Sinful Thought(Damienxreader)

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Damien at the side anime style. Dedicated to HHH3Fan for requesting Damien. Song is Be somebody by one of my favorite bands. Thousand foot krutch.


I walked into the room bored. Pip and I were no longer friends. I had decided this year, I was going to make more friends and I didn't need Pip to hold me down. Besides a new school(entering High school) meant no one knew I was Satan's son. A smirk overwhelmed me. Mayhem, I wanted to destroy this world, but my careless human need for contact overwhelmed that.

I gladly zoned everything out. I already decided to flunk all my classes. I only paid attention in fourth period especially because we we were learning about war world 2 and the Holocaust. As usual the boys tortured me but I learned to phase them out, unlike poor Pip. I shook my head, no I couldn't think about the poor kid. Before I knew it the bell for lunch rang. I quickly ran, knowing I had to get my lunch before I could run into Pip. I scurried over, but quickly smashed into a wall of chest. I fell to the floor rubbing my head. Whoever was responsible was going to feel my wrath. I looked up with gritted teeth. A small smile surfaced. 

"Damien." Pip said softly, crossing his arms. I quickly took a step back. I frowned bigger now. Pip glared at me, but quickly smiled. I looked to his right, seeing that he was holding someone's hand. I scanned her up and down, a blush creeping up on me.

She wore a simple gray T-shirt and jeans. Her beautiful (h/c) hair dangling to her shoulders. I formed a small smile knowing it probably looked creepy.

"Pip, is this a friend of yours?" She asked facing Pip. My smile fell as Pip pouted speaking.

"I've told you about my friends." He said, looking away.

" Then I suppose he's no friend?"

"That's right, Damien doesn't need me holding him back. Shall we take our leave now?"  She grabbed his hand again and they slowly walked away. Pip looked back at me with a smirk then left. My smile fell.

The only reason I had cut him off was so I could make more friends. It was already two weeks in the school year and Pip had a girlfriend? I had no new friends! This was bull crap. I sighed as I jumped the fence sulking in the corner.

Reader P.O.V

It was nice meeting Pip here, but also somewhat irritating. He was at my side 24 seven.  The boy in black stared at me awkwardly. What could that mean? Why did I care, Pip hated him. Didn't he? He strongly implied it at least. I couldn't get my mind off it though. His eyes his hair even his smell. I blushed at the thought. I liked a boy, already? I sighed he probably didn't even know I existed I guess he stared at me because he thought I was a freak.

Damien P.O.V

I had managed to fall asleep. I was sure father was enraged. Instead of killing Pip I was sulking. I bit my lip. I knew what I had to do. I rose from the floor smirking. I waited at the gate in front of the school, class was over in a few minutes. I leaned against the wall clutching my necklace. Maybe father wasn't right about everything. I hated Pip, but that didn't mean I had to kill him. As much as I hated to admit it he was my only friend. I sighed, what was I gonna do. I loved her but so did Pip. Pip and ____'s figures made me break my thoughts. 

I ran over to them feeling tired. Was this really how love felt? My chest throbbed and my breathing increased. I bit my lip as Pip and ___ looked at each other then to me. I looked at her then to Pip. I couldn't take it anymore, my knees buckled and I fell to the floor. I clutched my necklace ripping it off. It didn't matter if it caused me so much pain. A tear fell from my cheek. I quickly wiped it facing towards ___.

"I can't take it anymore..." She gasped taking a step back. Tears streaming down my cheek faster. I couldn't control it anymore. I wasn't evil after all, right? I was just a small fearful boy who tried acting like a tough man. This was ridiculous. "I know she's your girlfriend and I know that, you and Pip are happy but-" My speech was interrupted by their laughter. Pip let go of her hand.

"My? Girlfriend?" Pip snickered. Way to rub it in. I looked up, frowning. "Damien, this is ___, my cousin." He blurted. My mouth was open in awe. 

"What?" I said dumbfounded and feeling stupid. Pip smiled at me, patting me on the shoulder and ___ blushed. I looked back at her wiping my tears. 

"Damien?" She whispered blushing again. I smirked, my confidence back. I nodded towards her. She stuck her hand out.

I got up taking her hand. I wiped my pants, smiling at her.

I coughed awkwardly as she waited for my words and Pip waited at the sidelines. Such a big deal. "___, will you go out with me?" I asked. She squealed which shocked even me. She tackled me. 

"Of course!" I sat back up chuckling a bit. She kissed me on the lips and now I was blushing. "Of course, I love you." She sighed. All I could do was nod, wasn't that implied?

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