It Started with a Whisper(Tweekxreader)

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Dediacted to Creepy_RianneMID for requesting this tweekxreader. song is everybody talks by neon trees. 


I walked into school, waving to one of my only friends. Tweek usually waved and ranted about terrorists are rapists but today he ran when I waved. He ran with a mighty scream. "GAH!" He screamed. I gave him an odd look as Craig and Clyde laughed. 

I cringed my forehead as I stared at them. "What the hell was that?" I hissed. They started laughing harder not being able to answer. I rolled my eyes walking away. As I walked I could hear more snickers. Most of them were followed with whispers. I was confused until Wendy finally pulled me aside.

She had a huge smile plastered on her face. "___!" She shouted with glee. I rolled my eyes once again. What the heck was going on.?

"Wendy!" I screamed imitating her excitement. She kept her smile as she continued and I crossed my arms.

"Is it true that you have the biggest crush on Tweek?" She whispered squealing with excitement. I quickly facepalmed. This was the work of no other than Craig Tucker. "Because I heard from Kyle, that he might like you!" She said even more excited. Again I cringed my forehead walking away. "You two would make a cute couple! Just think about it!" She screamed as I walked away. They all had to be kidding. Tweek and I were friends since I was in pre-k. No way did I really like him. Maybe when I was younger, I had a little tiny, itsy bitsy crush... But now, now I didn't know what to think. I didn't think I liked him.

I tried looking for Tweek all day but I couldn't find him. When I went to the gym I swear I could hear a whine similar to his but I didn't see him. When I walked the halls I swear I could hear him cursing and saying, 'oh my god.' I finally gave up and waited outside the school.

The hours couldn't go any faster. I kept staring at nothing as I waited. I couldn't help but think of all the years Tweek and I spent together. Our parents had been friends since we were born. We'd spent the weekends together. I was an only child and Tweek was always keeping me company. Always sticking up for me, comforting me, and making me smile. When my cat died Tweek was there, and I was always there for him. I closed my eyes thinking of that goofy kid. A blush overwhelmed my face. I shook it off no, we were just friends.

Tweek P.O.V

I couldn't believe it... GAH! ___! __! Liked.... Me? Of all people she liked me... GAH! Too much pressure. I bit my lip as I walked out of class. I was thinking about what Craig told me all day. "___ has the most obvious thing for you dude!" His exact words. Yeah there was a time when I maybe.... Liked her but when I kissed her cheek she slapped me. I blushed at the thought, we were seven and I wasn't as twitchy as now. I shook my head as I opened the door outside of school. The coffee shop was shut down because of poor sanitation and ___ was comforting me, but I took it too far with that damn kiss.

I sighed looking at my twiddling thumbs. Did I still like __? Or was I just good at hiding my feelings or focusing too much on my nerves? It was too MUCH PRESSURE! I pulled at my hair trying to calm down. The realization hit me... I still liked ____. TOO MUCH PRESSURE! Now, I had to deal with all these stupid hormones, stupid high school it brought more... GAH! Pressure. 

"Tweek..." I jumped at the voice. I turned to face her. I backed away not wanting to get close to her. I couldn't look into her (e/c) eyes or her (h/c) that I used to pull when I was so litttle. 

"Y-yeah." I whispered. I tried to keep my eyes on the floor but her hand made me look up. "GAH! I'm sorry!" I screamed. She gave me an odd look.

"Tweek I'm sorry, but I don't like you. I don't mean to hurt your feelings..." She said standing from the stairs of our school. I quickly sighed a breath of relief. 

"GAH! Me either!" I screamed. She smiled.

"Good, it was just a rumor! Just a bunch of lies." She said in relief.

"LIES? GAH!" I screamed. She smiled at me with that beautiful smile. "You mean you don't l-like me!" I screamed. She smiled wider.

"Course not, we've known each other too long." She said her tone light and delicate. That's what I lik-loved about ___, she was always so calm. "besides I know someone like you wouldn't like me..." She whispered. "I'm just some teenager with stupid girlish dreams that a guy will just carry me off my feet." Her words made me blush hard. "no one likes the dull quiet girl." Her smile vanished into a frown.

I watched as she closed her eyes and a couple tears escaped. "GAH!" That made her sob a little louder.

"GAH! I didn't mean it! I didn't mean it! I..." I stopped, not knowing how to finish my sentence. She looked up at me wiping her tears. I swallowed hard trying to keep my hands from pulling my hair. I was gonna do this for once, no matter how bad my nerves were. "I do like you..." I whispered. Her mouth dropped.

I stepped forward closing the gap between us. My hands were folded together as I looked down. ___ was relieved that I didn't like her and now she was probably gonna defriend me. I kept my gaze on the floor. Her hand searched for mine and she stepped forward kissing me on the lips.

"I thought you said you didn't like me..." She whispered. I didn't back away liking the closeness. I blushed harder.

"People talk... I just didn't know how to... GAH! I didn't know how to tell you..." I whispered. She smiled pulling me into another kiss. "I never thought I'd lie but I had to... I was scared..." She pulled my hands towards her kissing them. I was shaking in my skin, still worried what she would say.

"Don't let the words get in the way Tweek, I love you." My hands stopped shaking as I said the same thing.

"I love you... Too..." 

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