Smarty Pants(Kylexreader)

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So pic of Kyle at the side chibi and anime style and the song is Bully by Shinedown.


Being smart is hard. No matter how many people tell you it's fun or you're lucky they're always wrong. Well at least with my experience. Kids are brutal especially in elementary school. They find any little thing to torture you with. Whether it be your hair your clothes anything. It sucks! It really does. After years of torture dad has finally acknowledged that I'm suffering. I'm starting a new school in a new town but I'm nervous. I'm starting fourth grade in South Park Elementary. Dad was in the driver's seat and I was right next to him. I managed to doze off while driving. It helped keep my nerves from murdering me. I was probably asleep for five minutes before I was shaken awake by dad. "Come on, wake up we're here." He shouted. My eyes popped open as I yawned. I drowsily got out of the car waving goodbye to dad.

All their dead cold eyes stared at me as I walked in the classroom. "Don't worry the kids in this class are nice, m'kay." My tall, skinny, big-headed counselor instructed me.

I stared at the teacher as he stared at me. We did this for thirty seconds before he spoke. "Class. Today we have a new student. Introduce yourself and and tell us a litle about yourself."

"My name is____ and I don't like a lot of things... Apparently I'm really smart." I quickly said. I turned plush red when almost the whole class started laughing. I looked down for a moment but when I looked up there was a boy in a green hat flushed red with the goofiest smile. He gave a small wave as everyone else laughed. After that I was seated next to him. I couldn't stop blushing as he stared at me. I don't know how I survived class as the bell finally rang and I was free to go home.

I slowly walked out the door after everyone else had left. I didn't know why I was so reluctant to leave the school. I couldn't help but think of the boy's name who because of the fat kid I learned was Kyle. He was all that was on my mind. Apparently he was the smartest kid in class. He was also Jewish since the fat boy Cartman always mocked him for it. It didn't bother me though, it was just a religion. I slowly walked down the steps as a hand tapped my shoulder. I swung around to see Kyle. "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out with the guys and I." I smiled turning red and nodded my head about a thousand times with excitement. He grinned and handed me a slip of paper with his address on it. He walked away and my eyes widened as I realized we lived right next door to each other. I skipped all the way home knowing my life was going in the right direction.

I let myself in not being able to keep my excitement in. The door creaked open and I basically jumped through the door. The chattering seized as everyone stared at me. Kyle wasn't in the room just his buddies: Cartman, Stan, and Kenny. I sighed looking around the room. This wasn't Kyle's house, no there were too many portraits of Cartman. "This is Cartman's house." I gasped as they still stared at me.

"Bitch what are you doing here?" Cartman hissed. I shook my head getting out of my state of shock but still couldn't say anything. "I thought I said no girls allowed in my house especially if they're skanky hoes." He barked.

I looked down not really knowing what to say. "Well... I..." I stuttered. My face was turning red now. I bit my lip as Cartman continued to curse at me. Once he was about to get in my face a familiar face appeared in the room. It was Kyle.

"Shut up fat ass, I invited her, besides who gives you the right to call anyone a hoe when you were raised by one." Kyle hissed in Cartman's face. Cartman was about to protest when Kyle smacked him twice in the face. Cartman whined and went up to his room crying. I stared at Kyle for a while not knowing what to say. He rubbed the back of his head when he realized I was staring. "Sorry about Cartman, he's kind of..." He said thinking of an appropriate word.

"An asshole?" I asked diligently. He smiled nodding.

"we were just gonna play some video games you wanna play?" He asked softly. I nodded taking a seat in front of Cartman's Xbox.

I couldn't really say I was losing, no it was impossible. I was third place behind Stan and Kyle. I couldn't believe how well they were at Call of Duty it surprised me. I didn't notice the time passing by. Before I knew it, it was dark and the stars were out.

It was probably our seventh game when I noticed it. "I got to go." I said pausing the game. Kyle got up whispering in my ear.

"Can I walk you home?" He asked. I nodded trying not to seem so excited. He grabbed my hand leading me out the door. We stopped on the steps. "Aren't the stars beautiful?" He asked looking up. I smiled.

"Yeah..." I gawked looking at Kyle instead of the stars.

"A lot like you." He said gripping my hand softly. I blushed as he pulled my face close to his chest in an embracing hug. "I love you___." He whispered kissing me on the head. I pulled away confused.

"Really?" I asked. He smiled pulling me into a warm kiss. "Does that answer your question?" He asked. I nodded red with embarrassment.

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