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cartman at the side anime style. I didn't draw it. Song is Changes by David Bowie. Dedicated to torahwashburn for requesting another Cartman.Thanks to smart1212 for basically making up the story line. Couldn't do it without y'a!


It was the first day of eighth grade all the students roamed around the hallways trying to find their friends. Kyle leaned against his locker talking to Stan. They hadn't spent as much time together because of Stan's newspaper route. He was getting cash but at what cost?

"I see, so Shelly's still beating you up?" Kyle asked smirking. Stan put a hand over his black eye. Then he too frowned.

"What do you expect! She's in eleventh grade! She's a black belt and has had over a decade of practice with beating me!" Stan hollered. Kyle crossed his arms. Stan smirked.

He pointed defensively at Kyle. "Just you watch! I'm gonna join football and by the end of the year I'll have Shelly running for the hills."Stan punched the air in excitement. Then he started to chuckle. Kyle was still unmoved.

"Stan, you've been joining football since you were in fourth grade. It hasn't changed anything." Kyle sighed thinking of it. Stan's hand fell flat.

He looked around feeling defeated. Something caught his attention. "Fine! Then I'll join wrestling too!" He screamed pointing to a nearby poster. Kyle smiled too.

"Wow Kenny, and I were thinking of the same thing. Maybe we can be a team." Kyle thought about it for a while. "The best if fat ass decides to join." They both said in unison. They began to laugh just thinking about it. Cartman spent the whole summer at fat camp. Like always they didn't think it would make a change.

Silence soon followed. Kyle and Stan both looked at each other. "Where is fat ass anyway?" Kyle asked. Just then Kyle was tackled.

"Who you calling fat ass Jew!" The boy screamed. Kyle winced in pain closing his eyes. They popped open when he realized who the boy was.

"Cartman." Kyle grinned pushing him off. Cartman stood up looking down on him. Kyle gasped. "you got..." Cartman punched him on the head.

"Skinny. Yeah, that's what fucking fat camp does." He shouted. His scream attracted unwanted attention. Heads turned towards them. Jaws dropped.

"Is that Cartman?" Craig shouted his arm around a new girl at South Park Jr. High. The girl forced his hand off her and a crowd of girls followed her lead.

"Hi Cartman, something about you looks different!" One shouted. All the girls said something the same along those lines. They began to hug him rubbing his chest giggling.

Reader P.O.V

I watched from afar burying my head in my locker whenever he looked my way. I didn't want him to see me like this, jealous, angry, irritated. Cartman had changed and I was sure not in a good way. I slammed the locker door storming off.

I buried my head into my textbook as the girls continued to gawk at Cartman. Even our teacher (who was female) gave him obvious compliments. This was annoying. Their opinions had always revolved around his appearance. No one mentioned how he had lost his charming old self getting here. Apparently appearances mattered more. I sighed as Cartman shot me a confusing look. I looked towards him more confused.

"What's wrong, ____?" He asked. I shrugged. "don't tell me you're on your period." He mouthed. I looked down. Maybe not all of Cartman had changed. I smiled at the hint of my old buddy, Cartman. I bit my lip smiling then flipping him off. I was only half upset now. He didn't question and went back to passing notes with Bebe, Heidi, and Red. I spent the rest of the period sulking into my math book.

After school was odd. The guys came up to me shoving a flyer in my face. I grit my teeth about to swear when I began to read the flyer. "Join the wrestling team?" I asked. I gave them a confused look.

"Yeah! We need one girl or we can't be our own team, come on, ___! We'll be unstoppable." Kyle urged. I looked down gripping the paper. I crumbled the paper looking up at the four. The flyer now a crumbled mess.

"Fuck off!" I hollered throwing the paper right in their faces storming off again. I couldn't deal with this. First the whole facade problem now they were trying to use me. I ran home. It wasn't too much farther from school.

I buried my head into my pillow letting my tears soak it. I hated this. Things weren't supposed to go this way. Eighth grade was supposed to be awesome. I was supposed to make more friends maybe even ask Cartman the question. I didn't like change and it was all I got. An hour passed before a soft knock at my door interrupted my tears. I looked up wiping my tears.

"Come in." I whispered in my hoarse voice. The door slowly opened. I was shocked to see Cartman there. He had a disappointed worrisome smile on his face.

"Why you being such a bitch?" He said bluntly falling onto my bed. I sighed covering my face with my blanket. Cartman grunted. He began to rub my arm. "you know I don't mean it, ___. Right?" He asked more sympathetic. I smiled slowly removing the blanket. His arm moved up to my hair where he stroked it. Tears began to flow again. "what's wrong?" He asked a little stubborn.

"I hate you." I whispered. His eyes widened. He quickly got up.

"Fine, dumb bitch I'm out of here!" He screamed grunting. The weird thing was though, he didn't leave. He stayed looking at me saddened. He sighed, looking away.

"I miss you, Cartman." I sighed. Cartman gave me another confused look. He laughed obnoxiously.

"What do you mean, I'm right here." He stopped laughing sitting down again. He stroked my (h/c) hair in between his fingers. I began to sob again.

"I bet you like all that attention, huh? All those damn whores." Cartman smirked. He looked to the ceiling blushing. He nodded.

"Damn, I could start liking school now." He smirked smiling. I punched him in the gut. He grunted calling me a bitch again.

"You know it's only because you changed, right?" I asked. His smile fell. He bit his lip I knew he was gonna cuss me out. Instead he buried his face into his hands.

"I know." He sighed almost in tears. "why the hell did I do this shit? Those whores don't even know me." He wanted to shout but he continued to whisper.

"I know you Cartman, this doesn't change anything." I smiled. He punched my bed in rage.

"Exactly! That's what pisses me off! Nothing changes. I did this all for-" He stopped his words, blushing not looking at me. I blushed sensing his next words.

"For me?" I asked. He looked at me red with embarrassment. He nodded. I smiled tackling him into a hug. "Cartman, I liked you before this shit, I thought you knew that." I whispered. He didn't say anything else kissing me on the lips.

"I love you ___." I crossed my arms and Cartman looked away. I shook my head grabbing him.

"I love you too, Cartman." I whispered kissing him on the lips. He blushed as we lay there. Maybe change wasn't so bad.

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