O.S We're Human Too(Tokyo Ghoul)

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Ok so this is a one shot of SP if it were in Tokyo Ghoul universe. Tokyo ghoul (for those of you who don't know) takes place in a world where humans coexist with ghouls. Ghouls look like humans besides their black and red eyes but can make them look normal to blend into society they can only survive on human flesh they can't stomach anything else without getting physically and mentally sick besides coffee. They are seven times stronger than a human being and their bodies are impenetrable from knives metal guns etc unless they are very very weak or deprived from food. A ghoul only need to eat once a month to live but some eat more for fun we call those binge eaters and others are very picky we call those gourmets. They fatten their humans before eating and torture them etc. Ghouls have a higher RC cell count than humans. These RC cells can harden making a kagune which is a weapon extending from a ghoul's body(depending on what kind of kagune it can come out from the back, mid back or tailbone) usually to take down its prey or defend themselves. Ghouls show their black and red eyes(their normal eyes) when they are about to use their RC cells(kagune) or are very starved/threatened/angry. The CCG(doves) is an organization set to destroy all ghouls, from previous ghouls they've killed they collected the kagune from them and made them into manmade weapons to take down ghouls it is the only thing that can kill a ghoul. Song is downfall of us all by a day to remember(I LOVE thEM toO X)

"WENDY!" He screamed to the top of his lungs. he doubted that she heard even a glimpse of what he had said because in seconds the elongated scythe came bearing down on her striking through her chest. The tip of the scythe stuck clean through her back.  

"Shit, I didn't mean to kill her that fast." The brunette muttered under his breath. Stan couldn't move, he was paralyzed, had his girlfriend of two years really just died in front of him thanks to this dove, no, this human. The rather fat human grunted as he thrusted the scythe out from Wendy's dead corpse that, was kept standing only thanks to his weapon. He looked over her shoulder and smirked when he noticed Stan, his eyes were blazing red and his kagune sprout out through his back forming wings. "Oh, look. Another good piece of shit." The brunette raised his scythe and charged, still Stan couldn't find his breath, let alone his rhythm. He couldn't fight, he was already tired from running away from this surprisingly fast fat ass, how was he supposed to fight? Flight or fight, his instincts were screaming as the barreling fuzz of brown came twirling towards him bearing his scythe. Flight. Stan turned and started to run into the night of South Park, it wasn't safe but anywhere than here was safer. 

"Okay, ghoul! Keep running! But, I'll just wipe you out, you know!" 

The city buzzed around him. Why the hell was it so dark, why the hell had he and Wendy decided to venture out and find some food? Why couldn't they just stay indoors. Why hadn't he worn his mask? Now the CCG bastard would know his face, fuck. Nothing was going right today. He kept running as the fat tub of lard kept chasing at him. "Come on, it'll only take two seconds! You saw how fast it ends!" He 'reasoned' Stan rolled his eyes trying to keep his eyes fixated forward. 

There was a dead end coming up fast, Stan had to make a turn. The alleyways had betrayed him, right or left? Which way would give him any chance of survival? He gulped hard as he came upon the cross-section, just as he was about to make his life-changing decision he was grabbed by the collar and pulled to the right, the exact opposite way he wanted to choose. 

Stan stepped away from whoever had grabbed him and turned around viciously. A cynical childlike grin greeted him. "Run." The voice whispered. Stan wanted to question, but then he persisted. "RUN!" A joyous laugh escaped the redhead and he began to run. The last thing Stan heard was a muffled, Damn fucking Ghouls! I'll KILL YOU!

They didn't stop running until they reached the gutters of South Park, past the train tracks. Stan finally let himself breathe, and afterwards finally let himself swear at his new 'friends'. "What the hell was that? And who the fuck are you?" The redhead immediately let out a childish giggle and sat on the floor criss-cross. For the first time Stan noticed the blond who liked to hide in the shadows, he reminded himself to keep an eye on him so he didn't fade into the background.

"We are the peo- ghouls that just saved your fucking life. I'm Kenny." For the first time he took out his hands from his jacket pockets and offered it to Stan. After some reluctance Stan shook his hand. "That's Kyle... He's a little... Uh, goofy." Stan looked at Kyle through the corner of his eye, the redhead seemed to have lost all interest in him and was now looking at a lollipop. 

"We've been trying to kill that CCG investigator, er- Dove for months now. The bastard took out our families." Stan tried really hard not to look over to the run down home that Kenny was staring so intently on. The windows were shattered, paint was chipped off, abandoned cars and bikes stood untouched on the yellow dead lawn, and a small pink princess doll sat seamlessly on a lawn chair. "Bastard's name is Eric Cartman... Kyle and I... We've tried to kill him but... Well-" A little chuckle escaped his lips and he motioned towards Kyle who immediately showed his kagune. A purple shattered tail sprout from his lower back. "He's no amateur." Stan nodded, he'd faced that Cartman idiot several times and barely escaped, and that was when he had Wendy to cover him, now even she was gone. Maybe if these two could help him, they could take down that damn human.

Assuming that Kenny's kagune worked fine, Stan thought the chances of surviving this fight would be pretty good, what he did NOT expect was that Cartman would not be alone. Next to fat ass stood a tall slender blond with turquoise eyes. Their ambush was a total bust now especially since Kyle was basically useless with his kagune permanently damaged. Cartman swung his elongated scythe randomly trying to hit either one of them. The blond who Stan soon discovered was Butters, through Cartman yelling at him and calling him rookie, skillfully spun his rod. He lunged at Kyle with all his might.

Stan really hated the fact that Kyle was hardly useful, all he could really do with his damaged kagune was use his fists, now Stan had to protect him. Thankfully Butters was more of a defensive fighter, he blocked all of Stan's hits with precision but his rod never once touched Stan or Kyle. The three were so enticed with their fight that they hardly remembered Kenny fighting one on one with the most skilled dove.

Kenny ducked as the scythe swung once again. Where the hell were the others? He tried to think of happy thoughts so not to get angry, that's what got Kyle so messed up when he fought this S.O.B. When Kyle got upset he was irrational and when he got irrational Cartman almost killed him. Still in the back of his mind Karen's image surfaced, her scream when the same scythe Cartman swung at him had impaired her in the eye and killed her in mere seconds right before his eyes. He couldn't help but get angry, he couldn't help but get tired of dodging this stupid piece of metal. "AH!" He charged at Cartman his kagune trying to swipe at the scythe, Cartman didn't even look phased at the fact that Kenny was charging, he just smirked as if this was the opening he awaited all along. Just then, Kenny realized, it was just that, Cartman stepped forward with such an impeccable grin the Kenny knew he was done, Cartman jumped dodging the kagune and grinned like a maniac at Kenny.

"Ready to die, like that shit face sister of yours?" Kenny gritted his teeth and without another thought lunged at the fat ass, before he even came close, Cartman swung the scythe impling him through the eye, his scythe poking out through the back of his skull.

Stan stepped away from Butters and turned just in time to see Kenny's bloody body fall to the floor. "Oh my god... They killed Kenny..."

"You bastards." Kyle breathed. 

Stan and Kyle gulped hard, what were they going to do now that their core member and, kind of- okay technically leader was gone? Stan wanted to stand there and let Butters' rod impair his chest and die so he could see Wendy again, he didn't want to fight, he didn't want to see these stupid humans.  Before his kagune disappeared Kyle shook him. That childish grin that was too wide for his own face, was gone. He looked at him sternly. "Don't even think about it." They were the first words he had said and surprisingly Stan found himself agreeing with the childish teen. After everything, the least they could do was take out these doves, the doves that had taken everything from them.

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