Two year Gap(KylexreaderxKenny)

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Okay so I'll make an alternate ending coming next chapter. Kyle and Kenny at the side anime style. The song is When she was mine by Lawson.



It's been two years. It's been 730 days. 730 fucking days. It wasn't supposed to be this way. It wasn't supposed to end like this. I was supposed to be gone. Not Kenny. Not my crush since the second grade. I sighed rubbing my eyes. It was fifth period. I had fallen asleep again. I was having a nightmare about that fateful day.


I yelped as he tore the fabric off my shirt. His knife firmly in his hand. Seconds ago he pinned me to the floor. "Damn it..." I muttered. How the hell did I get myself in this situation? I hung out at school then went to go eat. Now on my way home I was jumped. He lay on me as I thrashed screaming to the top of my lungs. "Someone help me!" I plead. He smirked at me.

"Don't act like you don't enjoy it whore, a girl who dresses like you must want some of this." He whispered his breath warm of alcohol. I swallowed hard as his finger laced up my abdomen.

"Please..." I whispered. My hope now almost dead. I stopped thrashing tears streaming down my cheek. I had finally given up. Now all I wanted to do was stop breathing just give in to the darkness.

"Fucker!" The man yelled. He turned around getting up. Blood streaming down his arm starting from his shoulder blade. I looked up crossing my arms so not to show my bare chest. A black figure kicked my attacker to the floor.

"Evil overwhelms my town. Garbage like you made me join this field. Protect those who cannot protect themselves." With that the black figure continued to kick the man who once was on top of me. He clutched the knife. The man got up but instead fell on the figure. He then slid to the floor. When the man didn't get up he dropped the knife. He looked towards me.

I tried crawling away scared. He leered at me. I was about to scream when he motioned for my hand. "Can I take you home?" He whispered. I nodded as he put his arm and cloak around me. For once in my life I was safe.

"Thanks Kenny..." I whispered snuggling against his chest. He smirked at me.

"I draw too much damn attention to myself don't I?" He whispered. I nodded as we walked away. I smiled at him. We didn't get too far, only about one block. The walk was in pure silence.

"___, wait for me okay?" He whispered. I looked at him as he took off his cloak wrapping it around me. He smirked again. I smiled but it disappeared when he collapsed. My eyes widened as I wrapped my arms around him. The man, he didn't collapse, he stabbed Kenny then fell to the floor, he never intended to go down without him.

"Kenny! Kenny!" I hollered.

***End of Flashback***

I looked down at my blank paper. I was zoning out again. Thinking about nothing besides Kenny. He was gone and it was all my fault. A warm hand broke my gaze. I looked up with a smile. "Hi Kyle." He smiled wider.

"Hey, ___ So uh, we still on for later tonight?" He asked. I was about to question him when I remembered, Kyle was my boyfriend. About a year after Kenny died Kyle and I went out. Together we helped each other. Together we survived. Without one another we were nothing. I sighed getting out of my chair. I kissed Kyle on the forehead and left the room. No one gasped or questioned I was sure they knew why I was upset. Today was the day Kenny died about two years ago.

I walked along the streets. There wasn't much traffic so I wasn't going to get run over. Like I cared. I looked towards the sky as I continued to walk. I began to cross the street.

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