Sheet Hit the Fan(ChristophexreaderxGregory)

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OK dedicated to SaryDearest23  for baking  up my idea of this christophexreaderxgregory. Song is You think you know somebody by Hunter Hayes 


 "May 19th. Approximately nine p.m... Christophe!" I roll my eyes laying my feet on his desk. I shake my head annoyed.

"I'm liztening you piece of sheet." I hizzed. He gritted his teeth. 

"Christophe! If she is allowed to live we are screwed! Screwed you hear me! Listen damn you! 549 South Street. She will be sleeping in her bed. That is when you take her out or issue the threat." I nodded. We had done ztupid jobs like this often why was he making such a big deal. Her older brother had been organizing transports with the local eighth graders for cigarettes, alcohol, and weed, all those things were our responsibilities. The little brat and his sister were stealing businesses. Gregory wasn't ze one to give anyone a fair warning zo I needed to kill her. 

I laid against my chair. It was about eight at night and I still had to find the address online. My ztupid mother was on the computer. "Are you done yet?" I sighed in a low whisper so she wouldn't ground or yell at me. She got up from her chair smiling at me.

"Oui." She whispered ruffling up my hair as she walked past me. I rolled my eyes sitting on the computer chair. I found the pathetic small house in less than twenty minutes. The map looked easy to follow. I quickly got up running down the stairs. 

"MOTHER!" I screamed to the top of my lungs. She popped her head out from upstairs. 

"Oui?" She said. I turned angrier now.

"WHERE IS MY SHOVEL!" I began to run around the downstairs house looking for it.

"I uh... Put it away!" She screamed. I rolled my eyes trying to find it.


"No! Bed time Christophe! You have been out for weeks now! BEDTIME!" 



I shuffled around so my shovel was adjusted comfortably onto my back. I climbed to a dark room breaking the window. "Mark! What was that!" I heard a feminine voice say. I bit my lip. Damn it, she was supposed to be asleep and her brother wasn't supposed to be home! What the hell! Gregory gave me the wrong information. I stood there paralyzed in shock. Two figures came running into the room. I opened my mouth in awe as I saw her. Beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair big (e/c) eyes and a cute worried expression. "Who the-" I didn't let her finish as I ran out of the room and as far away as possible.

I knew Gregory would kill me but I didn't care. The hard thumping in my chest made me want to unsee everything. The sweat beating down my head made me want to die. I swallowed the emotion but it was too much. I couldn't even see where I was going because my eyes were looking around so rapidly.

"Christophe!" I cringed as he slammed against me and we both fell to the floor.

"Sheet, that hurt Gregory you bastard." I groaned as his fat ass lay on my abdomen. 

I was still breathing hard as he stood up. "Thank god, you didn't kill ___." He sighed smiling. I rolled my eyes Gregory never had his priorities straight.

A sweet whisper made us both blush and jump in shock. We turned to face the (h/c) haired girl. She had tears streaming down her face. I dulled my eyes as Gregory brang her into a giant hug. . "GET OFF OF ME!" She yelled kicking him in the groan. I repressed a laugh as the blond leaned over cursing in a low mutter. "You got some missionary scum to... To kill me?" She sobbed. Gregory looked up mournful I scoffed. The moment was gone ruined. SCUM? Did this beetch call me scum. I gripped my shovel harder but I couldn't bring myself to hit a girl.

Soon came a laughter. I bit my lip as I saw the beautiful (e/c) eyes I had once loved turn into slits of hatred it was still pretty hot but I was angry I had to remind myself of that. "I mean you go to Yardale fair sweet Gregory. I mean what the hell. I know you want us gone but a boy! A boy to do a man's job?" She continued to laugh and in seconds she lay on top of Gregory. I found myself frowning dragging the shovel behind me as I walked away. "Seriously, the old Gregory was merciless but I guess you still like me huh asshole." She whispered kissing his lips. I rolled my eyes grabbing my shovel ready to hit the two idiots. I lifted it about to smash the two when the blond grabbed my shovel throwing it to the side.

"Christophe! Read a situation!" He growled. Holding the (h/c) haired girl in his arms.  "I I  love her." He whispered. Her (e/c) eyes dulled as she kissed him their tongues fighting which made me want to gag.

"I love him too." I flipped the two walked off as they continued to make out. The two were meant for each other. They were both crazy and manipulative bastards. Alone was for the better. I laughed as I heard the two begin to argue.

"Perfect match."

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