was watching.

"Yeah, a conformist like you needs to cover up all his sorrow in a cigarette. Get lost." Craig stepped forward but Michael didn't even flinch which annoyed him even more. Henrietta stepped forward but Michael's silence made her stop.

"Look, fag I just want a light it's simple just-"

"From what I heard you were the fag here conformist." He blew smoke into Craig's scrunched up face. He was this close to kicking this kid's ass. 

"I swear I'll fucking kill you." He mumbled. Michael smiled at the comment.

"Go on, Justin Bieber. Do me the favor of not having to deal with your conformist bull shit." Craig growled at him but quickly turned and walked away. He didn't want to give this goth more material to complain about.

There was something about the confrontation that seemed interesting even to Craig... There was a new goth to their gang... Or someone had a huge change from their elementary years and it seemed Michael had taken a notice. The confrontation was egged on by something it was almost like Michael was trying to make something clear to assess his dominance... On what? Craig almost smiled at how obvious it was. The girl. He thought. She had changed from the elementary days, she had an hourglass figure now and the make up she wore actually made her look pretty good. Michael was glancing at her every few seconds, urging her to watch him, urging her to notice him.  So stupid... Still, Michael had broken the last straw on the camel's back and Craig was going to make him pay for that.

Craig felt like a stalker waiting at the Village Inn, especially since he had picked a seat near the girl's bathroom, he couldn't go up to the goths because Michael would just urge another meaningless confrontation in order to claim his woman, no he needed to wait near the bathroom to get Henrietta alone then go for the kill before Michael could, then his revenge would be complete.

Either this chick had a huge bladder or she drank her coffee REALLY slow... Probably the first one, but finally after three hours Craig stumbled awake realizing Henrietta was walking towards him to go to the restroom. He quickly got to his feet grabbing his iced coffee. As she walked Craig immediately walked towards her and smashed his coffee into her. "What the fuck!" She screamed. Craig smiled at how well this was going, still he had a drenched girl in front of him so there was no time to admire his so elaborate plan. 

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