O.S The Odd Kid(FirklexIke)

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Okay I did this for fun. I really like this ship because of fan art and I like opposites attract kind of thing... Okay so song is take my hand by the cab (I love that band XD) So I'm closing requests forever when I reach part 200 so youll have to wait till my next book which will take a while to get up.

The kids at school thought Firkle was weird, it was just common fact after a while. He was even "bullied" by some of the other kids. No one could really call it bullying because Firkle never really let it get to him they were just a bunch of conformists in his book. It was only when the jocks taunted him did he have to walk away from his steaming anger.

The goth couldn't believe that he was alone in this hell, high school. The other goths had graduated and moved on with their lives while Firkle being younger than them had to stay and "graduate." It made him shudder. He didn't want to think about what would happen after high school he didn't even want to know what would happen during high school, there was only one bright side to losing all his friends, and that was Ike. The football captain asshole. The conformist who flirted with endless girls every day and made fun of him when his friends were around but most importantly his boyfriend. The school didn't need to know that though. Firkle was an introvert who liked his space and didn't mind watching Ike make a fool out of himself and a couple of slutty conformists who thought Ike was in their grasps. Besides everyone thought he was weird for wearing make up and liking gothic things, he didn't talk to anyone.

"You know I fucking hate the gym." He muttered. He simply shrugged taking a good long look at Firkle for the first time today.

"You look pale, have you eaten?" Firkle rolled his eyes.

"I mean, what's wrong with the janitor's closet. I fucking hate the gym." Ike stepped forward kissing his lips.

"Janitor has a key now, don't want us to get interrupted and the gym is vacant this time of day. Come on don't be pouty." His arms wrapped around his waist and Firkle bit his lip.

"Don't call me pouty,conformist."

"Don't call me conformist, pouty."Ike softly pushed him against the closed bleachers and placed both hands on the bleachers encasing Firkle's head so he couldn't look away.

"It wouldn't kill you to smile a little, I mean we've only got thirty minutes." A sigh escaped Firkle's lips and he blushed trying to look away. His failed attempt made Ike smile. He quickly began to attack his lips. The kissing quickly escalated to a full on make out session and Ike placed his hands on the goth's lower back. He was caressing him gently and began to wander down when Firkle broke the kiss.

"Stop." Ike immediately did as told and stopped. Firkle's tone was serious and he took the hint but he still wanted him to know his feelings.

"We've been together for two years... Liked each other for more..." 

"Just... Don't..." Ike gave an exasperated sigh and nodded. The two went back to kissing for a while until Ike's phone began to ring from his duffel bag on the floor. Ike immediately let go of him and stepped back. "Practice." He smiled. Firkle hated that smile, it made him melt he couldn't shrug it off but still he felt like a play thing. He felt like Ike's stupid fling and he couldn't smile. Ike grabbed his bag then looked back to Firkle.

He placed two fingers on his chin making the goth look up. "Hey..." Firkle hated that he felt on the verge of tears, hated that Ike was staring into his soul. "I love you..."

"Sure..." With that Ike disappeared from the gym.

It was kind of a tradition for him to wish the captain of the football team good luck before the game. All the other guys who had girls had the same tradition especially since this was a big game. If the South Park cows won today they'd have a 10-0 score for the first time in South Park high's history. The girl's would wish the guys luck with kisses and teasing until they won then they'd get their actual prize. 

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